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         Math Advice:     more books (100)
  1. So You Have to Teach Math? Sound Advice for K-6 Teachers by Robyn Silbey, Marilyn Burns, 2000-09-01
  2. So You Have to Teach Math? Sound Advice for Grades 6-8 Teachers by Cheryl Rectanus, 2006-08-31
  3. Math for Moms and Dads: A dictionary of terms and concepts...just for parents by Kaplan, 2008-10-07
  4. Spark Your Child's Success in Math and Science:Practical Advice for Parents by Jacqueline Barber, Nicole Parizeau, et all 2002-07
  5. As the brain develops math. Practical advice to the teacher. Souza D. / Kak mozg osvaivaet matematiku. Prakticheskie sovety uchitelyu. Souza D. by Souza D, 2010
  6. Spark Your Child`s Success in Math & Science Practical Advice for Parents from One of the Nation`s Leading Math & Science Education Centers by Grms Projrct, 2002
  7. Spark Your Childs Success in Math and Science: Practical Advice for Parents
  8. Teaching Math to People With Down Syndrome and Other Hands-On Learners: Basic Survival Skills (Topics in Down Syndrome) Book 1 (Bk.1) by DeAnna Horstmeier, 2004-07
  9. Career Ideas for Kids Who Like Math by Diane Lindsey Reeves, 2000-04
  10. Teach Your Child Math : Making Math Fun for the Both of You by Arthur Benjamin, Michael Brant Shermer, 1999-08-01
  11. Career Ideas for Kids Who Like Math and Money by Diane Lindsey Reeves, Lindsey Clasen, 2007-05-30
  12. Great Jobs for Math Majors, Second ed. (Great Jobs For Series) by Stephen Lambert, Ruth DeCotis, 2005-09-21
  13. Math Power: How To Help Your Child Love Math, Even If You Don't by Patricia C. Kenschaft, 1997-11-24
  14. Bringing Math Home: A Parent's Guide to Elementary School Math: Games, Activities, Projects by Suzanne L. Churchman, 2006-05-31

1. - Math_Help_Desk: Math Advice
Math Advice So You Have to Teach Math? Sound Advice for K6 Teachers Sound Advice for K-6 Teachers by Marilyn Burns, Robyn Silbey, November, 2000

2. Simple Math Advice On Remembering Birthdays And Making Shopping Lists - TheMathM
Simple Math Advice on Remembering Birthdays and Making Shopping Lists. Rate 0 Flag. Email. Click Submit Abuse if you feel this post is
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It has been my drug, my meditation, my weapon and my best friend. It fed and dressed me, led to travel, men, lavish parties and even Cuban cigars. It has placed my name on a movie screen, put my work in museums and allowed me to manipulate things deep inside the human brain. It is called Math.
  • July 15, 2009 12:37PM
TheMathMom's Links
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The Math Mom. Life is a puzzle. Solve it with numbers.
FEBRUARY 12, 2010 6:15AM
Simple Math Advice on Remembering Birthdays and Making Shopping Lists
Rate: Flag Click "Submit Abuse" if you feel this post is inappropriate. Explain why below if you wish. Cancel You know those people who need to recollect the year of their parents', siblings' and even kids' birth, to tell how old these relatives are?
“She was born in April 1998, so she must be 11 years old.”

3. Math Advice
FunAdvice Math Advice has 1 answers. Ask any Education School questions you have and get fast answers.

4. Advice For Parents
Teaching Math at Home Homeschooling or just doing a little extra for your kids , articles and expert advice on teaching math.

