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61. Henri Picciotto's Math Education Page | MathEdPage.org Articles on mathematics curriculum and pedagogy by Henri Picciotto, a math teacher, curriculum developer, and consultant. Many sample activities, with an emphasis on manipulative and technological tools. http://www.picciotto.org/math-ed/ | |
62. Math Resources For Teachers (Lessons, Activities, Printables: K-12) - TeacherVis Challenge your students with creative mathematics lessons, printable worksheets, activities, quizzes, and more. These resources will improve your students http://www.teachervision.fen.com/math/teacher-resources/8592.html | |
63. Math Teachers Needed! TeachNOLA Oct 27, 2010 Avoid scams and fraud by dealing locally! Beware any deal involving Western Union, Moneygram, wire transfer, cashier check, money order, shipping, escrow, or any promise http://neworleans.craigslist.org/edu/2029413236.html | |
64. Distance And Online Tutoring :: In-Home Math Tutor For Ventura County :: Tutor4M Math and study skill tutoring in a one-on-one environment from a certified math teacher. Online tutoring via instant messenger and email also available. Ventura, CA. http://www.tutor4math.com/ | |
65. Big.com The Most Readable Results On The Web 2007 Snap Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved. http://math-teachers.big.com/ |
66. Free Math Worksheets, Math Tutoring, Lesson Plans | Tutor-USA.com Offers live online math tutoring in algebra, geometry and trigonometry. All tutors are state certified math teachers. http://www.tutor-usa.com | |
67. Math Teachers | Bethany Public Schools Bethany Public Schools Kent Shellenberger, Superintendent http://bethanyschools.com/math-teachers | |
68. Home Page Nassau County . Math Teachers Association Home About NCMTA Annual Dinner Board Minutes Calendar of Events Contact NCMTA http://www.ncmta.net/ | |
69. Kevin Chauvin's On-Line Classroom Math teacher offers online classes. http://www.angelfire.com/la/chuavin/kc.html |
70. Minnesota Council Of Teachers Of Mathematics Resources for information and communication concerning Upcoming Conferences and Events - MCTM Organizational Information - Internet Resources for http://www.mctm.org/ |
71. UCSD - Mathematics Diagnostic Testing Project MDTP provides California math teachers (6-12) tests and scoring services free of charge. Materials include readiness test for algebra, geometry, second year algebra, mathematical analysis, and calculus readiness and written response notebooks. http://mdtp.ucsd.edu/ | |
72. Teacher Anxieties May Subtract From Girls’ Math Scores - Science News Jan 25, 2010 In some classes, a female teacher s worry over math can do a number on girls early achievement. http://www.sciencenews.org/view/generic/id/55590/title/Teacher_anxieties_may_sub | |
73. Cherry Hill Middle School Faculty listings, school newsletter, class news and projects, photos of the school, academic calendar, and special programs. Profile of Ms. Susan Higley, an eighth-grade math teacher who was Maryland s Teacher of the Year for 1999. http://www.ccps.org/chms/index.html |
74. Kathy Schrock's Guide For Educators - Mathematics Resources - Kathy Schrock's Gu a collection of K8 interactive math activities gathered by an elementary math teacher; great for individual practice or whole-group interactive http://school.discoveryeducation.com/schrockguide/math.html | |
75. Math Teachers - Naperville North High School 899 North Mill Street Naperville, Illinois 605638998. Kevin Pobst, Principal Main Office 630.420.6480 Health Office 630.420.6499 School Hours 745 AM-310 PM http://schools.naperville203.org/north/academicdepartments/Math Teachers.asp |
76. Blog Carnival - Math Teachers At Play Tips, tidbits, games, and activities for students and teachers of preschool to high school mathematics. Keywords math, mathematics, arithmetic, algebra...... http://blogcarnival.com/bc/cprof_6422.html | |
77. Female Teachers Transmit Math Anxiety To Female Students Jan 25, 2010 A new study shows that female elementary school teachers anxiety about math influences their female students, causing them to have lower http://arstechnica.com/science/news/2010/01/female-teachers-math-anxiety-influen | |
78. Math Teachers | East High School Educational BackgroundBSZoology, UW-Madison;Teacher Certification, Edgewood College . Interests books, crosss-stitch . Eric Arnold earnold@madison.k12.wi.us http://eastweb.madison.k12.wi.us/node/2984 |
79. Presidential Math And Science Teachers Award Release | The White House Jun 7, 2010 WASHINGTON, DC President Obama today named 103 mathematics and science teachers as recipients of the prestigious Presidential Award for http://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/presidential-math-and-science-teacher | |
80. Math Teachers Group Math Teachers Group at eNotes Need Help? Create a topic on the Discussion Board. This is your best choice if you are looking for a wide range of opinions, have a more http://www.enotes.com/mathteachers/group |
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