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         Blackett Lord Patrick Maynard Stuart:     more detail

21. 帝国理工学院_百度百科
Blackett, Lord Patrick Maynard Stuart 1948 Yukawa, Hideki 1949 Powell, Cecil Frank 1950 Cockcroft, Sir John Douglas 1951 Walton, Ernest Thomas Sinton
帝国理工学院(Imperial College)成立于1907年,曾是联邦大学伦敦大学的一个加盟学院。学院于2007年7月正式脱离伦敦大学成为一所独立的大学,简称帝国理工,也称伦敦帝国学院,罗素大学集团成员之一。 Imperial College 帝国理工(IC) Scientia imperii decus et tutamen Charles Kao(高锟)
Imperial College(简称:IC)
: Scientia imperii decus et tutamen(科学是帝国的光彩和守护者)
在全世界所享有的同等声誉,研究水平被公认为在英国大学三甲之列。拥有大约2800名研究人员,其中53名为皇家学会会员(Fellow of Royal Society),57名为皇家工程学院院士(Fellows of the Royal Academy of Engineering)。同时,帝国理工过去的成员中,有13个诺贝尔奖和2个费尔兹奖得主。2004/5年
以及皇家地理协会都在附近。 还有两个较大的校区并不在伦敦,贝克郡的Silwood Park校区在和在伦敦东部60英里的崴校区(Wye Campus)。 南肯星顿校区中央的女王塔,是校园里的标志性建筑。塔高287英尺(85米),是从前帝国研究院(Imperial Institute)唯一保留下来的建筑物。它原来是一座大楼的一部分,塔内还有以前设置水缸的大堂。在1960年代,帝国研究院拆卸,帝国学院在研究院的原址扩建。1966至1968年,塔进行改建,成为一座独立的建筑物。塔里面悬挂着10口大钟,是1982年来自澳洲的礼物,以王室成员的名字命名。每有重要的王室成员生日或其它王室纪念日,大钟都会在下午打响。
  泰晤士报高等教育增刊(THES)的2007全球大学排名显示,伦敦帝国学院世界排名第五。  泰晤士报高等教育增刊(THES)的2008全球大学排名显示,伦敦帝国学院世界排名第六。   泰晤士报高等教育增刊(THES)的2009全球大学排名显示,伦敦帝国学院世界排名第五。   而上海交通大学制作的ARWU排名中,帝国理工一直位居第23位,而牛津和剑桥也仅位居第13和第15位,一般认为ARWU太过于重视美国大学。而相应的THES也被批评为太过青睐英国院校。而参考了THES和ARWU之后,Newsletter制作的全球百佳大学里面,帝国理工为全球第17名。

BLACKETT, Lord PATRICK MAYNARD STUART, Great Britain, Victoria. University, Manchester, * 1897, + 1974 f r hans utveckling av. Wilsonmetoden och hans d危rmed gjorda
THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PHYSICS 1901 R諲TGEN, WILHELM CONRAD, Germany, Munich University, * 1845, + 1923: "s錽om ett erk鋘nande av den utomordentliga f鰎tj鋘st han inlagt genom uppt鋍kten av de egendomliga str錶ar, som sedermera uppkallats efter honom"; "in recognition of the extraordinary services he has rendered by the discovery of the remarkable rays subsequently named after him". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PHYSICS 1902 The prize was awarded jointly to: LORENTZ, HENDRIK ANTOON, the Netherlands, Leyden University, * 1853, + 1928; and ZEEMAN, PIETER, the Netherlands, Amsterdam University, * 1865, + 1943: "s錽om ett erk鋘nande av den utomordentliga f鰎tj鋘st de inlagt genom sina unders鰇ningar 鰒er magnetismens inflytande p str錶ningsfenomenen"; "in recognition of the extraordinary service they rendered by their researches into the influence of magnetism upon radiation phenomena". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PHYSICS 1903 The prize was divided, one half being awarded to: BECQUEREL, ANTOINE HENRI, France, 蒫ole Polytechnique, Paris, * 1852, + 1908: "s錽om ett erk鋘nande av den utomordentliga f鰎tj鋘st han inlagt genom uppt鋍kten av den spontana radioaktiviteten"; "in recognition of the extraordinary services he has rendered by his discovery of spontaneous radioactivity"; the other half jointly to: CURIE, PIERRE, France, 蒫ole municipale de physique et de chimie industrielles, (Municipal School of Industrial Physics and Chemistry), Paris, * 1859, + 1906; and his wife CURIE, MARIE, n閑 SKLODOWSKA, France, * 1867 (in Warsaw, Poland), + 1934: "s錽om ett erk鋘nande av den utomordentliga f鰎tj鋘st de inlagt genom sina gemensamt utf鰎da arbeten r鰎ande de av Professor Henri Becquerel uppt鋍kta str錶ningsfenomenen"; "in recognition of the extraordinary services they have rendered by their joint researches on the radiation phenomena discovered by Professor Henri Becquerel". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PHYSICS 1904 RAYLEIGH, Lord (JOHN WILLIAM STRUTT), Great Britain, Royal Institution of Great Britain, London, * 1842, + 1919: "f鰎 hans unders鰇ningar r鰎ande de viktigaste gasernas t鋞het samt hans i sammanhang med dessa unders鰇ningar gjorda uppt鋍kt av argon"; "for his investigations of the densities of the most important gases and for his discovery of argon in connection with these studies". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PHYSICS 1905 LENARD, PHILIPP EDUARD ANTON, Germany, Kiel University, * 1862 (in Pressburg, then Hungary), + 1947: "f鰎 hans arbeten 鰒er katodstr錶arna"; "for his work on cathode rays". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PHYSICS 1906 THOMSON, Sir JOSEPH JOHN, Great Britain, Cambridge University, * 1856, + 1940: "s錽om ett erk鋘nande av den stora f鰎tj鋘st han inlagt genom sina teoretiska och experimentella unders鰇ningar 鰒er elektricitetens g錸g genom gaser"; "in recognition of the great merits of his theoretical and experimental investigations on the conduction of electricity by gases". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PHYSICS 1907 MICHELSON, ALBERT ABRAHAM , U.S.A., Chicago University, * 1852 (in Strelno, then Germany), + 1931: "f鰎 hans optiska precisionsinstrument och hans d鋜med utf鰎da spektroskopiska och metrologiska unders鰇ningar"; "for his optical precision instruments and the spectroscopic and metrological investigations carried out with their aid". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PHYSICS 1908 LIPPMANN, GABRIEL, France, Sorbonne University, Paris,* 1845 (in Hollerich, Luxembourg), + 1921: "f鰎 hans p interferensfenomenet grundade metod att fotografiskt 錿ergiva f鋜ger"; "for his method of reproducing colours photographically based on the phenomenon of interference". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PHYSICS 1909 The prize was awarded jointly to: MARCONI, GUGLIELMO, Italy, Marconi Wireless Telegraph Co. Ltd., London, Great Britain, * 1874, +1937; and BRAUN, CARL FERDINAND, Germany, Strasbourg University, Alsace (then Germany), * 1850, + 1918: "s錽om ett erk鋘nande av deras f鰎tj鋘ster om den tr錮l鰏a telegrafiens utveckling"; "in recognition of their contributions to the development of wireless telegraphy". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PHYSICS 1910 VAN DER WAALS, JOHANNES DIDERIK, the Netherlands, Amsterdam University, * 1837, + 1923: "f鰎 hans arbeten ang錯nde gasers och v鋞skors tillst錸dsekvation"; "for his work on the equation of state for gases and liquids". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PHYSICS 1911 WIEN, WILHELM, Germany, W黵zburg University, * 1864, + 1928: "f鰎 hans uppt鋍kter ang錯nde v鋜mestr錶ningens lagar"; "for his discoveries regarding the laws governing the radiation of heat". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PHYSICS 1912 DAL蒒, NILS GUSTAF, Sweden, Swedish Gas-Accumulator Co., Liding-Stockholm, * 1869, + 1937: "f鰎 hans uppfinningar av sj鋖vverkande regulatorer att i kombination med gasaccumulatorer anv鋘das till belysning av fyrar och lysbojar"; "for his invention of automatic regulators for use in conjunction with gas accumulators for illuminating lighthouses and buoys". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PHYSICS 1913 KAMERLINGH-ONNES, HEIKE, the Netherlands, Leyden University * 1853, + 1926: "i anledning av hans unders鰇ningar 鰒er kroppars egenskaper vid l錱a temperaturer, vilka bland annat lett till framst鋖lningen av flytande helium"; "for his investigations on the properties of matter at low temperatures which led, inter alia to the production of liquid helium". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PHYSICS 1914 VON LAUE, MAX, Germany, Frankfurt-on-the Main University, * 1879, + 1960: "f鰎 hans uppt鋍kt av r鰊tgenstr錶arnas diffraktion i kristaller"; "for his discovery of the diffraction of X-rays by crystals". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PHYSICS 1915 The prize was awarded jointly to: BRAGG, Sir WILLIAM HENRY, Great Britain, London University, * 1862, + 1942; and his son BRAGG, Sir WILLIAM LAWRENCE, Great Britain, Victoria University, Manchester, * 1890 (in Adelaide, Australia), + 1971: "f鰎 deras f鰎tj鋘ster om utforskandet av kristallstrukturer medelst r鰊tgenstr錶ar"; "for their services in the analysis of crystal structure by means of X-rays". