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41. Amnesty International USA | Facebook Welcome to the official Facebook Page about Amnesty International USA. Join Facebook to start connecting with Amnesty International USA. http://www.facebook.com/amnestyusa | |
42. Willkommen Die Kogruppe Menschenrechtserziehung von amnesty international bietet Unterrichtsvorschl ge, Projektideen und Konzepte. http://www.amnesty.de/de/2910/ | |
43. MySpace - Amnesty International USA - 49 - Female - NEW YORK, New York - Myspace Myspace profile for Amnesty International USA with pictures, videos, personal blog, interests, information about me and more http://www.myspace.com/amnestyusa |
44. Amnesty International - Lokalgruppe Zürich Informationen zu den Zuercher Lokalgruppen von Amnesty International http://www.amnesty-zh.ch |
45. Amnesty International European Institutions Office - Working To Protect Human Ri European headquarters of Amnesty International. http://www.amnesty-eu.org | |
46. Amnesty International Australia Amnesty International Australia Promoting and Defending Human Rights in Australia and around the world. http://www.amnesty.org.au/ | |
47. Amnesty International Group 76, Northampton MA A local chapter of Amnesty International representing Northampton, Easthampton and the surrounding towns. Amnesty International is a worldwide campaigning movement that works to promote all the human rights enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other international standards. http://amnesty76.tripod.com/ | |
48. ASU West -- Amnesty International Chapter -- Women And Human Rights LECTURE / PANEL DISCUSSION Women and Human Rights Cosponsored by AI-ASUW and Feminist Majority. Date Monday, March 25 from 11 to 1 Location ASU West Campus La Sala B http://www.west.asu.edu/amnesty/topicGuides/WomensPanel.cfm | |
49. Amnistie Internationale Canada Francophone Section canadienne francophone d Amnesty International, mouvement mondial de d fense des droits humains. http://amnistie.qc.ca/ | |
50. Amnesty International US Human Rights Policy Amnesty International Human Rights and U.S. Foreign Policy A Mandate for Leadership (1988) Introduction Amnesty International USA urges U.S. Government officials to accept the http://www.thirdworldtraveler.com/Human Rights Documents/Amnesty_USHumanRightsPo | |
51. Amnesty International: Groupe Des Hautes Ecoles Lausannoises Documents et agenda de cette section suisse. Vaud. http://www.autistici.org/amnesty-hel/ |
52. Amnesty International Sngal Buts, actions en cours, fonctionnement et structure de la branche nationale de cette association internationale de d fense des droits humains http://www.amnesty.sn/ | |
53. Bienvenue Activit s et campagnes en cours de la section luxembourgeoise. http://www.amnesty.lu/ | |
54. Amnesty International USA At Amnesty International ensuring human rights for all people is our mission. At our online store you'll find fairly traded, ethical and sweatshop free products that make http://shop.amnestyusa.org/ | |
55. Amnesty International Ouest Lyonnais Le groupe 31 de l organisation de d fense des droits humains propose des dossiers et des actions. http://amnesty.ouestlyon.free.fr/welcome.html |
56. Amnesty International - History Of Organization Nobelprize.org, The Official Web Site of the Nobel Prize http://nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/peace/laureates/1977/amnesty-history.html | |
57. Amnesty International Orl Ans Groupe 97. Informations g n rales, actions, agenda. http://amnesty.orleans.free.fr | |
58. Amnesty International-E many thanks to steve cropper and the entire crew at lifeon line for the opportunity to speak about amnesty international in the virtual worlds! http://amnestyinternational-e.org/default.aspx |
59. Amnesty International Du Comtat Venaissin Pr sentation du groupe local, de ses actions et projets. Contact. http://aicomtat.chez-alice.fr/ | |
60. Bienvenue Au Site Web D'Amnesty International Algérie Buts, actions en cours, fonctionnement et structure de la branche nationale de cette association internationale de d fense des droits humains. http://www.amnestyalgeria.org/ | |
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