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21. Welcome To Columbia University Amnesty International Welcome! You have found the home of the Columbia University chapter of Amnesty International (AI). We meet every week during the academic year on Wednesday at 915pm in the http://www.columbia.edu/cu/amnesty/ | |
22. Amnesty International Schweiz Documents et agenda de la section suisse d Amnesty international. http://www.amnesty.ch/ | |
23. Death Penalty & Capital Punishment | Amnesty International USA Amnesty International death penalty information and resources including facts on the use of the death penalty in the United States. http://www.amnestyusa.org/death-penalty/page.do?id=1011005 |
24. Amnesty International | World News | Guardian.co.uk 6 Oct 2010 Black Sabbath frontman marks what would have been the late Beatle's 70th birthday with song for Amnesty International http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/amnesty-international | |
25. Amnesty International Sacramento Group 283 - Home Amnesty International works to protect human rights worldwide. We have more than 2.2 million supporters, activists and volunteers in over 150 countries, and are completely http://amnestysacramento.org/ |
26. Amnesty International Society At The University Of Nottingham. Includes Recent N Homepage for the Nottingham University Amnesty International Society http://su.nottingham.ac.uk/~amnesty/ |
27. Amnesty International Canada || Home Amnesty International (Canadian Section, English Speaking). Amnesty International is a worldwide, voluntary, activist movement that works impartially to prevent violations of http://www.amnesty.ca/ | |
28. Amnesty International Includes document library, information on various human rights themes, current news and details of how to contribute. http://www.amnesty.org.nz/ | |
29. AIUSA Group 48 amnesty international gravely concerned that ruling puts troy davis on track for execution; cites persisting doubts about his guilt (washington, d.c.) – amnesty international usa http://aipdx.org/ | |
30. Amnesty International Birmingham Chapter - Group 665 Amnesty International (AI) is a worldwide movement of people who campaign for internationally recognized human rights. Birmingham Chapter is group 665 of this organization and complies with all the guidelines of Amnesty International USA. http://amnesty.atspace.org/ | |
31. Amnesty International At St. Louis University Amnesty International St. Louis University http://www.slu.edu/organizations/amnesty/ |
32. Home | Amnesty International Hong Kong | Protect Human Rights Worldwide, AIHK, the Hong Kong section of Amnesty International, works to prevent and end grave abuses of rights to physical and mental integrity, freedom of conscience and expression. Amnesty International is the world s largest human rights organisation, and is completely independent and impartial. English/Chinese http://www.amnesty.org.hk/ |
33. Kroatien | Amnesty International Deutschland Jahresberichte ber Kroation von der Amnesty International und Berichte ber die Menschenrechtssituation in Kroatien. http://www.amnesty.de/laenderbericht/kroatien |
34. Amnesty International - Helsearbeidergruppen I Bergen Med informasjon om brevskrivingsaksjoner i saker med medisinske momenter. http://www.uib.no/isf/people/amnesty/amnesty.htm | |
35. Amnesty International Featuring news, campaign details, quarterly newsletter and network information. http://www.amnesty.ie/ | |
36. Amnesty International Studentnettverk I Trondheim I Trondheim. Med undergrupper, styre og p melding. http://www.stud.ntnu.no/studorg/amnesty/ |
37. Start.no I Oslo. Medlemmer, aksjoner og fangesak. http://home.no.net/amnesty/ |
38. Amnesty International Upper Potomac Chapter (AIUP) Amnesty International Upper Potomac Chapter (AIUP) 539 PO Box 1225 Shepherdstown, WV 25443. January 11, 2008 Shepherdstown Vigil where more than 25 local residents joined http://www.shepherd.edu/amnestyi/ | |
39. Gruppe 87 I Oslo. Med informasjon om sakene de jobber med. http://home.online.no/~pjmohn/amnesty/ |
40. Amnesty Viborg Lokalforening. http://home19.inet.tele.dk/aiviborg/ |
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