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PHYSICS 1916 Reserved. THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PHYSICS 1917 The prize money for 1916 was allocated to the Special Fund of this prize section. The prize for 1917: Reserved. THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PHYSICS 1918 The prize for 1917: BARKLA, CHARLES GLOVER, Great Britain, Edinburgh University, * 1877, + 1944: "f鰎 hans uppt鋍kt av den karakteristiska r鰊tgenstr錶ningen hos elementen"; "for his discovery of the characteristic R鰊tgen radiation of the elements". The prize for 1918: Reserved. THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PHYSICS 1919 The prize for 1918: PLANCK, MAX KARL ERNST LUDWIG, Germany, Berlin University, * 1858, + 1947: "s錽om ett erk鋘nande av den f鰎tj鋘st han genom uppt鋍kten av elementarkvanta inlagt om fysikens utveckling"; "in recognition of the services he rendered to the advancement of Physics by his discovery of energy quanta". The prize for 1919: STARK, JOHANNES, Germany, Greifswald University, * 1874, + 1957: "f鰎 hans uppt鋍kt av dopplereffekten hos kanalstr錶ar och av spektrallinjers uppdelning i elektriska f鋖t"; "for his discovery of the Doppler effect in canal rays and the splitting of spectral lines in electric fields". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PHYSICS 1920 GUILLAUME, CHARLES EDOUARD, Switzerland, Bureau International des Poids et Mesures (International Bureau of Weights and Measures), S鑦res, * 1861, + 1938: "s錽om ett erk鋘nande av den f鰎tj鋘st han genom uppt鋍kten av nickelst錶legeringarnas anomalier inlagt om precisionsfysiken"; "in recognition of the service he has rendered to precision measurements in Physics by his discovery of anomalies in nickel steel alloys". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PHYSICS 1921 Reserved. THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PHYSICS 1922 The prize for 1921: EINSTEIN, ALBERT, Germany and Switzerland, Kaiser-WilhelmInstitut (now Max-Planck-Institut) f黵 Physik, Berlin, * 1879, + 1955: "f鰎 hans f鰎tj鋘ster om den teoretiska fysiken, s鋜skilt hans uppt鋍kt av lagen f鰎 den fotoelektriska effekten"; "for his services to Theoretical Physics, and especially for his discovery of the law of the photoelectric effect". The prize for 1922: BOHR, NIELS, Denmark, Copenhagen University, * 1885, + 1962: "f鰎 hans f鰎tj鋘ster om utforskandet av atomernas struktur och den fr錸 dem utg錯nde str錶ningen"; "for his services in the investigation of the structure of atoms and of the radiation emanating from them". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PHYSICS 1923 MILLIKAN, ROBERT ANDREWS, U.S.A., California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, * 1868, + 1953: "f鰎 hans arbeten r鰎ande den elektriska enhetsladdningen samt den fotoelektriska effekten"; "for his work on the elementary charge of electricity and on the photoelectric effect". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PHYSICS 1924 Reserved. THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PHYSICS 1925 The prize for 1924: SIEGBAHN, KARL MANNE GEORG, Sweden, Uppsala University, * 1886, + 1978: "f鰎 hans r鰊tgenspektroskopiska uppt鋍kter och forskningar"; "for his discoveries and researchin the field of X-ray spectroscopy". The prize for 1925: Reserved. THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PHYSICS 1926 The prize for 1925 was awarded jointly to: FRANCK, JAMES, Germany, Goettingen University, * 1882, + 1964; and HERTZ, GUSTAV, Germany, Halle University, * 1887, + 1975: "med anledning av deras uppt鋍kt av lagarna f鰎 st鰐en mellan en elektron och en atom"; "for their discovery of the laws governing the impact of an electron upon an atom". The prize for 1926: PERRIN, JEAN BAPTISTE, France, Sorbonne University, Paris, * 1870, + 1942: "f鰎 hans arbeten r鰎ande materiens diskontinuerliga struktur, s鋜skilt f鰎 hans uppt鋍kt av sedimentationsj鋗vikten"; "for his work on the discontinuous structure of matter, and especially for his discovery of sedimentation equilibrium". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PHYSICS 1927 The prize was divided equally between: COMPTON, ARTHUR HOLLY, U.S.A., Chicago University, * 1892, + 1962: "f鰎 hans uppt鋍kt av den efter honom ben鋗nda effekten"; "for his discovery of the effect named after him"; and WILSON, CHARLES THOMSON REES, Great Britain, Cambridge University, * 1869 (in Glencorse, Scotland), + 1959: "f鰎 uppt鋍kten av hans metod att genom 錸gkondensation g鰎a elektriskt laddade partiklars banor iakttagbara"; "for his method of making the paths of electrically charged particles visible by condensation of vapour". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PHYSICS 1928 Reserved. THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PHYSICS 1929 The prize for 1928: RICHARDSON, Sir OWEN WILLANS, Great Britain, London University, * 1879, + 1959: "f鰎 hans arbeten r鰎ande termjonfenomenet och s鋜skilt f鰎 uppt鋍kten av den efter honom ben鋗nda lagen"; "for his work on the thermionic phenomenon and especially for the discovery of the law named after him". The prize for 1929: DE BROGLIE, Prince LOUIS-VICTOR, France, Sorbonne University, Institut Henri Poincar, Paris, * 1892, + 1987: "f鰎 uppt鋍kten av elektronernas v錱natur"; "for his discovery of the wave nature of electrons". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PHYSICS 1930 RAMAN, Sir CHANDRASEKHARA VENKATA, India, Calcutta University, * 1888, + 1970: "f鰎 hans arbeten ang錯nde ljusets diffusion och f鰎 uppt鋍kten av den efter honom uppkallade effekten"; "for his work on the scattering of light and for the discovery of the effect named after him". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PHYSICS 1931 Reserved. THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PHYSICS 1932 The prize money for 1931 was allocated to the Special Fund of this prize section. The prize for 1932: Reserved. THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PHYSICS 1933 The prize for 1932: HEISENBERG, WERNER, Germany, Leipzig University, * 1901, + 1976: "f鰎 uppst鋖lande av kvantmekaniken, vars anv鋘dning bl.a. lett till uppt鋍kten av v鋞ets allotropa former"; "for the creation of quantum mechanics, the applica-tion of which has, inter alia, led to the discovery of the allotropic forms of hydrogen". The prize for 1933 was awarded jointly to: SCHR諨INGER, ERWIN, Austria, Berlin University, Germany, * 1887, + 1961; and DIRAC, PAUL ADRIEN MAURICE, Great Britain, Cambridge University, * 1902, + 1984: "f鰎 uppt鋍kandet av nya fruktb鋜ande former av atomteorien"; "for the discovery of new productive forms of atomic theory". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PHYSICS 1934 Reserved. THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PHYSICS 1935 The prize money for 1934 was with 1/3 allocated to the Main Fund and with 2/3 to the Special Fund of this prize section. The prize for 1935: CHADWICK, Sir JAMES, Great Britain, Liverpool University, * 1891, + 1974: "f鰎 uppt鋍kten av neutronen"; "for the discovery of the neutron". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PHYSICS 1936 The prize was divided equally between: HESS, VICTOR FRANZ, Austria, Innsbruck University, * 1883, + 1964: "f鰎 uppt鋍kten av den kosmiska str錶ningen"; "for his discovery of cosmic radiation"; and ANDERSON, CARL DAVID, U.S.A., California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, * 1905, + 1991: "f鰎 uppt鋍kten av positronen"; "for his discovery of the positron". