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Arabian Mathematicians: more detail |
21. The History Of Zero YaleGlobal Online Magazine Zero reached Baghdad by 773 AD and would be developed in the Middle East by Arabian mathematicians who would base their numbers on the Indian system. http://yaleglobal.yale.edu/about/zero.jsp |
22. Cube - LoveToKnow 1911 These problems were also attacked by the Arabian mathematicians; Tobit ben Korra (836901) is credited with a solution, while Abul Gud solved it by means of a parabola and an http://www.1911encyclopedia.org/Cube | |
23. Math Lair - Arabic Math History Arabian mathematicians adopt what we now call the Arabic number system. This system was imported from India. 820 A.D. Al Khowarizmi (his name is where the English word algorithm http://ajy.stormloader.com/arab.html | |
24. Kids And Teens » School Time » Math » History (alphabet): ABC Directory Kids and Teens School Time - Math - History Explains contributions of Arabian mathematicians by translating early Greek texts, developing early algebraic ideas, number theory http://www.abc-directory.com/category/1315396/alphabet.html |
25. Ivars Peterson's MathTrek - Chemical Dissections In the 10th century, Arabian mathematicians described several dissections in their commentaries on Euclid's Elements. The 18thcentury Chinese scholar Tai Chen presented an elegant http://www.maa.org/mathland/mathtrek_01_27_03.html | |
26. Algorism: Facts, Discussion Forum, And Encyclopedia Article Starting with the integer arithmetic developed in India using base 10 notation, Arabian mathematicians documented new arithmetic methods and made many other contributions to http://www.absoluteastronomy.com/topics/Algorism | |
27. The History Of The Fifth Postulate The Birth Of Non Euclidean Posterior evolution of the study of the Fifth Postulate The Arabian Mathematicians The Arabian domination began with the escape of Mahomet from La Meca to Medina 622 A.D. Arabians http://cerezo.pntic.mec.es/mgarc144/marcohistoria/The Fifth Postulate.pdf |
28. The Magic Of Nines This test was invented by Arabian mathematicians in the 8th century, that makes this relatively new compared to other mathematics (E.g. ancient Greece Egypt) http://home.c2i.net/greaker/comenius/prepare/9798/nine_2.htm | |
29. 8th Century Timeline: 701 To 800 750 Arabian mathematicians begin using numbers that originated in India, are an advance of Roman numerals and that Muslims will pass to Europeans. http://www.fsmitha.com/time/ce08.htm | |
30. Algorism Arabian mathematicians made many contributions (including the concept of the decimal fractions as an extension of the notation), and the written European form of the digits is http://www.fact-index.com/a/al/algorism.html | |
31. Square Root Summary | BookRags.com Borrowing much from Hindu mathematics, Arabian mathematicians continued working with irrational number operations. It is the Middle Eastern mathematician alKhwarizmi who developed http://www.bookrags.com/research/square-root-wsd/ |
32. Ancient Egyptian Science, Alchemy, Page 5 From Spain, however, the classical culture preserved by Syrian scholars and by them transmitted to Arab scholars, found its way to Europe, and Arabian mathematicians http://www.lost-civilizations.net/ancient-egyptian-science-alchemy-page-5.html | |
33. CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Balthasar Boncompagni It is supposed to be a translation of the famous treatise on arithmetic of Alkhwarizmi, the most illustrious of the Arabian mathematicians. http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/02654a.htm | |
34. Decimal Arithmetic - FAQ 2 Persian and Arabian mathematicians made many contributions (including the concept of the decimal fractions as an extension of the notation), and the written European form http://speleotrove.com/decimal/decifaq2.html | |
35. Dissection (mathematics) In the 10th century, Arabian mathematicians described several dissections in their commentaries on Euclid's Elements. The 18thcentury Chinese scholar Tai Chen http://www.daviddarling.info/encyclopedia/D/dissection.html | |
36. Balthasar Boncompagni It is supposed to be a translation of the famous treatise on arithmetic of Alkhwarizmi, the most illustrious of the Arabian mathematicians. Nuova Enciclopedia Italiana, Suppl., 6th http://www.catholicity.com/encyclopedia/b/boncompagni,balthasar.html |
37. Down With SEX! Fooey on the ancient Sumerians who invented the sexagesimal system and three cheers for the Arabian mathematicians who gave us the decimal system! http://www.jbasicnews.com/9/down.html | |
38. The Hindu : Young World : Ancient Algebra Arabian mathematicians also made significant contributions to algebra. Muhammad alKhwarizmi, who lived sometime between 780 and 850, wrote three books on mathematics. http://www.hindu.com/yw/2005/09/16/stories/2005091600110200.htm | |
39. History Of The Hindu-Arabic Numeral System Arabian mathematicians made many contributions (including the concept of the decimal fractions as an extension of the notation, which led to the notion of the decimal point), and http://www.experiencefestival.com/history_of_the_hindu-arabic_numeral_system |
40. Arabic Numerals - Conservapedia The only connection with Arabs is that they communicated this system to Europe in the A.D. 900s, through Arabian mathematicians. Most Arabs did not use these Indian numerals. http://www.conservapedia.com/Arabic_numerals | |
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