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Diophantine Equation: more books (88) | |||
121. Solution - New Mexico Supercomputing Challenge Mini-Challenge File Format PDF/Adobe Acrobat Quick View http://www.challenge.nm.org/archive/09-10/ProjectEuler.net_139_Solution Explanat |
122. Sci.math: Diophantine Equation This is an exercise in a textbook Use Gaussian integers to solve the Diophantine equation http://sci.tech-archive.net/Archive/sci.math/2004-12/9837.html | |
123. Stupid High School Math Problem. : Math Aug 30, 2010 This is what s called a Diophantine equation. You can find information on solving Diophantine equations in most elementary number theory http://en.reddit.com/r/math/comments/d7eo9/stupid_high_school_math_problem/ |
124. Fermat's Last Theorem Is Solved An attempted elementary proof of Fermat s Last Theorem by James Constant, rejecting that of Wiles. http://www.coolissues.com/mathematics/Fermat/fermat.htm | |
125. Papers On The 3x + 1 / 3n + 1 Problem, Fermat's Last Theorem, And Other Mathemat Provides papers on several mathematical subjects, including Fermat s Last Theorem and the 3x + 1 Problem. One paper offers reasons why we might be close to a solution of the latter problem. http://www.occampress.com | |
126. Beal An elementary proof of Beal s Conjecture given the proof of Fermat s Last Theorem. http://beal.yolasite.com/ | |
127. Artigos E Tpicos Pgina 1 TEORIA DO ERRO TEORIA DOS JOGOS TEORIA Translate this page File Format PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View http://www.inf.ufpr.br/cjp07/aprender.pdf |
128. Finiteness Results For Diophantine Equations Involving Polynomial Families Thomas Stoll, TU Graz, 2003. Text (PS). http://www.dmg.tuwien.ac.at/stoll/thesis.html |
129. Algorithmic Solution Of Diophantine Equations Thomas Stoll, TU Graz, 2001. Abstract, text (PS). http://www.dmg.tuwien.ac.at/stoll/diplthesis.html |
130. Abderrahmane Nitaj Universit de Caen. Diophantine equations, the ABC conjecture, polynomials, elliptic curves, Szpiro s conjecture. http://www.math.unicaen.fr/~nitaj/ | |
131. TRABAJO Una Simulacin Simplificada De La Criptografa Translate this page File Format PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View http://www.uam.es/departamentos/ciencias/matematicas/premioUAM/premiados3/simula |
132. Volker Ziegler TU Graz. Diophantine equations, especially Thue equations. Publications. http://finanz.math.tu-graz.ac.at/~ziegler/ | |
133. Home - Szabolcs Tengely University of Debrecen. Effective methods for Diophantine equations. Publications, thesis, software. http://www.math.klte.hu/~tengely/ | |
134. Index University of Crete. Explicit solution of diophantine equations. Publications. http://www.math.uoc.gr/~tzanakis/ | |
135. Wakabayashi, Isao Seikei University, Tokyo. Diophantine equations and transcendence problems for values of analytic functions. http://www.ge.seikei.ac.jp/wakaba/ |
136. Dr Francis Coghlan Homepage, Department Of Mathematics, Univ. Of Manchester, UK University of Manchester. Diophantine equations, elliptic curves. http://www.maths.manchester.ac.uk/DeptWeb/Homepages/fbc/ | |
137. Shorey, T. N. Tata Institute for Fundamental Research. Transcendence, Diophantine equations. Publications. http://www.math.tifr.res.in/~shorey/ |
138. Welcome To Lszl Szalay's Home Page University of West Hungary. Diophantine equations. http://titanic.nyme.hu/~laszalay/ | |
139. Fermat Corner Fermat s Last Theorem by Simon Singh. Discusses the early and recent history of people trying to solve this perplexing problem, including Andrew Wiles final success. Includes information about poems, limericks, the off-Broadway show and a quiz. http://www.simonsingh.net/Fermat_Corner.html | |
140. Cache:6FRYRufjibUJ:education.uncc.edu/cmste/summer/2005 Applications In Stat/Fer A brief biography of Fermat, details of his contributions to mathematics and information on his theory and the attempts to find a proof. |
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