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1. ADDAMS Jane In Japanese - Dictionary And Translation Full Name Jane Addams. Nationality American Activity American social reformer. Born 0609-1860 Died 21-05-1935 http://www.babylon.com/definition/ADDAMS_Jane/Japanese |
2. Jane Addams (1860-1935) American Writer. (18601935) American writer. Jane Addams was active in the peace movement; she wrote extensively about social justice and other social service issues. She was an important http://classiclit.about.com/od/addamsjane/Addams_Jane.htm | |
3. ADDAMS Jane In English - Dictionary And Translation ADDAMS Jane. Dictionary terms for ADDAMS Jane in English, English definition for ADDAMS Jane, Thesaurus and Translations of ADDAMS Jane to English, French, Spanish, Dutch http://www.babylon.com/definition/ADDAMS_Jane/English |
4. Jane Addams - Biography Addams, Jane, The Spirit of Youth and the City Streets. New York, Macmillan, 1909. Addams, Jane, Twenty Years at HullHouse With Autobiographical Notes. http://nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/peace/laureates/1931/addams-bio.html | |
5. Jane Addams Biography Biography and links for the first American woman to receive the Nobel Peace Prize. http://www.lkwdpl.org/wihohio/adda-jan.htm | |
6. Jane Addams - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Addams, Jane. A Belated Industry The American Journal of Sociology Vol. 1, No. 5 (Mar., 1896), pp. 536550 in JSTOR; Addams, Jane. The subjective value of a social settlement (1892) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jane_Addams | |
7. National Women's Hall Of Fame - Women Of The Hall Jane Addams was one of the first generation of American women to attend college. After graduation, unmarried,she struggled to find a career and a purpose. http://www.greatwomen.org/women.php?action=viewone&id=6 |
8. Addams (Jane) Elementary School In Lawndale, California/CA This page provides information about demographics, enrollment, teachers, special programs, ethnicity, gender, and comparisons for Addams (Jane) Elementary School in Lawndale http://california.schooltree.org/public/Addams-Jane-Elementary-008844.html |
9. Harvard University Library - Jane Addams (1860-1935) Biography for the activist, social worker, author, and Nobel Peace Prize winner, from the library s Open Collections Program. http://ocp.hul.harvard.edu/ww/people_addams.html |
10. Jane Addams (Stanford Encyclopedia Of Philosophy) Addams, Jane. ABI “A Belated Industry.” 1896. American Journal of Sociology. 1 no. 5 (March). –––. FSS “A Function of the Social Settlement.” 1899. http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/addams-jane/ | |
11. Addams, Jane Free Study Guides, Book Notes, Book Reviews More Pay it forward Tell others about Novelguide.com http://www.novelguide.com/a/discover/aww_01/aww_01_00021.html |
12. Addams, Jane - Hutchinson Encyclopedia Article About Addams, Jane US social reformer, feminist, and pacifist. In 1889 she founded and led the social settlement of Hull House in the slums of Chicago, Illinois, one of the earliest community http://encyclopedia.farlex.com/Addams, Jane |
13. Addams (Jane) Continuation School In Granada Hills, California/CA - School Tree This page provides information about demographics, enrollment, teachers, special programs, ethnicity, gender, and comparisons for Addams (Jane) Continuation School in Granada http://california.schooltree.org/public/Addams-Jane-Continuation-009150.html | |
14. Jane Addams Paper written by advanced seminar student Nicolle Bettis, with a focus on intellectual contributions and the unique impact and special problems that being female had on Addams career. http://www.webster.edu/~woolflm/janeadams.html | |
15. Addams, Jane Summary | BookRags.com Addams, Jane. Addams, Jane summary with 3 pages of encyclopedia entries, research information, and more. http://www.bookrags.com/research/addams-jane-aaw-03/ |
16. Addams, Jane - Culture Definition of Addams, Jane from The New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy. http://culture.yourdictionary.com/addams-jane |
17. Dead Sociologists Index Biographical introduction with articles about her work and ideas. http://media.pfeiffer.edu/lridener/DSS/#addams | |
18. Jane Addams — Infoplease.com Encyclopedia Addams, Jane. Addams, Jane, 1860–1935, American social worker, b. Cedarville, Ill., grad. Rockford College, 1881. In 1889, with Ellen Gates Starr, she founded http://www.infoplease.com/ce6/people/A0802460.html |
19. Addams (Jane),Elementary School,Los Angeles County, California Public School Ranking and Rating School Information Student Ethnicity Jane Addams Elementary 4535 West 153rd Pl. http://www.psk12.com/rating/USindivphp/SchID_21773.html |
20. Jane Addams 1860-1935 | Bolender Initiatives Includes an extensive collection of articles, a chronology chart, selected photographs and a power point presentation. http://www.bolenderinitiatives.com/sociology/jane-addams-1860-1935 | |
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