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PHYSICS 1937 The prize was awarded jointly to: DAVISSON, CLINTON JOSEPH, U.S.A., Bell Telephone Laboratories, New York, NY, * 1881, + 1958; and THOMSON, Sir GEORGE PAGET, Great Britain, London Universi ty, * 1892, + 1975: "f鰎 den experimentella uppt鋍kten av interferensfenomenet vid kristallers bestr錶ning med elektroner"; "for their experimental discovery of the diffraction of electrons by crystals". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PHYSICS 1938 FERMI, ENRICO, Italy, Rome University, * 1901, + 1954: "f鰎 hans p鍁isande av nya radioaktiva grund鋗nen, framst鋖lda genom neutronbestr錶ning, och hans i anslutning d鋜till gjorda uppt鋍kt av k鋜nreaktioner, 錽tadkomna genom l錸gsamma neutroner"; "for his demonstrations of the existence of new radioactive elements produced by neutron irradiation, and for his related discovery of nuclear reactions brought about by slow neutrons". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PHYSICS 1939 LAWRENCE, ERNEST ORLANDO, U.S.A., University of California, Berkeley, CA, * 1901, + 1958: "f鰎 uppfinningen av cyklotronen, dess utveckling och med densamma vunna resultat, s鋜skilt betr鋐fande artificiellt radioaktiva element"; "for the invention and development of the cyclotron and for results obtained with it, especially with regard to artifi cial radioactive elements". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PHYSICS 1940 The prize money was with 1/3 allocated to the Main Fund and with 2/3 to the Special Fund of this prize section. THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PHYSICS 1941 The prize money was with 1/3 allocated to the Main Fund and with 2/3 to the Special Fund of this prize section. THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PHYSICS 1942 The prize money was with 1/3 allocated to the Main Fund and with 2/3 to the Special Fund of this prize section. THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PHYSICS 1943 Reserved. THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PHYSICS 1944 The prize for 1943: STERN, OTTO, U.S.A., Carnegie Institute of Technology, Pittsburg, PA, * 1888 (in Sorau, then Germany), + 1969: "f鰎 hans bidrag till utveckling av molekylstr錶emetoden och uppt鋍kten av protonens magnetiska moment"; "for his contribution to the development of the molecular ray method and his discovery of the magnetic moment of the proton". The prize for 1944: RABI, ISIDOR ISAAC, U.S.A., Columbia University, New York, NY, * 1898, (in Rymanow, then Austria-Hungary) + 1988: "f鰎 den av honom angivna resonansmetoden f鰎 registrering av atomk鋜nans magnetiska egenskaper"; "for his resonance method for recording the magnetic properties of atomic nuclei". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PHYSICS 1945 PAULI, WOLFGANG, Austria, Princeton University, NJ, U.S.A., * 1900, + 1958: "f鰎 uppt鋍kten av uteslutningsprincipen, 鋠en ben鋗nd Pauliprincipen"; "for the discovery of the Exclusion Principle, also called the Pauli Principle". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PHYSICS 1946 BRIDGMAN, PERCY WILLIAMS, U.S.A., Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, * 1882, + 1961: "f鰎 uppfinningen av en apparatur f鰎 錽tadkommande av extremt h鰃a tryck f鰎 de uppt鋍kter han med densamma gjort inom omr錮et f鰎 de h鰃a tryckens fysik"; "for the invention of an apparatus to produce extremely high pressures, and for the discoveries he made therewith in the field of high pressure physics". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PHYSICS 1947 APPLETON, Sir EDWARD VICTOR, Great Britain, Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, London, * 1892, + 1965: "f鰎 hans arbeten r鰎ande atmosf鋜ens fysik, s鋜skilt f鰎 uppt鋍kten av det s.k. 'Appletonskiktet'"; "for his investigations of the physics of the upper atmosphere especially for the discovery of the so-called Appleton layer". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PHYSICS 1948 BLACKETT, Lord PATRICK MAYNARD STUART, Great Britain, Victoria University, Manchester, * 1897, + 1974: "f鰎 hans utveckling av Wilsonmetoden och hans d鋜med gjorda uppt鋍kter inom k鋜nfysiken och r鰎ande den kosmiska str錶ningen"; "for his development of the Wilson cloud chamber method, and his discoveries therewith in the fields of nuclear physics and cosmic radiation". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PHYSICS 1949 YUKAWA, HIDEKI, Japan, Kyoto Imperial University and Columbia University, New York, NY, U.S.A., * 1907, + 1981: "f鰎 hans p grundval av teoretiska arbeten r鰎ande k鋜nkrafterna gjorda f鰎uts鋑else av mesonernas existens"; "for his prediction of the existence of mesons on the basis of theoretical work on nuclear forces". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PHYSICS 1950 POWELL, CECIL FRANK, Great Britain, Bristol University, * 1903, + 1969: "f鰎 hans utveckling av den fotografiska metoden f鰎 studiet av k鋜nprocesser och hans d鋜vid gjorda uppt鋍kter r鰎ande mesonerna"; "for his development of the photographic method of studying nuclear processes and his discoveries regarding mesons made with this method". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PHYSICS 1951 The prize was awarded jointly to: COCKCROFT, Sir JOHN DOUGLAS, Great Britain, Atomic Energy Research Establishment, Harwell, Didcot, Berks., * 1897, + 1967; and WALTON, ERNEST THOMAS SINTON, Ireland, Dublin University, * 1903: "f鰎 deras pionj鋜arbete vid genomf鰎andet av k鋜nomvandlingar medelst artificiellt accelererade partiklar"; "for their pioneer work on the transmutation of atomic nuclei by artificially acce lerated atomic particles". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PHYSICS 1952 The prize was awarded jointly to: BLOCH, FELIX, U.S.A., Stanford University, Stanford, CA, * 1905 (in Z黵ich, Switzerland), + 1983; and PURCELL, EDWARD MILLS, U.S.A., Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, * 1912: "f鰎 deras utveckling av nya metoder f鰎 k鋜nmagnetiska precisionsm鋞ningar och d鋜med gjorda uppt鋍kter"; "for their development of new methods for nuclear magnetic precision measurements and discove ries in connection therewith". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PHYSICS 1953 ZERNIKE, FRITS (FREDERIK), the Netherlands, Groningen University, * 1888, + 1966: "f鰎 den av honom angivna faskontrastmetoden, s鋜skilt f鰎 hans uppfinning av faskontrastmikroskopet"; "for his demonstration of the phase contrast method, especially for his invention of the phase contrast microscope". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PHYSICS 1954 The prize was divided equally between: BORN, MAX, Great Britain, Edinburgh University, * 1882 (in Breslau, then Germany), + 1970: "f鰎 hans grundl鋑gande arbeten inom kvantmekaniken, s鋜skilt hans statistiska tolkning av v錱funktionen"; "for his fundamental research in quantum mechanics, especially for his statistical interpretation of the wavefunction"; and BOTHE, WALTHER, Germany, Heidelberg University, Max-Planck Institut (former Kaiser-Wilhelm-Institut) f黵 medizinische Forschung, Heidelberg, * 1891, + 1957: "f鰎 koincidensmetoden och hans d鋜med gjorda uppt鋍kter"; "for the coincidence method and his discoveries made therewith". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PHYSICS 1955 The prize was divided equally between: LAMB, WILLIS EUGENE, U.S.A., Stanford University, Stanford, CA, * 1913: "f鰎 hans uppt鋍kter r鰎ande finstrukturen i v鋞ets spektrum"; "for his discoveries concerning the fine structure of the hydrogen spectrum"; and KUSCH, POLYKARP, U.S.A., Columbia University, New York, NY, * 1911 (in Blankenburg, then Germany), + 1993: "f鰎 hans precisionsbest鋗ning av elektronens magnetiska moment"; "for his precision determination of the magnetic moment of the electron". