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81. A Very, Very Magic Square A 25x25 magic square with 25 sub-squares and other properties. Maple program and PostScript files available for download. http://www.math.lsa.umich.edu/~hderksen/magic.html | |
82. Nrich.maths.org :: Mathematics Enrichment :: Magic Squares For the simple 3x3, that is order 3 magic square, trial and improvement quickly Sequentially place the numbers 1 to n 2 of the n x n magic square in the http://nrich.maths.org/1337 | |
83. Magic Square — Infoplease.com Encyclopedia magic square. magic square, a square divided into parts with letters or numbers inscribed therein that, whether combined vertically, horizontally, or diagonally, form the http://www.infoplease.com/ce6/society/A0831139.html |
84. Finding Magic Squares Using CCM The Chemical Casting Model (CCM) generation method is demonstrated with a Java Applet. Source code and description of algorithm included. (English/Japanese) JRE required for Applet only. http://www.kanadas.com/ccm/magic-square/index.html | |
85. Magic Squares ROCK! Explores the physical aspects of magic squares. A mass model demonstrates unique properties associated with the moment of inertia for the square. The topographical model looks at water retention patterns in the square. http://www.knechtmagicsquare.paulscomputing.com/ |
86. Magic Square Definition By Babylon's Free Dictionary Definition of Magic square square divided into smaller numbered squares so that that every row and column adds up to the same total http://dictionary.babylon.com/magic square/ |
87. Magic Square Java Applet A documented Java applet that generates Magic Squares using a given starting number, increment, and starting location. Row, column and diagonal sums are displayed on request. Odd orders up to 7 are accepted. JRE required http://www.open.ou.nl//eyn/applets/magicsq.htm |
88. The Anti-Magic Square Project Starting from the definition of an Anti-Magic Square (AMS), the article presents the structure and construction methods of the AMS. Programs written in the c-language are available for download. http://ion.uwinnipeg.ca/~vlinek/jcormie/ | |
89. Muse: Magic Squares, Science News For Kids: MatheMUSEments of Durer s square and an alphamagic square....... http://www.sciencenewsforkids.org/pages/puzzlezone/muse/muse1103.asp | |
90. Mutsumi Suzuki: Magic Stars Introduction to Magic Stars. Construction, analysis and transformations. http://mathforum.org/alejandre/magic.star/ | |
91. Making Magic Squares -- Math Fun Facts A magic square is an NxN matrix in which every row, column, and diagonal add up to the same number. Ever wonder how to construct a magic square? http://www.math.hmc.edu/funfacts/ffiles/10001.4-8.shtml | |
92. Magic Cubes And Tesseracts Examples, original works, algorithms, and theorems on magic cubes, tesseracts, and hypercubes. (English/Japanese) http://homepage2.nifty.com/googol/magcube/en/ |
93. The Magic Square E 6 Up Exceptional Lie Algebras Previous F 4 4.3 The Magic Square Around 1956, Boris Rosenfeld had the remarkable idea that just as is the isometry group of the projective http://math.ucr.edu/home/baez/octonions/node16.html | |
94. The Math Behind The Siamese Method Of Generating Magic Squares The Siamese method generates odd squares of any order above one. Explains the mathematics behind the scenes. http://www.xs4all.nl/~thospel/siamese.html | |
95. Magic Square Arrange the numbers 1 through 9 in a 3 by 3 array a Magic Square such that the sum of any row, column, or the two diagonals is the same. Is your solution unique? http://jwilson.coe.uga.edu/emt725/BotCan/Magic.html | |
96. Magic Cubes The site presents a program for finding all possible order 3 cubes, executable and source included. http://www.delphiforfun.org/Programs/Source_Listings/MagicCubeSource.html |
97. Magic Square - Definition Of Magic Square By The Free Online Dictionary, Thesaur The kids not just quickly explain the meaning after the song but also present a Magic Square equation in the blink of an eye. http://www.thefreedictionary.com/magic square |
98. The Zen Of Magic Squares, Circles, And Stars: Features reviews, information and index of Clifford A. Pickover s book. Publication focuses on historical and cultural attitudes towards the significance of the squares. http://sprott.physics.wisc.edu/pickover/zenad.html | |
99. Grogono Magic Squares Home Page This is particularly true when the Magic Carpet approach is used to analyze or construct a magic square, e.g., to construct an order four magic square, four magic carpets would be http://www.grogono.com/magic/index.php | |
100. Redirect Presents the Magic Carpet approach by Grog . Downloads available for analyzers and creators in Excel format. http://www.grogono.com/Magic/ | |
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