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1. EMIS Aims to further the development of all aspects of mathematics in the countries of Europe and establish a sense of identity amongst European mathematicians. Includes electronic library, databases and details of activities. http://www.emis.de/ | |
2. Category:European Mathematician Stubs - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Subcategories. This category has the following 7 subcategories, out of 7 total. * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:European_mathematician_stubs | |
3. Jabir_ibn_Aflah Summary Jabir ibn Aflah or Geber was an Spanish Islamic mathematician whose works were translated into Latin and so became available to European mathematicians. http://www.gap-system.org/~history/Mathematicians/Jabir_ibn_Aflah.html | |
4. History Of Mathematics - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Other important European mathematicians of the 18th century included Joseph Louis Lagrange, who did pioneering work in number theory, algebra, differential calculus, and the http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_mathematics | |
5. Millennium Lessons | TutorVista The history of trigonometric functions were initially formed with the help of Greek and then by the help of Indian ,Islamic, Chinese and the European mathematicians. http://www.tutorvista.com/topic/millennium-lessons |
6. AV #82703 - Video Cassette - The European Mathematicians Migration To America Lecture given by Lipman Bers, Columbia University, January 8, 1989. Tells the story of the European mathematicians who migrated to the U.S. prior to and during World War II. http://www.sfsu.edu/~avitv/avcatalog/82703.htm | |
7. World History Facts About India He discovered this in the 6th century long before the European mathematicians. Algebra, trigonometry and calculus came from India; Quadratic equations were by Sridharacharya in http://www.irisa.fr/lande/lakshmin/india_facts.html | |
8. Mathematics - Primary Resources - European Mathematicians GALASHIELS ACADEMY Elm Row, Galashiels, TD1 3HU Tel 01896 754788 Email academy@galashiels.scotborders.sch.uk http://www.galashiels.org.uk/departments/mathematics/resources/mathematicians.ht | |
9. Science Forum - Why Is History So Euro-centric? What's the reason that history usually only mentions European mathematicians, scientists, inventors, etc even though the scientific method, writing systems, and most of http://www.thescienceforum.com/Why-is-history-so-Euro-centric-23111t.php | |
10. Kid-Crazy Jolie-Pitts Defy European Mathematicians Austrian researchers have apparently quantified the age difference that results in the most kids, saying that women should find a mate who is 4 years older, while men should look http://jezebel.com/gossip/broadsides/kid crazy-jolie pitts-defy-european-mathema |
11. Benefits Of Individual EMS Membership The principal reasons for joining the European Mathematical Society may be altruistic to encourage European mathematicians to cooperate; to support European mathematicians http://www.ii.uj.edu.pl/EMIS/individuals/benefits.html | |
12. Arabic Mathematics Certainly many of the ideas which were previously thought to have been brilliant new conceptions due to European mathematicians of the sixteenth, seventeenth and eighteenth http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/HistTopics/Arabic_mathematics.html | |
13. Letter Of Intentfor Scientific Cooperation Between Iranian And A team of Iranian and European mathematicians will define each course, which includes at least 26 hoursoflectures by an invited mathematician (European or else), and the http://www.cimpa-icpam.org/anciensite/Francais/Cooperations/accord-5.pdf |
14. Mathematicians From The Darkages Ages European Mathematicians of the Dark Ages. Boethius (475524 A.D.) The importance of Boethius (ca. 475-524) in the story of mathematics rests on the fact that his writings on http://library.thinkquest.org/27694/Darkages.htm | |
15. Aryabhatta Through the translated Latin version of the Aryabhattiya, the European mathematicians learned how to calculate the areas of triangles, volumes of spheres as well as how to find http://www.mapsofindia.com/who-is-who/science-technology/aryabhatta.html | |
16. Oberwolfach Prize 2010 For Junior European Mathematicians Oberwolfach Prize 2010 for Junior European Mathematicians The Oberwolfach Foundation awards in cooperation with the Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach a prize for excellent http://www.mfo.de/programme/prize/Call_Oberwolfach_Prize_2010.pdf |
17. Fibonacci Retracement If you have heard of the golden mean, or the golden ratio, then you probably already know that Fibonacci was the name of one of the greatest European mathematicians of the middle http://www.woodingtrading.com/fibonacciretracement.html | |
18. Www.dmf.mathematics.dk Dmitry Kozlov FeichtnerKozlov is in charge of this section (appearing twice a year), which includes the awards to mathematicians (for European mathematicians in the http://www.dmf.mathematics.dk/edNEMS-english.doc | |