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PHYSICS 1956 The prize was awarded jointly, one third each, to: SHOCKLEY, WILLIAM, U.S.A., Semiconductor Laboratory of Beckman Instruments, Inc., Mountain View, CA, * 1910 (in London, Great Britain), + 1989; BARDEEN, JOHN, U.S.A., University of Illinois, Urbana, IL, * 1908, + 1991; and BRATTAIN, WALTER HOUSER, U.S.A., Bell Telephone Laboratories, Murray Hill, NJ, * 1902, + 1987: "f鰎 deras unders鰇ningar 鰒er halvledare och uppt鋍kt av transistor effekten"; "for their researches on semiconductors and their discovery of the transistor effect". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PHYSICS 1957 The prize was awarded jointly to: YANG, CHEN NING, China, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, U.S.A., * 1922; and LEE, TSUNG-DAO, China, Columbia University, New York, NY, U.S.A., *1926: "f鰎 deras djupg錯nde unders鰇ning av de s.k. paritetslagarna, vilken har lett till viktiga uppt鋍kter r鰎ande elementarpartiklarna"; "for their penetratinginvestigation of the so-called parity laws which has led to important discoveries regarding the elementary partic les". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PHYSICS 1958 The prize was awarded jointly to: CHERENKOV, PAVEL ALEKSEYEVICH, USSR, Physics Institute of USSR Academy of Sciences, Moscow, *1904, + 1990; FRANK, IL'JA MIKHAILOVICH, USSR, University of Moscow and Physics Institute of USSR Academy of Sciences, Moscow, * 1908, + 1990; and TAMM, IGOR YEVGENYEVICH, USSR, University of Moscow and Physics Institute of USSR Academy of Scien-ces, Moscow, * 1885, + 1971: "f鰎 uppt鋍kten och tolkningen av Cherenkoveffekten"; "for the discovery and the interpretation of the Cherenkov effect". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PHYSICS 1959 The prize was awarded jointly to: SEGR, EMILIO GINO, U.S.A., University of California, Berkeley, CA, * 1905 (in Tivoli, Italy), + 1989; and CHAMBERLAIN, OWEN, U.S.A., University of California, Berkeley, CA, * 1920: "f鰎 deras uppt鋍kt av antiprotonen"; "for their discovery of the antiproton". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PHYSICS 1960 GLASER, DONALD A., U.S.A., University of California, Berkeley, CA, * 1926: "f鰎 uppfinningen av bubbelkammaren"; "for the invention of the bubble chamber". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PHYSICS 1961 The prize was divided equally between: HOFSTADTER, ROBERT, U.S.A., Stanford University, Stanford, CA, * 1915, + 1990: "f鰎 hans banbrytande unders鰇ningar 鰒er elektronspridningen mot atomk鋜nor och d鋜vid gjorda uppt鋍kter r鰎ande nukleonernas struktur"; "for his pioneering studies of electron scattering in atomic nuclei and for his thereby achieved discoveries concerning the stucture of the nucleons"; and M諷SBAUER, RUDOLF LUDWIG, Germany, Technische Hochschule, Munich, and California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, U.S.A., * 1929: "f鰎 hans unders鰇ningar r鰎ande gammastr錶ningens resonansabsorption och d鋜vid gjorda uppt鋍kt av den efter honom ben鋗nda effekten"; "for his researches concerning the resonance absorption of gamma radiation and his discovery in this connection of the effect which bears his name". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PHYSICS 1962 LANDAU, LEV DAVIDOVICH, USSR, Academy of Sciences, Moscow, * 1908, + 1968: "f鰎 hans banbrytande teorier f鰎 kondenserad materia, s鋜skilt flytande helium"; "for his pioneering theories for condensed matter, especially liquid helium". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PHYSICS 1963 The prize was divided, one half being awarded to: WIGNER, EUGENE P., U.S.A., Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, * 1902 (in Budapest, Hungary), U 1995: "f鰎 hans insatser inom teorien f鰎 atomk鋜norna och elementarpartiklarna, s鋜skilt genom uppt鋍kten och till鋗pningen av fundamentala symmetriprinciper"; "for his contributions to the theory of the atomic nucleus and the elementary particles, particularly through the discovery and application of fundamental symmetry principles"; and the other half jointly to: GOEPPERT-MAYER, MARIA, U.S.A., University of California, La Jolla, CA, * 1906 (in Kattowitz, then Germany), + 1972; and JENSEN, J. HANS D., Germany, University of Heidelberg, * 1907, + 1973: "f鰎 deras uppt鋍kter betr鋐fande atomk鋜nornas skalstruktur"; "for their discoveries concerning nuclear shell structure". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PHYSICS 1964 The prize was divided, one half being awarded to: TOWNES, CHARLES H., U.S.A., Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) , Cambridge, MA, * 1915; and the other half jointly to: BASOV, NICOLAY GENNADIYEVICH, USSR, Lebedev Institute for Physics, Akademija Nauk, Moscow, * 1922; and PROKHOROV, ALEKSANDR MIKHAILOVICH, USSR, Lebedev Institute for Physics, Akademija Nauk, Moscow, * 1916: "f鰎 grundl鋑gande arbeten inom kvantelektroniken, som lett till framst鋖lning av oscillatorer och f鰎st鋜kare enligt maser-laserprincipen"; "for fundamental work in the field of quantum electronics, which has led to the construction of oscillators and amplifiers based on the maser-laser principle". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PHYSICS 1965 The prize was awarded jointly to: TOMONAGA, SIN-ITIRO, Japan, Tokyo, University of Education, Tokyo, * 1906, + 1979; SCHWINGER, JULIAN, U.S.A., Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, * 1918, U 1994; and FEYNMAN, RICHARD P., U.S.A., California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, * 1918, + 1988: "f鰎 deras fundamentala insats inom kvantelektrodynamiken, med djupg錯nde konsekvenser f鰎 elementarpartikelfysiken"; "for their fundamental work in quantum electrodynamics, with deep-ploughing consequences for the physics of elementary particles". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PHYSICS 1966 KASTLER, ALFRED, France, 蒫ole Normale Sup閞ieure, Universit de Paris, * 1902, + 1984: "f鰎 uppt鋍kt och utveckling av optiska metoder f鰎 studiet av hertzska resonanser i atomer"; "for the discovery and development of optical methods for studying hertzian resonances in atoms". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PHYSICS 1967 BETHE, HANS ALBRECHT, U.S.A., Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, * 1906 (in Strasbourg, then Germany): "f鰎 hans insatser inom teorien f鰎 k鋜nreaktioner, s鋜skilt hans uppt鋍kter r鰎ande energialstringen i stj鋜norna"; "for his contributions to the theory ofnuclear reactions, especially his discoveries concerning the energy production in stars". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PHYSICS 1968 ALVAREZ, LUIS W., U.S.A., University of California, Berkeley, CA, * 1911, + 1988: "f鰎 hans avg鰎ande insatser inom elementarpartikelfysiken, s鋜skilt uppt鋍kten av ett stort antal resonanstillst錸d, m鰆liggjord genom hans utveckling av tekniken med v鋞ebubbelkammare och dataanalys"; "for his decisive contributions to elementary particle physics, in particular the discovery of a large number of resonance states, made possible through his development of the technique of using hydrogen bubble chamber and data analysis". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PHYSICS 1969 GELL-MANN, MURRAY, U.S.A., California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, * 1929: "f鰎 hans bidrag och uppt鋍kter betr鋐fande klassificeringen av elementarpartiklarna och deras v鋢elverkan"; "for his contributions and discoveries concerning the classification of elementary particles and their interactions". