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1. Math Worksheets / Math Terms Definitions If you are a member, log in to remove the lines; nonmembers need to subscribe. 1. Addend the numbers added in an addition problem. (in 7+4+8, the numbers 7, 4 and 8 are http://www.teaching-tools.com/math-worksheets/math_terms_list.php | |
2. Math Terms For Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division Math worksheets software generates printed math practice sheets for math help in grades K8. Handles addition, subtraction, multiplication and division for integers, decimals http://www.leaningpinesoftware.com/math_terms.shtml | |
3. Math Terms And Math Glossary Below you find a glossary of the top 100 math terms used in Kindergarten through Grade 9 math classes. Click on each term to learn the math word and see an http://www.agrademath.com/math_terms.htm | |
4. Answers.com - What Is A Scale In Math Terms Math question What is a scale in math terms? A set of numbers or amounts used to measure or compare the level of something . http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_is_a_scale_in_math_terms |
5. Math Glossary|Math Terms Glossary|Math Terms|Math Definition Math terms that are relevant to the Giggle Facts Math Program. http://www.gigglelearn.com/math_terms.html |
6. Welcome To A Maths Dictionary For Kids 2010 By Jenny Eather | Online Dictionary An animated, interactive math dictionary defining common math terms and concepts. Requires Flash 5 http://www.amathsdictionaryforkids.com/ | |
7. Mathwords Jul 29, 2008 Mathwords Terms and Formulas from Beginning Algebra to Calculus. An interactive math dictionary with enough math words, math terms, http://www.mathwords.com/ | |
8. Mathwords A To Z Apr 6, 2009 Mathwords Terms and Formulas from Algebra I to Calculus written, illustrated, and webmastered by Bruce Simmons, Featured in NCTM Web Bytes. http://www.mathwords.com/a_to_z.htm | |
9. Math.com Glossary Math.com is dedicated to providing revolutionary ways for students and parents to learn math. Use this glossary to find definitions for common math terms. http://www.math.com/school/glossary/glossindex.html |
10. Math Glossary, Math Terms, A Glossary of terms that have been discussed or mentioned on these pages. Letter A . http://www.cut-the-knot.org/glossary/atop.shtml |
11. Harcourt Math Glossary Animated and illustrated definitions of math terms for elementary school students. Organized by grade level and alphabetically. Requires Flash http://www.hbschool.com/glossary/math2/index_temp.html | |
12. Math Glossary Math Glossary and Definition of Mathematical Terms. A stepby-step problem- solving procedure for solving computational mathematical problems. http://math.about.com/library/bla.htm | |
13. Math Terms - Glossary Of Math Terms And Definitions In ocean of mathematics there are uncountable drops of math terms, math definitions, math glossary and math words. When you start searching for a specific topic and its http://www.buzzle.com/articles/math-terms-glossary-of-math-terms-and-definitions | |
14. Math Definitions YourDictionary provides a listing of resources to use when looking up math terms. Found in the specialty section under the heading “Mathematics,” these dictionaries provide a http://www.yourdictionary.com/dictionary-articles/Math-Definitions.html |
15. Illustrated Mathematics Dictionary Dictionary. Illustrated Math Dictionary. Other Bits. Subject Index Contact Us About Us Privacy Statement. Cite this page. Contribute item http://www.mathsisfun.com/definitions/index.html |
16. MATH WORDS, AND SOME OTHER WORDS OF INTEREST The origin of some words of mathematics and science. http://www.pballew.net/etyindex.html | |
17. Math Glossary Of Terms Oct 1, 2009 Math Glossary of Terms. Algorithm. An established stepby-step procedure used to achieve a desired result. For example, the 55 addition http://www.dpi.state.wi.us/standards/mathglos.html | |
18. Math Terms HFA yDNA Project. Math terms used in this web site . What are Minimum, Mode, Median, Mean, and Maximum? http://www.hhhdna.com/math.htm | |
19. Math Dictionary K-12 math terms and definitions with illustrations. http://www.mathematicsdictionary.com | |
20. Wisconsin Department Of Public Instruction Home Page Explains commonly used words specialized to this field. Includes examples and some graph illustrations. http://www.dpi.state.wi.us/dpi/standards/mathglos.html | |
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