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61. Take Action Online Amnesty International USA Human Rights Action Official Website of Amnesty International in the United States. Protect Human Rights worldwide. Stop Torture, Defend Women's Rights, Abolish Death Penalty and defend the rights http://takeaction.amnestyusa.org/siteapps/advocacy/ActionCenter.aspx?c=jhKPIXPCI |
62. Gruppo Italia 022 Di Legnano Attivit e storia del gruppo, documenti su Amnesty International e sui diritti umani e sezione di link. http://www.amnesty22.it |
63. Arbejdsgruppen Imod Tortur Besk ftiger sig is r med det langsigtede og forebyggende arbejde imod tortur. http://www.amnesty-international.dk/antitorturgruppen/ | |
64. Amnesty International Report 2010 Amnesty International's 2010 report documents abuses in 159 countries and shows how powerful governments are blocking advances in international justice by standing above the http://thereport.amnesty.org/en/ |
65. Oxford Amnesty Lectures Annual lecture series held at Oxford University to benefit Amnesty International. Lecture texts online. http://www.oxford-amnesty-lectures.org/ | |
66. Amnesty International: Southern California Cluster Information about Amnesty International local groups and student groups in Southern California. http://www.amnesty-volunteer.org/usa/scal/ |
67. Amnesty International Volunteer Home Page Documents and information for volunteer leaders, including a large library of AI clip art. http://www.amnesty-volunteer.org/ | |
68. Freedom Writers Amnesty International USA features three cases per month as part of the Freedom Writers network. Get case information online, write a letter today, and make a difference. http://www.amnestyusa.org/freedomwriters/ | |
69. Amnesty International Malaysia - Home Amnesty International Malaysia (AI Malaysia) is part of a worldwide movement of people who campaign for internationally recognised human rights http://www.aimalaysia.org/ | |
70. Amnesty International Thailand Includes annual reports, FAQ, membership information and details of current campaigns. http://www.amnesty.or.th | |
71. Amnesty International USA | Change.org This is the Change.org social network for Amnesty International USA. Supporters can share videos, photos, stories, and testimonials about their experiences with this Nonprofit. http://www.change.org/amnestyusa | |
72. Amnesty International Latest News, Videos, Photos See Amnesty International Latest News, Photos, Biography, Videos and Wallpapers. Amnesty International profile on Times of India http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/topic/Amnesty-International |
73. Amnesty International Volunteer Home Page The site Amnestyvolunteer.org is dedicated to providing a forum for sharing resources among active volunteers of Amnesty International. The organizers of this site come http://amnesty-volunteer.org/ | |
74. Amnesty International Nepal : AI Nepal | Human Rights Commission In Nepal | Huma Founded as a Section in 1993, AI Nepal has more than 2,800 active members and 84 local groups throughout the country. http://www.amnestynepal.org | |
75. Amnesty UK Group - Sheffield - Welcome Information about the Sheffield AI Group and how you can get involved. http://sheffield.amnesty.org.uk/ | |
76. Amnesty International Group 92, San Fernando Valley CA Chapter of Amnesty International in San Fernando Valley, California. http://www.isols.com/AIGroup92 |
77. AI Manhattan Amnesty International s Chapter 280 web site, based in midtown Manhattan. http://aimanhattan.org/ | |
78. AIUSA Group #612 Amnesty International local group in the San Francisco East Bay area. http://www.amnesty-volunteer.org/usa/group612/ | |
79. Amnesty International USA Group 19 Amnesty International volunteer chapter for the San Francisco Mid-Peninsula area. http://www.amnesty-volunteer.org/usa/group19/index.html | |
80. AIKids A special section of the Amnesty International USA website, just for kids. http://www.amnestyusa.org/aikids/ | |
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