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61. Fun Mathematics Lessons By Cynthia Lanius Mathematics lessons for elementary, middle, and high school including geometry, fractions, and algebra. http://math.rice.edu/~lanius/Lessons/ | |
62. Algebra Help, Geometry Help, Math Help, Precalculus Help, Calculus Help, Statist Provides on-line and phone based tutoring math help for students of all ages in subjects from elementary math to graduate level math. Topics include the SAT, GRE, GMAT, professional exams, and applied business coursework. http://interactivemathtutor.com/ | |
63. 3-6 Student Interactives - Math - UEN 36 Interactives - Fun, educational, online games geared towards third through sixth grade students. http://www.uen.org/3-6interactives/math.shtml |
64. Interactive Math - EHow.com Learn about Interactive Math on eHow.com. Find info and videos including Interactive Learning for Math, Interactive Math Exercises, Interactive Math Games and much more. http://www.ehow.com/interactive-math/ | |
65. The Math Projects Journal A bimonthly publication offering tips and lesson plans for interactive math projects, discussions on relevant topics, and contributions from around the world. A free issue is available, and subscriptions are available in electronic or hardcopy format. http://www.mathprojects.com/ | |
66. Interactive Math Skill Builders For Fifth Grade At I4C Math Practice for 5th Grade including math topics such as data analysis, fractions, time, money, decimals, geometry, measurement http://www.internet4classrooms.com/skills-5th-mathbuilders.htm |
67. Cool Math .com - An Amusement Park Of Math And More! Math Lessons, Math Games, M Coolmath has a ton of cool math games and puzzles, lots of really clear math lessons (arithmetic, fractions, decimals, algebra, etc.), fractals, geometry, tessellations and more. http://www.coolmath.com/ | |
68. California Math Show Home Page A portable, interactive math exhibit based on the idea of symmetry. Currently plans are being made to take the show to shopping malls, and to mount a replica of the show as a permanent exhibit at the future Riverside Youth Museum. http://www.geom.uiuc.edu/~addingto/mathshow.html | |
69. Maths More - Page 1 A large selection of interactive maths games to help teachers and students improve their experience in mathematics. http://teachingtreasures.com.au/maths/Maths_more.html | |
70. Johnnie S Math Page - Fun Math For Kids And Their Teachers Math for kids and their teachers. Interactive math lessons, activities, math games, and free math worksheets for kindergarten through middle school http://jmathpage.com/ |
71. Math, CyberKids And The Internet Additional interactive websites can be found as links on the Global Classroom website Interactive Math sites. Back http://www.globalclassroom.org/authors/florida/math/interactive.html | |
72. First (1st) Grade Skills And Grade Level Help At Internet 4 Classrooms First Grade Skill Builders Interactive Sites. (K), (2nd). Interactive Language Arts Interactive Mathematics Skill Builders for 1st Graders http://www.internet4classrooms.com/skills_1st.htm |
73. Illuminations Activities NEW! Create custom activity sheets for your classroom. Add nets, graphs, tessellations …and more! http://illuminations.nctm.org/ActivitySearch.aspx |
74. Interactive Web Sample Items I nteractive Web Sample Items http://cuacs8.mck.ncsu.edu/mathsampleitems/main.html | |
75. Interactive Math Activities, Demonstrations, Lessons With Definitions And Exampl Mathwarehouse.coma website dedicated to Math lessons, demonstrations, interactive activities and online quizzes on all areas of geometry, algebra and http://www.mathwarehouse.com/ |
76. IXL Math Math practice tool for educators and families that adapts to a student's individual level of proficiency and includes achievement awards and progress reports. Various membership http://www.ixl.com/ |
77. Woodlands Maths Zone - Fun Interactive Maths Games Free interactive Maths games and puzzles. A fun way to learn addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, geometry. Learning without knowing it! http://woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/maths/index.html | |
78. Interactive Math Programs Jun 26, 2000 Interactive Math Programs. These programs are designed to be used with Multivariable Mathematics by R.E. Williamson and H.F. Trotter, http://www.dartmouth.edu/~rewn/ | |
79. Online Math Learning Interactive Area - Home Online Math Learning Interactive Area. Welcome to the Interactive Zone � the auxiliary site to our contentrich OnlineMathLearning.com! http://interactive.onlinemathlearning.com/ | |
80. Mathematical Interactivities - Games, Puzzles And Other Interactive Multimedia R Over 50 interactive multimedia resources mostly online games written in Flash - to A more polished and extended version will appear on the Math Games http://mathematics.hellam.net/ | |
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