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21. Fredrik Bajer (Danish Politician) -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia Facts about Bajer, Fredrik, as discussed in Britannica Compton's Encyclopedia Bajer, Fredrik When did Fredrik Bajer die? Where did Fredrik Bajer die? http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/49407/Fredrik-Bajer | |
22. The Nobel Peace Prize 1908 Nobelprize.org, The Official Web Site of the Nobel Prize http://nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/peace/laureates/1908/ | |
23. Fredrik Bajer - Article And Reference From OnPedia.com passage of a bill to reach arbitration agreements with Sweden and Norway. External links. Nobel Committee information on 1908 laureates; Bajer, Fredrik Bajer, Fredrik Bajer, Fredrik http://www.onpedia.com/encyclopedia/Fredrik-Bajer | |
24. Fredrik Bajer Bajer, Fredrik, Tactics for the Friends of Peace, trans. from the Danish by nobelprize.org. The Nobel Peace Prize 1908 . Fredrik Bajer. http://www.kosmix.com/topic/Fredrik_Bajer |
25. Fredrik Bajer - Biography Bajer, Fredrik. Collections of Bajer's papers are held by the Royal Library of Copenhagen and the Royal Library of Stockholm. Bajer, Fredrik, Dansk http://nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/peace/laureates/1908/bajer-bio.html | |
26. Fredsakademiet: Freds- Og Sikkerhedspolitisk Leksion B 3 : Bajer, Fredrik Bajer, Fredrik. F. 1837 D.1922 Liberal fredsven, republikaner og folketingspolitiker. Uddannet l jtnant og sprogl rer. Deltog i 1864krigen. Afskediget fra milit ret ved http://www.fredsakademiet.dk/ordbog/bord/b3.htm |
27. A Serious Drama Of Modern History : How Danish Slesvig Was Lost : A Peep Behing Author Bajer, Fredrik, 18371922 Subject Schleswig-Holstein question Publisher London Peace society Possible copyright status NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT Language English Call number nrlf_ucb http://www.archive.org/details/seriousdramaofmo00bajerich | |
28. Biografias - Bajer, Fredrik Click a star to rate this biography http://www.edukativos.com/biografias/biografia793.html |
29. Fredrik Bajer Biography, Pictures, Videos - FamousWhy Fredrik Bajer (Fredrik Beyer) was born on Friday, April 21, 1837 in Vester Egede and he was a famous politician from Denmark http://people.famouswhy.com/fredrik_bajer/ | |
30. PEACE PRIZE Bajer, Fredrik, Denmark, 18371922. Member of the Danish parliament. Hon. President of the Permanent International Peace Bureau (Bureau International Permanent de la Paix), Bern. http://www.efn.org/~peace/pfk/nobelpeace.html | |
31. Baja | Define Baja At Dictionary.com bajer, fredrik –noun. a narrow peninsula in NW mexico between the Gulf of California and the Pacific http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/baja |
32. Bajer Encyclopedia Topics | Reference.com Bajer, Fredrik, 18371922, Danish pacifist and writer. He helped found the International Peace Bureau at Bern in 1891, and he shared the 1908 Nobel Peace Prize with K. P. Arnoldson. http://www.reference.com/browse/bajer |
33. ONLIPIX - Great Names Pictures : BAJ BAJER (Fredrik)(18371922) - 1 BA JIN - 1 http://www.onlipix.com/personages/baj.htm | |
34. Baker | Define Baker At Dictionary.com bajer, fredrik Did you know When you barbecue, you're using a very old word from Haiti. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/baker |
35. Fredrik Bajer Fredrik Bajer (April 21, 1837 January 22, 1922) was a Danish writer, teacher, and pacifist politician who received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1908. The son of a clergyman, Bajer served as http://www.fact-index.com/f/fr/fredrik_bajer.html | |
36. Ny Sida 1 Bajer Fredrik Beernaert Auguste M . 18581919 1833-1918 1843-1918 1844-1916 1837-1922 1829-1912 USA Italien Frankrike Sverige Danmark Belgien President of United States of America http://biphome.spray.se/maaski/nobelpr6.htm | |
37. BAJI - What Does BAJI Stand For? Acronyms And Abbreviations By The Free Online D Bajazet (Piovene) Bajazet I Bajazet I Bajazet II Bajazet II Bajazeth BAJC BajcsyZsilinszky, Endre Bajdrag Gol Bajer, Fredrik Bajer, Fredrik BAJHC BAJI Bajin http://acronyms.thefreedictionary.com/BAJI |
38. Bajazeth Definition Of Bajazeth In The Free Online Encyclopedia. Bajazet (Piovene) Bajazet I Bajazet I Bajazet II Bajazet II Bajazeth BAJC BajcsyZsilinszky, Endre Bajdrag Gol Bajer, Fredrik Bajer, Fredrik BAJHC Baji http://encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com/Bajazeth |
39. BAJER FREDRIK More on International Peace Bureau from Fact Monster Fredrik Bajer Bajer, Fredrik Bajer, Fredrik , 1837–1922, Danish pacifist and writer. He helped found the http://www.asinus.pl/index.php?n=6892 |
40. International Peace Bureau — Infoplease.com More on International Peace Bureau from Infoplease Fredrik Bajer Bajer, Fredrik Bajer, Fredrik , 1837–1922, Danish pacifist and writer. He helped found the http://www.infoplease.com/ce6/history/A0935362.html |
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