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1. Math Games And Recreational Math A variety of resources for games, numerology, puzzles, illusions, magic sqaures to enhance your love of mathematics! http://math.about.com/od/recreationalmath/Recreational_Mathematics.htm | |
2. Recreational Mathematics - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Recreational mathematics is an umbrella term, referring to mathematical puzzles and mathematical games. Not all problems in this field require a knowledge http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Recreational_mathematics | |
3. Top 10 Sites About Recreational Math | Xmarks Top 10 websites about Recreational Math, with user reviews and ratings http://www.xmarks.com/topic/recreational_math | |
4. Recreational Math The preoccupation of stating and resolving recreational math problems is centuries old and it has most likely evolved along with math theory from its early beginnings. http://integralsnet.com/recreational_math.htm | |
5. Recreational Math In The Best Of The Web Directory Discover the best information about Recreational Math. Scientific knowledge compiled in an easy to research format. Includes peer reviewed journals, and other sites devoted to many http://botw.org/top/Science/Math/Recreational_Math/ | |
6. Martin Gardner, 95; Made Recreational Math Popular - The Boston Globe May 24, 2010 NORMAN, Okla. — Prolific mathematics and science writer Martin Gardner, known for popularizing recreational mathematics and debunking http://www.boston.com/bostonglobe/obituaries/articles/2010/05/24/martin_gardner_ |
7. The King Of Recreational Math Is No More May 23, 2010 Martin Gardner died yesterday. His memory will live on through some 70+ books and, above all, through his column MATHEMATICAL GAMES in http://www.science20.com/hammock_physicist/blog/king_recreational_math_no_more |
8. David Eppstein An extensive list of web resources for recreational math. http://www.ics.uci.edu/~eppstein/recmath.html | |
9. Math.com Classroom Recreational Math Free math lessons, math help and lesson plans from basic math to algebra, geometry and beyond. Students, teachers, parents, and everyone can find solutions to their math problems http://www.math.com/teachers/recreational.html |
10. Math.com Recreational Math Free math lessons and math homework help from basic math to algebra, geometry and beyond. Students, teachers, parents, and everyone can find solutions to http://www.math.com/everyone/recreational.html |
11. Welcome To Gathering For Gardner, Math, Puzzles.... Recreational Math books available (topics dissections, Pentominoes, inversions , fourth dimension, problems, Martin Gardner) Click Here for selection http://www.g4g4.com/recmath1.htm | |
12. Recreational Math (Puzzles, Brain Teasers, Riddles) - Numericana 'Final answers' by Dr. Gerard P. Michon to a few questions of recreational mathematics (either just for fun or to demonstrate useful mathematical tools). http://www.numericana.com/answer/recreational.htm | |
13. Recreational Math: Introduction Introduction to topics in recreational mathematics by Lionel Deimel. I was doing mathematics—arithmetic, at any rate—for recreation as early as age 6 http://www.deimel.org/rec_math/rec_math.htm | |
14. Recreational Math Games And Graph Theory The motivating problem DNA sequencing It is very hard in general to read off'the sequence of a long strand of DNA. Instead, researchers probe for snippets of a fixed length, and http://academics.smcvt.edu/jellis-monaghan/Talks/interlace properties.pdf |
15. Recreational Math « Math Goes Pop! Not long ago, I wrote an article in commemoration of Martin Gardner’s 95th birthday. Sadly, it seems this will be my last article in celebration of his birth, as he passed away http://www.mathgoespop.com/tag/recreational-math |
16. Information Social Lounge Thought it may be useful to have a section for recreational math. There are many topics it would cover that wouldn't fit in easily with http://www.mymathforum.com/viewtopic.php?f=37&t=10495 |
17. Brainwagon » Blog Archive » Recreational Math: The Kruskal Count This is the kind of paper I read when I have a lunch hour by myself at the local sushi bar. math/0110143 The Kruskal Count. The Kruskal Count is a card trick invented by Martin J http://brainwagon.org/2007/03/02/recreational-math-the-kruskal-count/ | |
18. Dan Taflin's Home Page Dan's Portfolio Tracker A sophisticated multiuser stock portfolio-tracking tool that can compute your portfolio's performance (as IRR), compare its performance with various http://recreationalmath.com/ |
19. Famous Sequences Of Numbers (Recreational Math.) Related terms Famous sequences of numbers (Recreational math.) online game, Famous sequences of numbers (Recreational math.) quiz, Famous sequences of numbers (Recreational math http://www.purposegames.com/game/famous-sequences-of-numbers-quiz | |
20. Recreational Mathematics Links Here are some of my favorite sites devoted to recreational and popular mathematics Alexander Bogomolny s Interactive Mathematics Miscellany and Puzzles http://www.merriampark.com/maths.htm | |
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