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41. Tourette Syndrome Association Chapter - Minnesota A resource for families throughout the state, focusing on TS awareness and support systems. http://www.tsa-mn.org/ |
42. What Is Tourette Syndrome What is TS Definition, description of symptoms (tics), and historical background; Diagnosis and Treatment (Introduction) Definitions and Classification of Tic Disorders http://www.tsa-usa.org/Medical/whatists_cov.html |
43. Tourette Syndrome Association Chapter - Rocky Mountain Region Schedule and contacts for area support groups, basic TS information, publications, legislation updates, newsletter, resources, events, and membership information. http://www.tsarmr.com/ |
44. Tourette Syndrome - MayoClinic.com Tourette syndrome — Comprehensive overview covers symptoms, causes, treatment, and coping with this neurological condition. http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/tourette-syndrome/DS00541 |
45. Tourette Syndrome Association Chapter - Maine/New Hampshire Chapter information, support group, events, general TS materials and resources. http://tsa-maine.org/ |
46. Tourette-Syndrom-Homepage Umfangreiche Informationen von Hermann Kr mer zum Tourette-Syndrom, zum Leben mit der Erkrankung sowie zu dem Arzt, nach dem die Erkrankung benannt wurde. http://www.tourette-syndrom.de/ |
47. Tourette-Syndrome.com Message Center - Message Board TouretteSyndrome.com Message Center This discussion board is open to anyone suffering from or interested in the neurological disorder, Tourette Syndrome. Used as a message or http://tourettesyndrome.yuku.com/ |
48. Tic And Twitch A different look at Tourette Syndrome Plus. Stories for children, family, friends and helpers. http://www.freewebs.com/tic_and_twitch/ |
49. Tourette Syndrome - One Day At A Time Basic information about Tourette Syndrome, myths, educational tips, diagnostic guidelines, and one family s personal story of how they take it One Day at a Time. http://www.angelfire.com/ok/onedayatatime/ |
50. EEG Biofeedback Training For Tourette Syndrome Disorder Brief provided by EEG Spectrum. Clinical observations on the effectiveness of EEG biofeedback training as an adjunct modality for remediating the symptoms of Tourette syndrome. http://www.eegspectrum.com/Applications/Tourette/ |
51. Tourette Syndrome In Children - Keep Kids Healthy Tourette Syndrome, its most common symptoms and treatment for children with multiple motor and vocal tics. http://www.keepkidshealthy.com/welcome/conditions/tourettes.html |
52. Tourette Syndrome Camp Organization Located near Chicago, this non-therapeutic program integrates children with Tourette Syndrome into a traditional camp with able-bodied children. The TS campers are also given separate sessions to share experiences and coping mechanisms with other TS campers and staff. http://www.tourettecamp.com/ |
53. Tourette Syndrome Article describes Tourette syndrome, its symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment. http://rarediseases.about.com/od/rarediseasest/a/tourette.htm |
54. New Jersey Center For Tourette Syndrome Information for families and professionals regarding TS. Provides services and resources for those in New Jersey with Tourette Syndrome. http://www.njcts.org/ |
55. Tourette Syndrome The Tourette Syndrome Association helps Tourette sufferers by educating the public and physicians about the organic basis of and available treatments for this neurological disorder http://www.essortment.com/all/tourettesyndrom_rnkl.htm |
56. Tourette Syndrome 101 Provides personal views and experiences with Tourette Syndrome, types of tics, and lesser known symptoms. Attempts to explain the genetics and chemistry of TS in layman s terms, and refutes prior medical research into its cause and probability. http://www.tourette101.com/ |
57. Tourette Syndrome Symptoms - MayoClinic.com Tourette syndrome — Comprehensive overview covers symptoms, causes, treatment, and coping with this neurological condition. http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/tourette-syndrome/DS00541/DSECTION=symptoms |
58. Tourette Syndrom Homepage Deutschland Informationen f r Laien und Mediziner zum Gilles de la Tourette-Syndrom. http://www.tourette.de/ |
59. InteressenVerband Tic Tourette Syndrom E.V. Der Verein stellt sich vor, informiert ber die Mitgliedschaft und bietet Informationen sowie Hilfe f r Menschen mit Tics oder mit dem Tourette-Syndrom. http://www.iv-ts.de/ |
60. Tourette Syndrome Articles, Tourette Syndrome Stories Guidance for tourette syndrome. Articles on tourette syndrome. Talk to people with tourette sndrome. News on tourette syndrome http://www.tourettesyndrome.eu/ |
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