Inter-Galactic Mega Productions Proudly presents The Celebrity Biorhythm Calculator Instructions This page will generate biorhythm charts for two people and compare the phase relationship of the rhythms as a compatibility index. You can also put in a single birthday to just get a chart for one person. A database of famous people throughout history is available to supply one or both of the birth dates for comparison. Alternatively, you may supply one or both of the dates for comparison yourself. Here you can find a more complete explanation of what biorhythms are. If you would like to see a particular celebrity added, why not drop us a line If you'd like to become a registered user, Click here Registered users, please log in E-mail address: Password: If you are a register user and have forgotten your password, Click here Person #1 Person #2 Choose a celebrity Enter your own values Name: Birthdate: January February March April May June July August September October November December Choose a celebrity Enter your own values No 2nd person single person graph only If you're not sure in which category a particular celebrity is listed, you can search for them by putting a few letters from their name below. | |