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41. Fuzzy Math A remote tribe that lacks a counting system suggests limitations on inborn representations of number. http://www.apa.org/monitor/feb05/fuzzy.html |
42. Why Fuzzy Math Makes Sense In Politics - ABC News What s wrong with fuzzy numbers? It is my opinion that, in politics or economics , there are no other kinds of numbers. Polls explicitly acknowledge some of http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/WhosCounting/story?id=97487&page=1 |
43. Fuzzy Math | Define Fuzzy Math At Dictionary.com Main Entry fuzzy math Part of Speech n Definition an approach to teaching mathematics without emphasis on rote learning and memorization but more on conceptual http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/fuzzy math |
44. FoxNews.com - Fuzzy Math Tax Cut Doesn T Add Up For Some Fuzzy Math Tax Cut Doesn t Add Up for Some. Published May 20, 2010. Associated Press. Print; Email; Share; Comments; Recommend http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2010/05/20/fuzzy-math-tax-cut-doesnt-add/ |
45. Fuzzy Math@Everything2.com Not to be confused with fuzzy logic, which actually exists. According to George W. Bush in the first debate between the 2000 Presidential candidates, this is what Al Gore used http://www.everything2.com/title/fuzzy math | |
46. Car Talk RAY This is from my fuzzy math series. It was sent in by Dave Atkins. On a recent Saturday afternoon, I saw a boy and his mother at the neighborhood diner http://www.cartalk.com/content/puzzler/transcripts/200844/index.html |
47. Even With Fuzzy Math, IPad Wins Another E-Book Hand Against Kindle | BNET Jun 8, 2010 Apple s iPad scores another victory over Amazon s Kindle for sales volume, functionality and sheer potential. http://www.bnet.com/blog/publishing-style/even-with-fuzzy-math-ipad-wins-another |
48. Fuzzy Math By Erica C. Barnett - News - City - The Stranger, Seattle's Only News Fuzzy Math Estimates Used to Justify Alaskan Way Tunnel Inflated - The Stranger covers Seattle and National News and Politics with a voice you can't find anywhere else. http://www.thestranger.com/seattle/Content?oid=106281 |
49. Fuzzy Math Puts Facebook Ahead Of Google As Most Visited Site Mar 16, 2010 I really thought this chart from Hitwise (via TechCrunch) was going to be a bigger deal than it actually is. http://www.marketingpilgrim.com/2010/03/fuzzy-math-puts-facebook-ahead-of-google |
50. KPMG's Fuzzy Math On Atlantic Yards | The New York Observer Sep 30, 2010 On Tuesday, Atlantic Yards developer Bruce Ratner surprised reporters with his candor, acknowledging that the timetable for the project, http://www.observer.com/2010/real-estate/norman-oder-piece |
51. Bush Vs. Gore - Debate Aftermath - 'Fuzzy Math' - Letter - NYTimes.com To the Editor As a mathematician, I was interested when, in the debate, George W. Bush described Al Gore's economic figures as ''fuzzy math'' (front page, Oct. 4). But I was http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9F01E2DF143CF935A35753C1A9669C8B6 |
52. Fuzzy Math | Audio Files Lyrics and MP3 for Fuzzy Math. Fuzzy math It's fuzzy math It's fuzzy math I'm practicing fuzzy math. For a long time we needed to fudge the numbers http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/audio/fuzzymath | |
53. Fuzzy Math Articles/Archives Style Weekly Aug 31, 2010 MORNING DEW STILL clings to the front lawn grass at Manchester High School while the percussion section of the school marching band struts http://styleweekly.com/ME2/dirmod.asp?sid=&nm=&type=Publishing&mod=P |
54. Fuzzy Math | Listen To Fuzzy Math Free Online | AnimationArcade.com Fuzzy Math is a music video, the song was created from a database of 15,000 audio samples of George W Bush http://www.animationarcade.com/music/fuzzymath.html | |
55. Fox News' Fuzzy Math Claims 120% Of Americans Have An Opinion On 'Climategate' Dec 9, 2009 UPDATE The executive producer of Fox Friends told POLITICO that she sees no error in the graphic. Producer Lauren Petterson http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/12/08/fox-news-fuzzy-math-claim_n_384308.html |
56. Fuzzy Math George W Bush raps the straight truth What Birthers Believe A 100% accurate look into the mind of Orly Taitz and her followers. http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/196792 |
57. Fuzzy Math | The Weekly Standard Fuzzy Math According to an MIT study, cap and trade could cost the average household more than $3,900 per year. http://www.weeklystandard.com/Content/Public/Articles/000/000/016/412cwueq.asp?p |
58. Fuzzy Math: O'Reilly Says Higher Canadian Life Expectancy Is "to Be Expected" Be Jul 27, 2009 From the July 27 edition of Fox News The O Reilly Factor http://mediamatters.org/mmtv/200907270052 |
59. Fuzzy Math | Facebook Welcome to a Facebook Page about Fuzzy Math. Join Facebook to start connecting with Fuzzy Math. http://www.facebook.com/pages/Fuzzy-Math/131851116851330 | |
60. The Fuzzy Math Of Eco-Accolades Plaudits for lower emissions don t mean they ve been cut. http://www.businessweek.com/magazine/content/07_44/b4056003.htm |
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