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PHYSICS 1970 The prize was divided equally between: ALFV蒒, HANNES, Sweden, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, * 1908, U 1995: "f鰎 grundl鋑gande insatser och uppt鋍kter inom magnetohydrodynamiken med fruktb鋜ande till鋗pningar inom olika omr錮en av plasmafysiken"; "for fundamental work and discoveries in magneto-hydrodynamics with fruitful applications in different parts of plasma physics"; and N蒃L, LOUIS, France, University of Grenoble, Grenoble, * 1904: "f鰎 grundl鋑gande insatser och uppt鋍kter r鰎ande antiferromagnetism och ferrimagnetism som lett till betydelsefulla till鋗pningar inom det fasta tillst錸dets fysik"; "for fundamental work and discoveries concerning antiferromagnetism and ferrimagnetism which have led to important applications in solid state physics". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PHYSICS 1971 GABOR, DENNIS, Great Britain, Imperial College of Science and Technology, London, * 1900 (in Budapest, Hungary), + 1979: "f鰎 hans uppfinning och utveckling av den holografiska metoden"; "for his invention and development of the holographic method". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PHYSICS 1972 The prize was awarded jointly to: BARDEEN, JOHN, U.S.A., University of Illinois, Urbana, IL, * 1908, + 1991; COOPER, LEON N., U.S.A., Brown University, Providence, RI, * 1930; and SCHRIEFFER, J. ROBERT, U.S.A., University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, * 1931: "f鰎 den av dem gemensamt utvecklade teorien f鰎 supraledningsfenomenet, vanligen kallad BCS-teorien"; "for their jointly developed theory of superconductivity, usually called the BCS-theory". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PHYSICS 1973 The prize was divided, one half being equally shared between: ESAKI, LEO, Japan, IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY, U.S.A., * 1925; and GIAEVER, IVAR, U.S.A., General Electric Company, Schenectady, NY, * 1929 (in Bergen, Norway), "f鰎 deras experimentella uppt鋍kter r鰎ande tunnelfenomenet i halvledare, respektive supraledare"; "for their experimental discoveries regarding tunneling phenomena in semiconductors and superconductors, respectively", and the other half to: JOSEPHSON, BRIAN D., Great Britain, Cambridge University, Cambridge, * 1940: "f鰎 hans teoretiska f鰎uts鋑elser av egenskaperna hos en suprastr鰉 genom en tunnelbarri鋜, s鋜skilt de fenomen vilka allm鋘t ben鋗nas Josephson-effekterna"; "for his theoretical predictions of the properties of a supercurrent through a tunnel barrier, in particular those phenomena which are generally known as the Josephson effects". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PHYSICS 1974 The prize was awarded jointly to: RYLE, Sir MARTIN, Great Britain, Cambridge University, Cambridge, * 1918, + 1984; and HEWISH, ANTONY, Great Britain, Cambridge University, Cambridge, * 1924: "f鰎 deras banbrytande arbeten inom radioastrofysiken: Ryle f鰎 hans observationer och uppfinningar, s鋜skilt apertursyntestekniken, och Hewish f鰎 hans avg鰎ande insatser vid uppt鋍kten av pulsarerna"; "for their pioneering research in radio astrophysics: Ryle for his observations and inventions, in particular of the aperture synthesis technique, and Hewish for his decisive role in the discovery of pulsars". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PHYSICS 1975 The prize was awarded jointly to: BOHR, AAGE, Denmark, Niels Bohr Institute, Copenhagen, * 1922; MOTTELSON, BEN, Denmark, Nordita, Copenhagen, * 1926 (in Chicago, U.S.A.); and RAINWATER, JAMES, U.S.A., Columbia University, New York, NY, * 1917, + 1986: "f鰎 uppt鋍kten av sambandet mellan kollektiva r鰎elser och partikelr鰎elser i atomk鋜nor, samt den d鋜p baserade utvecklingen av teorien f鰎 atomk鋜nans struktur"; "for the discovery of the connection between collective motion and particle motion in atomic nuclei and the development of the theory of the structure of the atomic nucleus based on this connection". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PHYSICS 1976 The prize was divided equally between: RICHTER, BURTON, U.S.A., Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, Stanford, CA, * 1931; TING, SAMUEL C. C., U.S.A., Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, MA, (European Center for Nuclear Research, Geneva, Switzerland), * 1936: "f鰎 deras ledande insatser vid uppt鋍kten av en tung elementarpartikel av nytt slag"; "for their pioneering work in the discovery of a heavy elementary particle of a new kind". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PHYSICS 1977 The prize was divided equally between: ANDERSON, PHILIP W., U.S.A., Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, NJ, * 1923; MOTT, Sir NEVILL F., Great Britain, Cambridge University, Cambridge, * 1905; and VAN VLECK, JOHN H., U.S.A., Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, * 1899, + 1980: "f鰎 deras grundl鋑gande teoretiska insatser r鰎ande elektronstrukturen i magnetiska och oordnade system"; "for their fundamental theoretical investigations of the electronic structure of magnetic and disordered systems". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PHYSICS 1978 The prize was divided, one half being awarded to: KAPITSA, PYOTR LEONIDOVICH, USSR, Academy of Sciences, Moscow, * 1894, + 1984: "f鰎 hans grundl鋑gande uppfinningar och uppt鋍kter inom l錱temperaturfysiken"; "for his basic inventions and discoveries in the area of low-temperature physics"; and the other half divided equally between: PENZIAS, ARNO A., U.S.A., Bell Laboratories, Holmdel, NJ, * 1933 (in Munich, Germany); and WILSON, ROBERT W., U.S.A., Bell Laboratories, Holmdel, NJ, * 1936: "f鰎 deras uppt鋍kt av den kosmiska bakgrunden av mikrov錱or"; "for their discovery of cosmic microwave background radiation". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PHYSICS 1979 The prize was divided equally between: GLASHOW, SHELDON L., U.S.A., Lyman Laboratory, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, * 1932; SALAM, ABDUS, Pakistan, International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, and Imperial College of Science and Technology, London, Great Britain, * 1926; and WEINBERG, STEVEN, U.S.A., Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, * 1933: "f鰎 deras insatser inom teorin f鰎 f鰎enad svag och elektromagnetisk v鋢elverkan mellan elementar partiklar, innefattande bl.a. f鰎uts鋑elsen av den svaga neutrala str鰉men"; "for their contributions to the theory of the unified weak and electromagnetic interaction between elementary particles, including inter alia the prediction of the weak neutral current". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PHYSICS 1980 The prize was divided equally between: CRONIN, JAMES, W., U.S.A., University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, * 1931; and FITCH, VAL L., U.S.A., Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, * 1923: "f鰎 uppt鋍kten av brott mot fundamentala symmetriprinciper i neutrala K-mesoners s鰊derfall"; "for the discovery of violations of fundamental symmetry principles in the decay of neutral K-mesons". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PHYSICS 1981 The prize was awarded by one half jointly to: BLOEMBERGEN, NICOLAAS, U.S.A., Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, * 1920 (in the Netherlands); and SCHAWLOW, ARTHUR L., U.S.A., Stanford University, Stanford, CA, * 1921: "f鰎 deras bidrag till utvecklingen av laserspektroskopien"; "for their contribution to the development of laser spectroscopy"; and the other half to: SIEGBAHN, KAI M., Sweden, Uppsala University, Uppsala, * 1918: "f鰎 hans bidrag till utvecklingen av den h鰃uppl鰏ande elektronspektroskopien"; "for his contribution to the development of high- resolution electron spectroscopy". