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41. Math Advice - The Well-Trained Mind Forums (aka Hive Mind) Math advice Parents' Forum High School and SelfEducation Board http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=209167 |
42. ACC Math COMPASS Assessment Score Advice (A 3page summary of math advising on the Web, for those of you who want to download or print something to look at later when you don t have Web access.) http://www.austincc.edu/mthdept2/advising/compass1.htm | |
43. Learning Disability And Math Advice Needed 3 posts 3 authors - Last post Oct 19I am really, really, really bad at math. Bad enough at it that, while I was a straight A student in high school in all my other classes, http://www.chazhound.com/forums/t122697/ | |
44. Physics/Math Advice Physics/Math Advice Science Book Discussion discussion Question 1 Over the summer i briefly went through a introductory college physics class in Classical Mechanics, i http://www.physicsforums.com/showthread.php?t=341477 |
45. Mathematics Department: Career Advice Below we try to offer some advice appropriate to math majors with various interests. Get in touch with your friendly neighborhood math prof for more http://math.lafayette.edu/program/career-advice/ | |
46. The O-Zone 2009 - 2010: Math Advice I recommend you go and visit http//www.mathplayground.com/Decention/Decention.html The game Decention is a great game to help you with your fractions. http://107mathblog.blogspot.com/2010/03/math-advice.html |
47. Cool Math 4 Kids .com - Advice For Parents (and Teachers) On Teaching Time Table There are two places in elementary school math where we lose kids long division and fractions. Long division hits first During one problem, they ll have http://www.coolmath4kids.com/times-tables/times-tables-parents.html | |
48. Top Ten Math Tips For Parents Math can be a difficult subject for many students. Most children loose interest in mathematics, simply because they think it's too hard. Parents and teachers may find it difficult http://ezinearticles.com/?Top-Ten-Math-Tips-For-Parents&id=1489406 |
49. Timed Math- Advice Please :-) - Big Kids - BabyCenter Timed Math Advice Please -) A little background my DS age 8 started third grade at a new school this year. He was at a public school for K-2 and he now attends a local http://community.babycenter.com/post/a1468425/timed_math-_advice_please_-?intcmp |
50. Information 5 posts 2 authors - Last post Oct 18Hi everyone I m a math major from Turkey, a sophomore, and double majoring with Physics. So far, I plan to finish college in 3,5 years, . http://www.mymathforum.com/viewtopic.php?f=56&t=16458 |
51. Math Advice Needed Math Advice Needed Academic Guidance discussion Ok, so I finished my first week of undergrad this Friday. Going into the math faculty here, my original goal was to major in http://www.physicsforums.com/showthread.php?t=132504 |
52. Math Professor And Crossword Constructor Gives Puzzle Advice - Scene Nov 15, 2007 Math professor and crossword constructor gives puzzle advice. By Molly Gore. Issue date 11/15/07 Section Scene http://media.www.thesantaclara.com/media/storage/paper946/news/2007/11/15/Scene/ |
53. « Math Advice » MathFail Home Page A blog about anything math related. From failures in math, jokes, interesting facts, dumb math news, puzzles, speed math, comics http://mathfail.com/2010/08/math-advice.html |
54. Advice For Entrepreneurs: Do The Math Jun 11, 2010 I m really surprised by how many folks don t do that simple math, Mr. Byford said. Mr. Byford s advice was peppered with caveats about http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/10162/1064738-28.stm | |
55. Free Math Advice | TutorVista Set of linear equations having regular answer set is called system of instantaneous linear equations. In earlier classes, learnt different methods of solving instantaneous linear http://www.tutorvista.com/topic/free-math-advice |
56. Pure Math - Advice On Developing Strongest App Possible - College Confidential Hello there, Trite as it may be, I feel compelled to state the following My circumstances are a bit unusual, and so the request for advice http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/graduate-school/874864-pure-math-advice-deve | |
57. Math Advice Mathni yaxshi bilganlar diqqatiga Corruption'ni matematik formula orqali kamaytirish yoki umuman yo'q qilish yo'llari bo'yicha maslahatlar va takliflar kerak. Oldindan iltimos http://www.arbuz.com/showthread.php?t=53779 |
58. Does Anyone Use Mountain Math? Advice... - ProTeacher Community Does anyone use Mountain Math? Advice ARCHIVE I've been reading the posts on Every Day Counts Calendar Math. I was curious if anyone knew anything about Mountain Math. http://www.proteacher.net/discussions/showthread.php?t=46139 |
59. Math Course Selection And Advice - Boston College Jun 12, 2007 Contains info on choosing the right math course(s) to meet University, School, or Major requirements. http://www.bc.edu/mathadvise | |
60. Calculator Advice | Mathematics | Western Michigan University (E.g. a student in MATH 1100 who will eventually take MATH 1160 should get a TI 83/84, but a student in MATH 1100 who will eventually take MATH 1500 should http://www.wmich.edu/math/Calculators.htm | |
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