5. Study Tips
Free math lessons and math homework help from basic math to algebra, geometry and beyond. Students, teachers, parents, and everyone can find solutions to their math problems

6. Math Advice For Paranoid Aliens |
Aug 6, 2010 Story problems in math rarely overlap with story problems in screenwriting, but today I have one that I could use some help figuring out.
john august .com
A ton of useful information about screenwriting.
Math advice for paranoid aliens
August 6, 2010 70 Comments Geek Alert Hive Mind Story problems in math rarely overlap with story problems in screenwriting, but today I have one that I could use some help figuring out. Far away on a distant planet, an intelligent but very paranoid species is constructing a series of terrestrial watchtowers to scan the heavens, making sure no space-traveling enemies sneak up on them. You can think of these watchtowers as observatories, each one watching a 180-degree (half-sphere) swath of the sky. For this simplest version, you can ignore complications like atmospheric distortion or possible moons. Question #1: For complete coverage, what is the minimum number of watchtowers they need to build? Question #2: What would be a prudent number to build? If you want to introduce features like atmosphere or redundancy, go for it. Question #3: What is the minimum number of satellites needed? Question #4: How does the number change if the orbit radius is increased? If the field of view is increased?

7. Radical Math Advice
A friend on AOL s Christianity Online s Unschooling message board responded to a question of how one might unschool math, and what texts or resources can be
Radical Math Advice
A friend on AOL's Christianity Online's Unschooling message board responded to a question of how one might unschool math, and what texts or resources can be used.
I enjoyed her reply so much that I asked her permission to use her post. Well, we're having wonderful math days here in our house, so I felt inclined to post about my view point concerning math resources. Now, lots of you have had your chance to post about your favorite math texts, can I take a turn to add some radical suggestions?
Here are some resources that my kids are currently working with:
Mathlab by TOPS. I'd suggest this for ages 12 and up. It has activities that you would find in Math: A Human Endeavor, just addresses them in project format. I'm looking forward to doing the last card in the book - it's all about how to decipher those postal bar codes.
How Math Works by Reader's Digest. I know I've mentioned this book before, but I just love it! My son and I are making projects from this book every morning.
I found a workbook on math last week at Barnes and Noble. The company that published it is American Education Publishing. Half of it is math, the other half is reading skills. We've just worked in the math section so far, but my son really likes this book. The odd numbered pages seem to be puzzle/code/workbook type pages, the even pages are hands-on activities and games to make and play to reinforce the skills on the previous page. Yesterday we made cards and played a concentration type game to match improper fractions with mixed numbers. Today's game used equivalent fraction conversion skills. My son has been reluctant to learn these concepts in the Key to books, but he quickly grasped what he needed to do to play these games! I was surprised at how much he likes this book. The title is Enrichment Math and Reading, we have the grades 5/6 book. It was only $12.95.

8. Lower Division MATH Advice
For Non Science/Business Majors; Precalculus Level Courses; Calculus Options; After Second Semester Calculus; General Advice for Prospective Math Majors
Students should not consider themselves adequately prepared for a mathematics course unless they have earned grades of C or better in all prerequisite courses. The advice is broken down into the following sections:
  • For Non Science/Business Majors Precalculus Level Courses Calculus Options After Second Semester Calculus ... General Advice for Prospective Math Majors
  • Basic
    MATH 1101 (Mathematical Modeling): This course satisfies the Core A Mathematics requirement for students who will not continue to Precalculus and Calculus. Students will learn several ways to use mathematics to describe and explore real-world data and phenomena. WARNING: MATH 1101 will not prepare you for Precalculus, nor will it count in Core Area A if you are (or become) a Science major. If you think there is a chance you will be a Science major, you should take MATH 1113 instead.
    Precalculus Level
    MATH 1113 (Precalculus): This course is not intended to be a terminal mathematics course; it prepares students for the mainstream calculus courses. Exemption of or credit for MATH 1113 MATH 1060 (Mathematics of Decision Making): This course attempts to convey the flavor and variety of mathematics rather than develop skills to be used in later courses. It is usually taken by liberal arts majors. Occasionally, students who are considering majoring in mathematics use this course to get an overview of the subject.