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PHYSICS 1982 WILSON, KENNETH G., U.S.A., Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, * 1936: "f鰎 hans teori f鰎 kritiska fenomen vid fasomvandlingar"; "for his theory for critical phenomena in connection with phase transitions". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PHYSICS 1983 The prize was awarded by one half to: CHANDRASEKHAR, SUBRAMANYAN, U.S.A., University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, * 1910 (in Lahore, India): "f鰎 hans teoretiska studier av de fysikaliska processer, som 鋜 av betydelse f鰎 stj鋜nornas struktur och utveckling"; "for his theoretical studies of the physical processes of importance to the structure and evolution of the stars". and by the other half to: FOWLER, WILLIAM A., U.S.A., California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, * 1911, U 1995: "f鰎 hans teoretiska och experimentella studier av de k鋜nreaktioner, som 鋜 av betydelse f鰎 de kemiska elementens bildning i universum"; "for his theoretical and experimental studies of the nuclear reactions of importance in the formation of the chemical elements in the universe". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PHYSICS 1984 The prize was awarded jointly to: RUBBIA, CARLO, Italy, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland, * 1934; and VAN DER MEER, SIMON, the Netherlands, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland, * 1925: "f鰎 deras avg鰎ande insatser i det stora projekt, som lett till uppt鋍kten av f鋖tpartiklarna W och Z, f鰎medlare av svag v鋢elverkan"; "for their decisive contributions to the large project, which led to the discovery of the field particles W and Z, communicators of weak interaction". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PHYSICS 1985 VON KLITZING, KLAUS, Federal Republic of Germany, Max-PlanckInstitute for Solid State Research, Stuttgart, * 1943: "f鰎 uppt鋍kten av den kvantiserade Halleffekten"; "for the discovery of the quantized Hall effect". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PHYSICS 1986 The prize was awarded by one half to: RUSKA, ERNST, Federal Republic of Germany, Fritz- Haber-Institut der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Berlin, * 1906, + 1988: "f鰎 hans fundamentala elektronoptiska arbeten och konstruktionen av det f鰎sta elektronmikroskopet"; "for his fundamental work in electron optics, and for the design of the first electron microscope". and the other half jointly to: BINNIG, GERD, Federal Republic of Germany, IBM Z黵ich Research Laboratory, R黶chlikon, Switzerland, * 1947; and ROHRER, HEINRICH, Switzerland, IBM Z黵ich Research Laboratory, R黶chlikon, Switzerland, * 1933: "f鰎 deras konstruktion av sveptunnelmikroskopet"; "for their design of the scanning tunneling microscope". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PHYSICS 1987 The prize was awarded jointly to: BEDNORZ, J. GEORG, Federal Republic of Germany, IBM Research Laboratory, R黶chlikon, Switzerland, * 1950; and M躄LER, K. ALEXANDER, Switzerland, IBM Research Laboratory, R黶chlikon, Switzerland, * 1927: "f鰎 deras banbrytande uppt鋍kt av supraledning i keramiska material"; "for their important breakthrough in the discovery of superconductivity in ceramic materials". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PHYSICS 1988 The prize was awarded jointly to: LEDERMAN, LEON M., U.S.A., Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, Batavia, IL, * 1922; SCHWARTZ, MELVIN, U.S.A., Digital Pathways, Inc., Mountain View, CA, * 1932; and STEINBERGER, JACK, U.S.A., CERN, Geneva, Switzerland, * 1921 (in Bad Kissingen, FRG): "f鰎 metoden med neutrinostr錶ar och p鍁isandet av leptonernas dubblettstruktur genom uppt鋍kten av myonneutrinon"; "for the neutrino beam method and the demonstration of the doublet structure of the leptons through the discovery of the muon neutrino". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PHYSICS 1989 The prize was awarded by one half to: RAMSEY, NORMAN F., U.S.A., Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, * 1915: "f鰎 uppfinningen av metoden med separerade oscillerande f鋖t och dess anv鋘dning i v鋞emasern och andra atomklockor"; "for the invention of the separated oscillatory fields method and its use in the hydrogen maser and other atomic clocks". and the other half jointly to: DEHMELT, HANS G., U.S.A., University of Washington, Seattle, WA, * 1922 (in G鰎litz, Germany); and PAUL, WOLFGANG, Federal Republic of Germany, University of Bonn, Bonn, * 1913, U 1993: "f鰎 utvecklingen av jonf鋖letekniken"; "for the development of the ion trap technique". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PHYSICS 1990 The prize was awarded jointly to: FRIEDMAN, JEROME I., U.S.A., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, * 1930; KENDALL, HENRY W., U.S.A., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, * 1926; and TAYLOR, RICHARD E., Canada, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, U.S.A., * 1929: "f鰎 deras banbrytande unders鰇ningar r鰎ande starkt inelastisk spridning av elektroner mot protoner och bundna neutroner, vilka haft en avg鰎ande betydelse f鰎 utvecklingen av kvarkmodellen inom partikelfysiken"; "for their pioneering investigations concerning deep inelastic scattering of electrons on protons and bound neutrons, which have been of essential importance for the development of the quark model in particle physics". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PHYSICS 1991 de GENNES, PIERRE-GILLES, France, Coll鑗e de France, Paris, * 1932: "f鰎 uppt鋍kten att metoder, som utvecklats f鰎 att beskriva ordning i enkla system, kan generaliseras till att g鋖la mer komplicerade former av materia, s鋜skilt flytande kristaller och polymerer"; "for discovering that methods developed for studying order phenomena in simple systems can be generalized to more complex forms of matter, in particular to liquid crystals and polymers". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PHYSICS 1992 CHARPAK, GEORGES, France, 蒫ole Sup閞ieure de Physique et Chimie, Paris and CERN, Geneva, Switzerland, * 1924 ( in Poland): "f鰎 hans uppfinning och utveckling av partikeldetektorer, s鋜skilt flertr錮sproportionalkammaren"; "for his invention and development of particle detectors, in particular the multiwire proportional chamber". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PHYSICS 1993 The prize was awarded jointly to: HULSE, RUSSELL A., U.S.A., Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, * 1950, and TAYLOR Jr., JOSEPH H., U.S.A., Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, * 1941: "f鰎 uppt鋍kten av en ny typ av pulsar, en uppt鋍kt som 鰌pnat nya m鰆ligheter f鰎 studiet av gravitationen"; "for the discovery of a new type of pulsar, a discovery that has opened up new possibilities for the study of gravitation". THE NOBEL PRIZE IN PHYSICS 1994 The prize was awarded "f鰎 pionj鋜insatser vid utvecklingen av neutronspridningsmetoder f鰎 studier av kondenserad materia"; "for pioneering contributions to the development of neutron scattering techniques for studies of condensed matter" by one half to: BROCKHOUSE, BERTRAM N., Canada, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, * 1918: "f鰎 utveckling av neutronspektroskopin"; "for the development of neutron spectroscopy" and by the other half to: SHULL, CLIFFORD G., U.S.A., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, * 1915: "f鰎 utveckling av neutrondiffraktionstekniken"; "for the development of the neutron diffraction technique".

