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61. Fuzzy Math And The Real Cost Of Real ID | American Civil Liberties Union Department of Homeland Security Radically Understates Cost to Taxpayers. A persistent criticism of the Real ID Act since its enactment in 2005 has been the charge that the law is a http://www.aclu.org/cpredirect/33690 | |
62. Reflections Of A Newsosaur: Fuzzy Math Mar 28, 2007 Fuzzy math. With so many members of the American Society of Newspaper Editors having majored in journalism, it is understandable that they http://newsosaur.blogspot.com/2007/03/fuzzy-math.html | |
63. ‘Fuzzy Math’ Does Not Add Up Gazette.net Maryland Community Newspapers Online As a former math teacher in Frederick County Public Schools, I have a strong interest in the recent discussion of the problems http://www.gazette.net/stories/101107/fredlet52519_32360.shtml |
64. Fuzzy Math: Palm Pre To Run About $470 Full Retail? -- Engadget May 13, 2009 Sprint is kicking off an exciting little contest that ll ultimately award two lucky winners with their very own Pres, Touchstones, http://www.engadget.com/2009/05/13/fuzzy-math-palm-pre-to-run-about-470-full-ret |
65. Coal And Climate Change: The Industry’s Fuzzy Math « Coal Tattoo Dec 30, 2009 Blogs @ The Charleston Gazette Coal and climate change The industry s fuzzy math blogs.wvgazette.com view page cached Do all of http://blogs.wvgazette.com/coaltattoo/2009/12/30/coal-and-climate-change-the-ind |
66. Fuzzy Math, Part 1, The Theory « Synaptic If you are interested in a very flexible rulebased system and want it to be easily integrated with for instance adaptive systems, then fuzzy logic provides a good solution. http://blog.peltarion.com/2006/10/25/fuzzy-math-part-1-the-theory/ | |
67. ThinkProgress » Fox’s Fuzzy Math: 193 Percent Of The Public Support Palin, Hu Nov 23, 2009 Fox s Fuzzy Math 193 Percent Of The Public Support Palin, Huckabee, And Romney. Reporting on the latest Fox News/Opinion Dynamics poll last http://thinkprogress.org/2009/11/23/fox-pie-chart/ | |
68. Fuzzy Math And Public Pension Hysteria - Los Angeles Times Apr 12, 2010 David Crane is an unserious man with a serious purpose attacking public employees and public employee pensions, as he did in his April 6 http://articles.latimes.com/2010/apr/12/opinion/la-oew-rose12-2010apr12 |
69. Fuzzy Math - By William Saletan - Slate Magazine Nov 15, 2000 Have the votes for president been properly counted in Florida? On the surface, that's a question of simple math. But beneath the number crunching, Republicans and http://www.slate.com/id/93627/ |
70. Twisted Logic And Fuzzy Math | The White House Twisted Logic and Fuzzy Math. Posted by Dan Pfeiffer on January 15, 2010 at 03 00 PM EDT. This morning we woke up to a confusing contradiction. http://www.whitehouse.gov/blog/2010/01/15/twisted-logic-and-fuzzy-math | |
71. Fuzzy Math - Dubya Tells The Truth This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License. Fuzzy Math is a flash animation by The Bots. It's the real voice of Dubya rapping the straight truth, something you won http://www.thebots.net/FuzzyMathVideo.htm | |
72. ObamaCare’s Fuzzy Math: High Risk Pools Will Cost 8 Times What Is Budgeted - S May 12, 2010 One feature of the health overhaul that the President is touting as an immediate benefit is the expansion of socalled high risk pools for http://blogs.forbes.com/sciencebiz/2010/05/12/obamacares-fuzzy-math-high-risk-po |
73. Articles About Fuzzy Math - Baltimore Sun Fuzzy Math News. Find breaking news, commentary, and archival information about Fuzzy Math from the Baltimore Sun http://articles.baltimoresun.com/keyword/fuzzy-math |
74. Side Effects: Fuzzy Math Won’t Bend The Health Care Cost Curve | The Foundry: Sep 16, 2010 The Foundry promotes conservative policies and principles by offering the best in public policy research with the day s current events. http://blog.heritage.org/2010/09/16/side-effects-fuzzy-math-won’t-bend-the-hea |
75. Fuzzy Math On Carbon Footprints - USATODAY.com Jan 30, 2008 Admit it. At one time or another, you ve been guilty of taking an unnecessary trip that wasted energy, generated pollution, http://www.usatoday.com/travel/columnist/mcgee/2008-01-30-fuzzy-math_N.htm |
76. FairVote.org | Fuzzy Math 436 minielections for president are worse than one. A FairVote Innovative Analysis. Fact in the Spotlight In 2000, Al Gore won the popular vote by a small margin, but lost http://www.fairvote.org/fuzzy-math | |
77. McChrystal's Fuzzy Math - The Daily Beast Nov 8, 2009 Amid reports that President Obama has settled on 30000 troops for his Afghan surge, Leslie H. Gelb crunches. http://www.thedailybeast.com/blogs-and-stories/2009-11-08/mcchrystals-fuzzy-math |
78. YouTube - Fuzzy Math A bush parody by The Bots (www.thebots.net) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zDgAyAcjUZ4 |
79. Fuzzy Math And Stock Options (washingtonpost.com) Fuzzy Math And Stock Options. By Warren Buffett Tuesday, July 6, 2004; Page A19. Until now the record for mathematical lunacy by a legislative body has been http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A29807-2004Jul5.html |
80. Fuzzy Math On Teacher Retirements May 19, 2010 Michael Mulgrew, head of the United Federation of Teachers in New York City, suggests the city can ease its budget crisis by offering early http://www.quickanded.com/2010/05/fuzzy-math-on-teacher-retirements.html | |
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