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21. Alfred Lee Loomis - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Alvarez, Luis W. (1980). Alfred Lee Loomis . National Academy of Sciences. Biographical memoirs. 51. Washington D.C. National Academies Press. pp. 308 – 341. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alfred_Lee_Loomis | |
22. Luis Walter Alvarez Weisstein, Eric W., Alvarez, Luis W. (19111988) at ScienceWorld. Annotated bibliography for Luis Alvarez from the Alsos Digital Library for Nuclear Issues http://english.turkcebilgi.com/Luis Walter Alvarez | |
23. Luis W. Alvarez Winner Of The 1968 Nobel Prize In Physics Luis W. Alvarez, a Nobel Prize Laureate in Physics, at the Nobel Prize Internet Archive. http://almaz.com/nobel/physics/1968a.html | |
24. Alvarez, Luis W. 1911-1988 - American Decades | HighBeam Research - FREE Trial Alvarez, Luis W. 19111988 find American Decades articles. div id= be-doc-text h1ALVAREZ, LUIS W. 1911-1988/h1pPhysicist/ph2Background/h2pLuis Alvarez, winner of t http://www.highbeam.com/doc/1G2-3468303239.html |
25. Alvarez, Luis W. 1911-1988 - 1980's Science And Technology Alvarez, Luis W. 19111988 - 1980's Science and Technology at eNotes http://www.enotes.com/1980-science-technology-american-decades/alvarez-luis-w |
26. Alvarez, Luis W(alter) Alvarez, Luis W(alter) (b. June 13, 1911, San Franciscod. Sept. 1, 1988, Berkeley, Calif.), American experimental physicist who was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics in http://www.uv.es/EBRIT/micro/micro_17_84.html | |
27. University Of California: In Memoriam, 1988 Luis Walter Alvarez, physicist, inventor, engineer, entrepreneur, and teacher died in his home in Berkeley on 1 September 1988 after a long illness. http://texts.cdlib.org/xtf/view?docId=hb967nb5k3&doc.view=frames&chunk.i |
28. Alvarez, Luis W(alter) - Encyclopedia Britannica - On History Full Name Luis W. Alvarez. Nationality American Activity American physicist. Born 1306-1911 Died 01-09-1988 http://www.history.co.uk/encyclopedia/alvarez-luis-w-alter-.html |
29. Alvarez, Luis W., 1911- Oral History Interview With Luis Alvarez, 1967 February Early education in physics at University of Chicago in the 1930s; highenergy particle counter; discovery of positron; discovery of neutrons; neutron experiments; reminiscences http://aip.org/history/catalog/icos/4483.html | |
30. Luis Walter Alvarez 1911—1988 *luis walter alvarez June 13, 1911—September 1, 1988 By w. peter trower l uie, as he was known to all , arrived at ernest lawrence's radiation lab then located behind leconte Hall on the http://www.nap.edu/html/biomems/lalvarez.pdf |
31. Alsos: Alvarez: Adventures Of A Physicist AUTHOR Alvarez, Luis W. TITLE Alvarez Adventures of a Physicist PUBLISHER Basic Books, Inc. CITY New York, NY DATE PUBLISHED 1987 ISBN 0465-00115-7 In this http://alsos.wlu.edu/information.aspx?id=3751&search=Alvarez, Luis |
32. Nitrogen Detection Alvarez, Luis W.; A method and apparatus for detecting concentrations of nitrogen between 20% and 30 http://www.devileye.net/catalog/nitrogen_detection.html | |
33. MEMORIAL TRIBUTE FOR LUIS W. ALVAREZ memorial tribute for luis w. alvarez may 1, 1991 memorial tribute for luis w. alvarez richard l. garwin http://www.fas.org/rlg/alvarez.htm | |
34. Television Viewer Alvarez, Luis W.; A viewing system for use with a cathode ray tube display comprising an objective http://www.devileye.net/catalog/antimicrobial_coatings_medical_devices/televisio | |
35. ProQuest K-12 - Online Research Tools For Schools & Libraries ProQuest delivers deep research solutions linked to K12 curriculum standards eLibrary, SIRS, CultureGrams, and more. Get free trials today. http://proquestk12.com/ | |
36. Luis Alvarez Definition Of Luis Alvarez In The Free Online Encyclopedia. Alvarez, Luis W Alvarez, Luis W. Cretaceous Period . Luis Alvarez / The Associated Press Huge crowds turn out to witness inauguration http://encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com/Luis Alvarez |
37. Linear Accelerator - Patent 2545595 Alvarez, Luis W. 313/30, 315/5.530, 315/15 http://www.freepatentsonline.com/2545595.html |
38. Coded Pulse Generating Circuit - Patent 2717960 Alvarez, Luis W. 341/178, 327/172, 342/42 http://www.freepatentsonline.com/2717960.html |
39. Alvarez, Luis W., 1911- Page 1 Pop Art Machine artwork for sale, commissioned art and online studio. http://popartmachine.com/catalog/library_search.php?q=Alvarez, Luis W., 1911- |
40. Electron Capture And Internal Conversion In Gallium 67 Title Electron Capture and Internal Conversion in Gallium 67 Authors Alvarez, Luis W. Affiliation AA(Radiation Laboratory, Physics Department, University of California http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/1938PhRv...53..606A | |
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