23. 浼︽暒甯濆浗鐞嗗伐瀛﹂櫌-Imperial College London 浠嬬粛 鍏ュ Translate This Pa
Blackett, Lord Patrick Maynard Stuart 1948 2. Bloch, Felix 1952 3. Bloembergen, Nicolaas 1981 4. Bohr, Aage 1975 5. Bohr, Niels 1922 (Danish D )

24. 甯濆浗鐞嗗伐瀛﹂櫌 - 鎴戠殑澶у - 鐣欑暀瀛
York, NY, b. 1898, (in Rymanow, then AustriaHungary) d. 1988 PAULI, WOLFGANG, Austria, Princeton University, NJ, U.S.A., b. 1900, d. 1958 BLACKETT, Lord PATRICK MAYNARD STUART
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25. 伦敦帝国大学 - 中国校园文化建设网
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伦敦帝国学院(Imperial College London,此乃最新的官方名称,原名Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine,又名帝国理工学院)成立於1907年,是隶属于伦敦大学的一个科学技术专精独立学院。帝国学院主校区称为南肯星顿校区,位于英国伦敦久负盛名的海德公园南边和皇家阿尔伯特大厅旁,伦敦的肯星顿和切尔西区交界处。 作为一个专致于科学的大学,帝国学院在英国享有和麻省理工在美国所享有的声誉,其研究水平被公认为在英国大学三甲之列。拥有大约2800名研究人员,其中53名为皇家院士(Fellow of Royal Society), 57名为皇家工程学院院士(Fellows of the Royal Academy of Engineering)。同时帝国学院过去的成员中,其中有16个诺贝尔奖和2个费尔兹奖得主。学生总数超过10000人,海外学生约占1/5,最近一项调查表明,帝国学院毕业生的起薪为英国之最。在各英国大学排名表中,帝国学院甚至有一次把牛津大学挤到第三,当然她也经常会被伦敦政治经济学院挤到第四。而除了理工与医学科系外,帝国学院的商学院在英国的商学院排行中,也向来佔有非常前排的位置。 帝国学院是罗素大学集团(Russell Group of Universities) 和 IDEA联盟 的成员。
HOPKINS, Sir Frederick Gowland:诺贝尔生理学或医学奖得主。
Branislav Ivkovic:政治家。
Brian May:皇后乐团(Queen)成员。
W. H. Perkin:苯胺染料的发现者。

26. Hacettepe 躰iversitesi N黭leer Bilimler Enstit黶
1948 ..BLACKETT, Lord PATRICK ,MAYNARD STUART ,陌ngilterei Victoria niversitesi, Manchester, d. 1897, . 1974 1949 ..YUKUWA, HIDEKI ,Japonya, Kyoto
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  • Tarih鏴 Misyon ve Vizyon ... Linkler Nobel 謉黮leri 1901厖... R諲TGEN, WILHELM CONRAD,Almanya, M黱ih 躰iversitesi 1902厖.. LORENTZ, HENDRIK ANTOON,Hollanda, Leyden 躰iversitesi, d.1853, . 1928 ZEEMAN, PIETER,Hollanda, Amsterdam 躰iversitesi, d.1865, . 1943 1903厖..... BECQUEREL, ANTOINE HENRI,Fransa, Ecole Polytechnique, Paris, d.1852, .1908 CURIE, PIERRE,Fransa, Ecole municipale de physique et de chimie industrielles, Paris, d.1859, . 1906

27. 浼︽暒甯濆浗澶у -- 涓鍚嶆牎 -- 澶у悓瀛︾敓缃
BLACKETT, Lord PATRICK. MAYNARD STUART. 陌ngilterei Victoria niversitesi, Manchester, d. 1897, . 1974 鈥淲ilson sis odas谋n谋 geli艧tiri艧i ve bu yolla n kleer fizik ve kozmik
浼︽暒甯濆浗瀛﹂櫌锛圛mperial College London锛屾涔冩渶鏂扮殑瀹樻柟鍚嶇О锛屽師鍚岻mperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine锛屽張鍚嶅笣鍥界悊宸ュ闄級鎴愮珛鏂1907骞达紝鏄毝灞炰簬浼︽暒澶у鐨勪竴涓瀛︽妧鏈笓绮剧嫭绔嬪闄€傚笣鍥藉闄富鏍″尯绉颁负鍗楄偗鏄熼】鏍″尯锛屼綅浜庤嫳鍥戒鸡鏁︿箙璐熺洓鍚嶇殑娴峰痉鍏洯鍗楄竟鍜岀殗瀹堕樋灏斾集鐗瑰ぇ鍘呮梺,浼︽暒鐨勮偗鏄熼】鍜屽垏灏旇タ鍖轰氦鐣屽銆 浣滀负涓涓笓鑷翠簬绉戝鐨勫ぇ瀛︼紝甯濆浗瀛﹂櫌鍦ㄨ嫳鍥戒韩鏈夊拰楹荤渷鐞嗗伐鍦ㄧ編鍥芥墍浜湁鐨勫0瑾,鍏剁爺绌舵按骞宠鍏涓哄湪鑻卞浗澶у涓夌敳涔嬪垪銆傛嫢鏈夊ぇ绾2800鍚嶇爺绌朵汉鍛橈紝鍏朵腑53鍚嶄负鐨囧闄㈠+(Fellow of Royal Society), 57鍚嶄负鐨囧宸ョ▼瀛﹂櫌闄㈠+锛團ellows of the Royal Academy of Engineering)銆傚悓鏃跺笣鍥藉闄㈣繃鍘荤殑鎴愬憳涓紝鍏朵腑鏈16涓璐濆皵濂栧拰2涓垂灏斿吂濂栧緱涓汇傚鐢熸绘暟瓒呰繃10000浜猴紝娴峰瀛︾敓绾﹀崰1/5锛屾渶杩戜竴椤硅皟鏌ヨ〃鏄庯紝甯濆浗瀛﹂櫌姣曚笟鐢熺殑璧疯柂涓鸿嫳鍥戒箣鏈銆傚湪鍚勮嫳鍥藉ぇ瀛︽帓鍚嶈〃涓紝甯濆浗瀛﹂櫌鐢氳嚦鏈変竴娆℃妸鐗涙触澶у鎸ゅ埌绗笁锛屽綋鐒跺ス涔熺粡甯镐細琚鸡鏁︽斂娌荤粡娴庡闄㈡尋鍒扮鍥涖傝岄櫎浜嗙悊宸ヤ笌鍖诲绉戠郴澶栵紝甯濆浗瀛﹂櫌鐨勫晢瀛﹂櫌鍦ㄨ嫳鍥界殑鍟嗗闄㈡帓琛屼腑锛屼篃鍚戞潵浣旀湁闈炲父鍓嶆帓鐨勪綅缃 甯濆浗瀛﹂櫌鏄綏绱犲ぇ瀛﹂泦鍥紙Russell Group of Universities锛 鍜 IDEA鑱旂洘 鐨勬垚鍛樸
HOPKINS, Sir Frederick Gowland锛氳璐濆皵鐢熺悊瀛︽垨鍖诲濂栧緱涓汇

