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1. Biography Nobel Prize Winner: Becquerel, Antoine Henri | Chemdex Biography Nobel Prize Winner Becquerel, Antoine Henri. ( cole Polytechnique, Paris, France). Awarded the Nobel prize for physics in 1903 in recognition of the extraordinary http://www.chemdex.org/chemistry_link/biography_nobel_prize_winner_becquerel_ant | |
2. Henri Becquerel - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Becquerel, Antoine Henri ALTERNATIVE NAMES SHORT DESCRIPTION French physicist DATE OF BIRTH 15 December 1852 PLACE OF BIRTH Paris, France DATE OF DEATH http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antoine_Henri_Becquerel | |
3. BIPM - Becquerel BIPM internet site Henri Becquerel's early work was concerned with the polarization of light, the phenomenon of phosphorescence and the absorption of light by crystals (his http://www1.bipm.org/en/si/history-si/radioactivity/becquerel.html | |
4. Becquerel, Antoine-Henri - Hutchinson Encyclopedia Article About becquerel. SI unit of radioactivity, equal to one radioactive disintegration (change in the nucleus of an atom when a particle or ray is given off) per second. http://encyclopedia.farlex.com/Becquerel, Antoine-Henri |
5. Chemistry: Foundations And Applications Articles | Find Articles At BNET Becquerel, AntoineHenri Becquerel, Antoine-Henri FRENCH PHYSICIST 1852 x2013;1908 Antoine-Henri Becquerel was born the son of the physicist http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_gx5216/ | |
6. Becquerel, Antoine-Henri - Chemistry: Foundations And Applications | HighBeam Re Becquerel, AntoineHenri find Chemistry Foundations and Applications articles. div id= be-doc-text h1Becquerel, Antoine-Henri/h1 hr/ pFRENCH PHYSICISTbr/1852–1908/p http://www.highbeam.com/doc/1G2-3400900056.html |
7. Becquerel, Antoine-Henri From Medicine Plus…Translate This Page生物谷生物 Fisici e Ricercatori Becquerel, Antoine Henri http://www.bioon.com/dict/b/Becquerel, Antoine-Henri.shtml |
8. Becquerel, Antoine-Henri - Definition Of Becquerel, Antoine-Henri By The Free On Bec que rel (bkr l, b k-r l) Family of French physicists, including Antoine C sar (1788-1878), one of the first investigators of electrochemistry; his son Alexandre Edmond (1820 http://www.thefreedictionary.com/Becquerel, Antoine-Henri |
9. Henri Becquerel Biographicon. Henri Becquerel . Antoine Henri Becquerel (December 15, 1852 ; August 25, 1908) was a French physicist, Nobel laureate, and one of the discoverers of radioactivity. http://www.kosmix.com/topic/Henri_Becquerel |
10. Henri Becquerel - Biography Nobelprize.org, The Official Web Site of the Nobel Prize http://nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/physics/laureates/1903/becquerel-bio.html | |
11. Energy And Matter Aim 1 home Becquerel, Antoine Henri (18521908) was a French physicist who discovered radioactivity in 1896, an achievement for which he shared the 1903 Nobel Prize in Physics http://www.chemcool.com/biography/becquerel.htm | |
12. Becquerel, Antoine-Henri Definition Of Becquerel, Antoine-Henri In The Free Onli Becquerel (bĕkərĕl`), family of French physicists. Antoine C sar Becquerel, 1788–1878, was a pioneer in electrochemical science. He was professor of physics at the Mus um d http://encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com/Becquerel, Antoine-Henri |
13. Antoine-Henri Becquerel -- Genealogy & Family Tree | Famous Roots (not available) (not available) (not available) BECQUEREL AntoineHenri (not available) (not available) (not available) http://www.famousroots.com/profiles/B/becquerel-antoine-henri.html | |
14. Becquerel, Antoine-Henri - Definition Of Becquerel, Antoine-Henri In The Medical becquerel /bec que rel/ (bek″ĕrel ) a unit of radioactivity, defined as the quantity of a radionuclide that undergoes one decay per second (s−1). http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/Becquerel, Antoine-Henri |
15. Henri Becquerel Henri Becquerel. Antoine Henri Becquerel (December 15, 1852 August 25, 1908) was a French physicist, Nobel laureate, and one of the discoverers of radioactivity. http://www.fact-index.com/h/he/henri_becquerel.html | |
16. Becquerel, Antoine Henri - Definition Of Becquerel, Antoine Henri By The Free On Thesaurus Legend Synonyms Related Words Antonyms. Noun 1. Antoine Henri Becquerel French physicist who discovered that rays emitted by uranium salts affect photographic plates (1852 http://www.thefreedictionary.com/Becquerel, Antoine Henri |
17. ANTOINE HENRI BECQUEREL - Encyclopédie Universalis 300 x 340 6 kb b Henri Becquerel Antoine Henri Becquerel (December 15, 1852 August 25, 1908) was a French physicist http://www.universalis.fr/encyclopedie/antoine-henri-becquerel/ | |
18. Becquerel, Antoine-Henri - Chemistry Encyclopedia - Structure, Reaction, Salt, A Acetaminophen Chemistry Encyclopedia, Acetylcholine - Chemistry Encyclopedia, Acetylsalicylic Acid - Chemistry Encyclopedia, Acid-Base Chemistry - Chemistry Encyclopedia, Acne http://www.chemistryexplained.com/Ar-Bo/Becquerel-Antoine-Henri.html | |
19. Becquerel, Antoine Henri Definition Of Becquerel, Antoine Henri In The Free Onli Becquerel, Antoine Henri . Born Dec. 15, 1852, in Paris; died Aug. 25, 1908, at Le Croisic. French physicist. Member of the Acad mie des Sciences (1889). http://encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com/Becquerel, Antoine Henri |
20. Becquerel, Antoine-Henri (1852-1908): World Of Earth Science French physicist. AntoineHenri Becquerel's landmark research on x rays and his discovery of radiation laid the foundation for many scientific advances of the early twentieth century http://www.enotes.com/earth-science/becquerel-antoine-henri |
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