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81. US Needs Better-trained Math Teachers To Compete Globally, Study Finds Apr 15, 2010 Math teachers in the United States need better training if the nation s K12 students are going to compete globally, according to new http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2010/04/100415105954.htm |
82. U.S. Falls Short In Measure Of Future Math Teachers - NYTimes.com Apr 14, 2010 American college students earned a C on a new test comparing their skills with their counterparts in 15 other countries. http://www.nytimes.com/2010/04/15/education/15math.html |
83. Math Courses For Teachers These courses present graduatelevel mathematical pedagogy, together with math content for the elementary and secondary teacher consistent with NCTM http://blackboard.scetv.org/online/ | |
84. Teacher Resource Math Review by Deb http://math.about.com/cs/worksheets/gr/teacher.htm | |
85. Math Teachers - Independent School Educators Network Welcome, all teachers of mathematics! Please join in the discussions and use the wiki link below to add to our resources. http://isenet.ning.com/group/mathteachers | |
86. Illinois Council Of Teachers Of Mathematics Jul 17, 2010 Official Web Site of the Illinois Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Information for Members, Parents and Students. http://www.ictm.org/ | |
87. Teachers Network: Teacher Grants: Math The Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching recognize highly qualified teachers for their contributions in the classroom and http://www.teachersnetwork.org/grants/grants_math.htm |
88. AIM Math Teachers' Circle Welcome to the American Institute of Mathematics Math Teachers' Circle. Founded in 2006, the AIM Math Teachers' Circle is the original member of the national Math Teachers' Circle http://www.mathteacherscircle.org/circle/ | |
89. Female Teachers May Pass On Math Anxiety To Girls, Study Finds - Los Angeles Tim Jan 26, 2010 Girls have long embraced the stereotype that they re not supposed to be good at math. It seems they may be getting the idea from a http://articles.latimes.com/2010/jan/26/science/la-sci-math26-2010jan26 |
90. One-to-One Tutoring: Math Teachers Press A+ Test Prep Tutoring, Creating Bright Futures in the Metro Philadelphia Region http://www.aplustutoring.com/mathteacherspress.htm | |
91. English Majors As Math Teachers: In Some Schools, That's How It Has To Be Aug 16, 2010 Teach for America selects, trains and places recent college graduates in low income communities, but what they end up teaching can be hard http://www.politicsdaily.com/2010/08/16/english-majors-as-math-teachers-in-some- |
92. Math Teachers’ Circle Network: Workshops Workshops hosted by the American Institute of Mathematics. How to Run a Math Teachers’ Circle (Palo Alto, CA) June 27July 1, 2011 How to Run a Math Teachers’ Circle http://mathteacherscircles.org/workshops.html | |
93. Singapore Math Adds Up For US Teachers | USA | English Aug 10, 2010 Singapore Math is a curriculum modeled on the way math is taught in Singapore. Teaching fewer basics in a more indepth way, the Singapore http://www.voanews.com/english/news/usa/Singapore-Math-Adds-Up-for-US-Teachers-1 |
94. Tennessee Mathematics Teacher's Association Lists officers and other organization information; provides schedules and winners lists for sponsored contests and other events. http://www.tmta.info/ | |
95. $250 Million Initiative For Science, Math Teachers Planned - Washingtonpost.com Jan 6, 2010 President Obama will announce a $250 million publicprivate effort Wednesday to improve science and mathematics instruction, aiming to help http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/01/05/AR2010010503981. |
96. Free Printable Math Practice Worksheets Help your students achieve personal mastery of arithmetic and algebra by creating as many printable worksheets as you need, all for free! Create printable worksheets by subject http://www.mathta.com/ | |
97. Mathwire.com | October 2010 Fall 2008 Math Activities The Fall 2008 collection is organized by Standards/ Objectives to make it easier for teachers to coordinate activities to match http://mathwire.com/ | |
98. Math Teachers Mathematics Books - Browse Books & Magazines At Bizrate. Compare P Compare prices on Math teachers Mathematics Books with bizrate. Buy Books Magazines from top rated stores. Comparison shopping for Math teachers Mathematics Books. http://www.bizrate.com/mathematics-books/math-teachers/ | |
99. Female Teachers’ Math Anxiety May Give Girls The Arithmetic Jitters | 80beats Jan 27, 2010 Mind Brain Does your first or second-grade daughter have trouble with math? Her anxiety could be stemming not just from a genuine fear http://blogs.discovermagazine.com/80beats/2010/01/27/female-teachers-math-anxiet |
100. Helping Kids To Thrive On Math: Teachers And Parents At Math Cats Help the kids in your life to love math, excel at math, and get the most out of Math Cats. http://www.mathcats.com/grownupcats.html | |
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