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21. Grigori Perelman - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Categories 1966 births Living people Russian mathematicians Russian Jews 20thcentury mathematicians 21st-century mathematicians Fields Medalists Differential geometers http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grigori_Perelman | |
22. Math Forum Discussions - Historia-Matematica Views expressed in these public forums are not endorsed by Drexel University or The Math Forum. http://mathforum.org/kb/forum.jspa?forumID=149 |
23. Friedmann Summary Brief biography of the Russian mathematician who found the first expanding-universe cosmological solution of Einstein s equations; from the MacTutor History of Mathematics Archive (University of St. Andrews). http://www-history.mcs.st-andrews.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Friedmann.html | |
24. Warren Ellis » Links For 2008-02-09 Russian mathematicians have claimed CERN accelerator could create a rift in the fabric of the universe. http://www.warrenellis.com/?p=5582 |
25. Time Travel Likely Say World's Top Scientists For example, as reported in the UK’s ‘Independent’ newspaper (February 8, 2008) two Russian mathematicians, Irina Aref'eva and Igor Volovich, have spoken out in support of http://www.suite101.com/content/does-a-secret-government-conspiracy-hide-time-tr |
26. Russian Mathematician Turns Down Fields Medal | News Blog - CNET News Aug 22, 2006 Read this blog post by Caroline McCarthy on News Blog. http://news.cnet.com/8301-10784_3-6108180-7.html | |
27. Russian Math, The Poincare Conjecture And Perelman - WSJ.com May 26, 2010 It's hard to say which of these two factors did more to send Russian mathematicians to the West, primarily the U.S., but leave they did, in what was probably one of the http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703740004574513870490836470.html | |
28. Sofia Kovalevskaya, Great Russian Mathematician Great Russian women. Brief info on Russian women role in history of Russia. http://great.russian-women.net/Sofia_Kovalevskaya.shtml | |
29. World Books Review: The Birth Of Infinity | PRI's The World The contest between French and Russian mathematicians who sought new answers to one of the oldest puzzles in math, the nature of infinity, inspired this intriguing book. The http://www.theworld.org/2010/01/10/world-books-review-the-international-race-to- | |
30. Mathematicians - Biographies Free math lessons and math homework help from basic math to algebra, geometry and beyond. Students, teachers, parents, and everyone can find solutions to their math problems http://www.math.com/students/mathematicians.html |
31. Russian Mathematician May Not Accept Million-Dollar Prize - ABC News A reclusive Russian mathematician who was recently awarded $1 million for solving a problem almost 100 years old said Tuesday he is not sure if he will accept it. A children's http://abcnews.go.com/International/russian-mathematician-accept-million-dollar- |
32. Famous People Born On February 15 Showing 1 48 of 270 records returned http://www.famouswhy.com/Born_Today/2/15.html |
33. SOLUTION: ``Two Russian Mathematicians Meet On A Plane. If I Remember Correctly SOLUTION ``Two Russian mathematicians meet on a plane. “If I remember correctly, you have three sons,” says Ivan. “What are their ages today?” “The product of http://www.algebra.com/algebra/homework/word/age/Age_Word_Problems.faq.question. |
34. American, Russian Mathematicians To Share Wolf Prize - Jerusalem Post | HighBeam American, Russian mathematicians to share Wolf Prize find Jerusalem Post articles. div id= bedoc-text Jerusalem Post StaffBR Jerusalem PostBR 11-26-1996BR AN American and http://www.highbeam.com/doc/1P1-2926058.html |
35. Hard DS: Two Russian Mathematicians : GMAT Data Sufficiency (DS) Today my girlfriend asked me to solve this problem. She knows that I am preparing for the GMAT and tries to help me by giving http://gmatclub.com/forum/hard-ds-two-russian-mathematicians-99902.html |
36. PS: Two Russian Mathematicians : GMAT Problem Solving (PS) Today my girlfriend asked me to solve this problem. She knows that I am preparing for the GMAT and tries to help me by giving http://gmatclub.com/forum/ps-two-russian-mathematicians-99903.html |
37. E-mail Addresses Of Russian Mathematicians - Compiled By Sergei Duzhin. Science Central 500000 - Compiled by Sergei Duzhin. Related sites CML Search (Popularity ) Combined Membership List for the AMS, MAA, SIAM, AMATYC, AWM and CMS. http://www.sciencecentral.com/site/500000 |
38. Russian Mathematicians - QDOS Tag Search Results People tagged Russian mathematicians http://qdos.com/tag/Russian mathematicians | |
39. Historia Matematica Mailing List Archive: Re: [HM] Mersenne Pri Subject Re HM Mersenne primes and Russian mathematicians From Ignacio Larrosa Can~estro (ilarrosa@lander.es) Date Tue Apr 11 2000 143955 EDT http://sunsite.utk.edu/math_archives/.http/hypermail/historia/apr00/0070.html | |
40. RUSSIAN MATHEMATICIANS IN THE 20TH CENTURY edited by Yakov Sinai (Princeton University, USA) In the 20th century, many mathematicians in Russia made great contributions to the field of mathematics. http://ebooks.worldscinet.com/ISBN/9789812779212/9789812779212.html | |
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