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81. Mathematical Puzzles Mathematical Puzzles Your guide to the best web sites for math puzzles. http://thinks.com/webguide/math-puzzles.htm | |
82. Amby's Education Site -- Math Puzzles & Learning Activities Amby s Education Resources Math Puzzles and Learning Activities. http://amby.com/educate/mathgame.html | |
83. Math Games, Fun Math, & Math Puzzles Online & Books List of websites with lots of online math games, fun math topics, or fun puzzles . http://www.homeschoolmath.net/online/math_games_fun.php | |
84. Math Puzzles And Games For Kids Math puzzles and games are a great way to reinforce learning and develop problem solving. http://www.green-planet-solar-energy.com/math-puzzles.html | |
85. BrainBashers : Puzzles And Brain Teasers Brain teasers, puzzles, online games, optical illusions and jigsaws. http://www.brainbashers.com/ | |
86. Jim Loy's Puzzle Page I discovered your site looking for info on Figure Logic puzzles. Stereograms David Coles Triangle Puzzle Math Maze. My original puzzles http://www.jimloy.com/puzz/puzz.htm | |
87. MazeWorks - Java Games And Puzzles Online playable puzzles and games written in Java, and an interesting maze generator program. http://www.mazeworks.com/home.htm | |
88. Math Puzzles Prime Number Puzzles — 1. How many of the three digit numbers that can be made from all of the the digits 1, 3 and 5 (used only once each) are prime? http://2000clicks.com/MathHelp/Puzzle.aspx | |
89. Math Puzzles/problems Jan 1, 1998 Problems And Puzzles. Some of these are very simple, some are not so simple, .. Math Problem Sites. Moscow 57th School in Russian http://sds.podval.org/puzzles.html | |
90. Math Games And Puzzles Online and printable Math games and logic puzzles. http://www.akidsmath.com/mathgames/index.html | |
91. Perplexus.info :: Logic Puzzles, Brainteasers, Riddles And Math Tricks Oct 29, 2010 A forum and collection of brain teasers, logic problems, math problems, paradoxes, science games, probability, riddles, and geometric shapes http://perplexus.info/ | |
92. Fun Math Games - Puzzles For Kids Math Puzzles. Maths Puzzles. Math Puzzles for Kids. 2x3. Dog, 3x4. Giraffe, 4x6. Lion, 5x9. Monkey. 2x4. Lions, 3x5. Leopard, 4x7. Elephant, 6x7 http://www.scweb4free.com/mathpuzzles.htm | |
93. Math Puzzles Parsimonious Pirates. Thirteen pirates go on an extended voyage, pillaging and plundering from Africa to Asia. By the end they have quite a stashtoo much http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~smagill/puzzles.html |
94. Welcome To Discovery Education's Puzzlemaker! Create Crossword Puzzles, Word Sea Create and print customized word search, crisscross, math puzzles, and more— using your own word lists. Like it? Buy it! Get the Puzzlemaker CD-ROM for your http://puzzlemaker.discoveryeducation.com/ | |
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