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81. Frost Illustrated: Improving The Numbers Of Black Mathematicians Crucial To Surv Apr 25, 2007 Dr. Williams, creator of the Mathematicians of the African Diaspora website believes the future of black mathematicians is in good hands. http://www.frostillustrated.com/full.php?sid=1119 |
82. African Studies: African Diaspora Biography Jul 19, 2010 Profiles of Contemporary Mathematicians of the African Diaspora (Dr. Scott W. Williams, Department of Mathematics, State University of New http://www.columbia.edu/cu/lweb/indiv/africa/cuvl/afroambiog.html | |
83. Paulus Gerdes, Ahmed Djebbar African History And Cultures An Your browser may not have a PDF reader available. Google recommends visiting our text version of this document. http://www.springerlink.com/index/v86gt05l51863586.pdf |
84. Biographies Of Mathematicians - Ethnomathematics Digital Library (EDL) Some of the category choices are greatest black mathematicians, the Ancients in Africa, Africa today, mathematicians outside the United States, http://www.ethnomath.org/search/browseResources.asp?type=subject&id=409 |
85. CAARMS DESCRIPTION The difficulty of doing this is compounded for many African American mathematicians by the fact that they are frequently isolated in their home environments http://www.math.umd.edu/~rlj/fineddrft.html | |
86. Department Of Mathematics - Careers It contains research papers of Africanamerican mathematicians as well as brief biographies in the back. After the biographies is a very interesting http://math.colgate.edu/careers.html | |
87. Iamanafricanamericanscientist The Faces of Science African Americans in the Sciences The Inventors Museum Mathematicians of the African Diaspora Black Astronauts http://carnegieinstitution.org/first_light_case/horn/careers/careersindex.html | |
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