    9. Need Some Math Advice | DAT Discussions | Student Doctor Network
    Dental Forums DDS / DMD Need some math advice DAT Discussions I've gone thru math destroyer once, a month ago, and took 4 CDM tests. My test is in the next few

    10. Career Advice
    For advice on how to solve mathematical problems, you can try my book on the subject. Also, I should say that while mathematics competitions are certainly a
    This page is now obsolete. The new version of this page can be found here
    On requests for career advice Every so often, I receive a query asking for advice on mathematical career issues, such as
    • What fields in mathematics should one study? What mathematical texts should one buy or read? What problems should one try to solve? How should one approach mathematical problems? How should one write mathematical papers? What universities should one apply to?
    These requests for advice are of course very flattering. Because of this, and because of lack of available time, I am regretfully unable to meaningfully respond to any such queries. Regarding mathematics competitions : I have not participated in mathematics competitions since 1988, and am not familiar with how they work nowadays. For advice on how to solve mathematical problems, you can try my book on the subject (While individual steps in the solution might be able to be finished off quickly by someone with Olympiad training, the majority of the solution is likely to require instead the much more patient and lengthy process of reading the literature, applying known techniques, trying model problems or special cases, looking for counterexamples, and so forth.)
    Generic platitudes
    There are, however, very generic (and fairly obvious) pieces of advice I can give:

    11. Math Advice - The Well-Trained Mind Forums (aka Hive Mind)
    Math advice Parents' Forum Afterschooling Board Parents' Forum Afterschooling Board Post questions and discussion about afterschooling in the classical method.

    12. MaRCS Math Tutoring Center > Math Room > Math Aids
    Accuplacer Practice Questions

    13. LD OnLine :: Need Some Math Advice For Multi-grade SDC ASAP. Thanks!
    Need some math advice for multigrade SDC ASAP. Thanks!

    14. Pharmacy Technician Math - Advice And Books About Math For
    Pharmacy Technician math is a vital part of being a pharmacy technician and assisting pharmacists. You will be expected to have a solid understanding of common math skills such

    15. Gmat Math Advice - - The Everything Of MBA In India
    Hi Guys !! I Am A Lawyer From Argentina (south America Devolopping Country). I Am Currently Working On Finance In A Mutual Fund, And I Am Planning To Take The Gmat On

    16. Math Homework Help -
    Read our top ten homework help strategies to improve your child s math Multiple Intelligences Screening Tool College Search Expert Advice

    17. Math Advice - Mamapedia™
    Read all 4 responses My son has been doing well in Math during Kindergarten/1st grade. However, I have noticed that when he gets a sheet with addition/subtraction mixed inhe

    18. Math Advice For Paranoid Aliens | Extra Future
    in his blog comments. Far away on a distant planet, an intelligent but very paranoid species is constructing a series of terrestrial watchtowers to scan

    19. Math Forum: Ask Dr. Math FAQ: About Proofs
    Tips for writing and understanding general and twocolumn proofs.
    Ask Dr. Math: FAQ
    A bout P roofs
    Dr. Math FAQ
    Classic Problems Formulas Search Dr. Math ... Dr. Math Home
    What is a proof?
    How do you write a two-column proof?
    Students often ask about proofs: what they are, how to understand them, and, often, how to write two-column proofs. Here are some answers from our archives:
    What are Proofs?

    I am a home school student through American schools, and am stuck in geometry. I do not understand proofs. Can you help me out?
      The study of geometry is the first place I encountered an axiom system. You start with certain "undefined objects," in this case "point," "line," "plane," "length," "area," "between," etc. Then you are given certain statements about them which you are to accept as true. These are called Postulates or Axioms. They appear in the very first part of your book on Plane Geometry. Examples might be...
    - Dr. Rob
    Thinking about Proofs

    How do you know what statement to write next when you're doing a proof? And what are the reasons that you use?
      Probably the most difficult part of proving something is where to start. It takes a lot of practice, and trial and error. Since you are more interested in the thought process than the solution, let me tell you what went through my mind as I solved your example...
    - Doctor Pete
    Learning Proofs

    I'm interested in learning how to do proofs. Can you recommend some good books on the different techniques used and how they are applied?

    20. Advice - GENERAL PRAXIS II MATH ADVICE The Week Before The Exam
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