28. Esem茅nyek, 茅vfordul贸k 07. 13.
BLACKETT, Lord Patrick Maynard Stuart Nobeld jas angol fizikus (35 ve) 1984. V N EMIL Munk csy-d jas fest艖 (25 ve) 2004. KLEIBER, Carlos n met karmester (5 ve)
var js_includes = new Array('image_handler'); K茅p bet枚lt茅se Mommo Bel茅p茅s Regisztr谩ci贸 Elfelejtett aktiv谩l谩s ...
Esem茅nyek, 茅vfordul贸k 07. 13.
Esem茅nyek, 茅vfordul贸k 07. 13. Az 茅v 194. napja, m茅g 171 nap van h谩tra az esztend艖b艖l.
脡rdekesebb 茅vfordul贸k j煤lius 13-谩n:
MONTENEGR脫 NEMZETI 脺NNEPE - 1878-ban a berlini kongresszus ezen a napon ismerte el Montenegr贸 枚n谩ll贸s谩g谩t, s 1941-ben szint茅n ezen a napon t枚rt ki az els艖 n谩ciellenes felkel茅s az orsz谩gban.
1878. Berlinben meg谩llapod谩s al谩铆r谩s谩val befejez艖d枚tt az orosz-t枚r枚k h谩bor煤t lez谩r贸 kongresszus.
1930. Uruguayban megkezd艖d枚tt az els艖 labdar煤g贸 vil谩gbajnoks谩g.
1943. A II. vil谩gh谩bor煤ban a szovjet csapatok ellent谩mad谩st ind铆tottak a n茅metek ellen a t枚rt茅nelem legnagyobb p谩nc茅los csat谩j谩ban, Kurszk k枚rzet茅ben.
1962. Az amerikai Telstar-1 mesters茅ges hold k枚zvet铆t茅s茅vel el艖sz枚r folyt m疟holdas telefonbesz茅lget茅s Nagy-Britannia 茅s az Egyes眉lt 脕llamok k枚z枚tt.
1985. Londonban 茅s Philadelphi谩ban nagyszab谩s煤 seg茅lykoncertet rendeztek az afrikai 茅hez艖k megseg铆t茅s茅re (Live Aid).

29. 浼︽暒甯濆浗瀛﹂櫌 - 缁村熀鐧剧锛岃嚜鐢辩殑鐧剧鍏ㄤ功
BLACKETT, Lord PATRICK MAYNARD STUART 陌ngilterei Victoria niversitesi, Manchester, d. 1897, . 1974 鈥淲ilson sis odas谋n谋 geli艧tiri艧i ve bu yolla n kleer fizik ve kozmik浼︽暒甯濆浗瀛﹂櫌
Imperial College London Scientia imperii decus et tutamen
Sir Keith O'Nions

QS 鏈冨摗锛團ellow of Royal Society锛夛紝74鍚嶄负 闄㈠+锛團ellows of the Royal Academy of Engineering锛夈傚悓鏃讹紝甯濆浗鐞嗗伐杩囧幓鐨勬垚鍛樹腑锛屾湁14涓
鐨凷ilwood Park鏍″尯鍦ㄥ拰鍦ㄤ鸡鏁︿笢閮60鑻遍噷鐨勫创鏍″尯(Wye Campus)銆 锛圛mperial Institute锛夊敮涓淇濈暀涓嬩締鐨勫缓绡夌墿銆傚畠鍘熶締鏄竴搴уぇ妯撶殑涓閮ㄥ垎锛屽鍏ч倓鏈変互鍓嶈ō缃按缂哥殑澶у爞銆傚湪 锛圱anaka Business School锛夈傛鍚庝簬2008骞寸敯涓晢瀛﹂櫌锛圱anaka Business School)鍙堟洿鍚嶄负甯濆浗鐞嗗伐鍟嗗闄紙Imperial College Business School). 鑻卞コ鐜
甯濆浗鐞嗗伐浜1907骞寸敱缁村鍒╀簹濂崇帇鍜岄樋灏斾集鐗逛翰鐜1845寤虹珛鐨勭殗瀹剁瀛﹂櫌锛圧oyal College of Science锛夛紝澶ц嫳甯濆浗鐮旂┒闄紙The Imperial Institute锛夛紝鐨囧鐭夸笟瀛﹂櫌锛圧oyal school of mines) 鍜屼鸡鏁﹀熀钂傛垐钂傚闄紙City and Guilds of London Institute锛夊悎骞剁粍鎴愶紝灏界杩欎笁鎵瀛﹂櫌浠嶇劧鍦ㄥ鍒朵笂淇濈暀鐫鑷繁鐨勫疄浣擄紝甯濆浗瀛﹂櫌鍦1907骞翠竷鏈堣幏寰椾簡鐨囧鐗硅鐘讹紝鎴愪负涓涓疄闄呬笂缁熶竴鐨勫疄浣撱 锛1995锛夛紝鏌ヤ护鍗佸瓧鍜岃タ鏁忓瀛︽牎锛圕haring Cross and Westminster schools锛1997锛夊厛鍚庡苟鍏ュ笣鍥界悊宸ワ紝缁勬垚鍖诲闄紝浣滀负甯濆浗瀛﹂櫌鐨勭鍥涗釜瀹埗瀛﹂櫌銆 锛圵ye College锛変綔涓哄畠鐨勪竴涓垎鏍″尯锛屼富瑕佺爺绌剁幆澧冪瀛︺備汉浠涓哄笣鍥藉闄㈢殑鐩殑涓昏鏄幏寰楀创瀛﹂櫌鎵鎷ユ湁鐨勫ぇ閲忓湡鍦帮紝甯濆浗瀛﹂櫌浜2005骞12鏈6鏃ュ甯冨创鏍″尯鍚稿紩浜10浜胯嫳闀戠殑鎶曡祫锛屽皢琚缓鎴愪竴涓笘鐣岀骇鑳藉绾12500浜虹殑鐢熺墿鐕冩枡鐮旂┒涓績銆

30. 甯濆浗鐞嗗伐瀛﹂櫌 - 瀛﹀鏁欒偛 Power Academy 鑻卞浗鐣欏涓撳|缇庡浗鐣欏
BLACKETT, Lord PATRICK MAYNARD STUART 陌ngilterei Victoria niversitesi, Manchester, d. 1897, . 1974 鈥淲ilson sis odas谋n谋 geli艧tiri艧i ve bu yolla n kleer fizik ve kozmik
Beijing obj=new Object;obj.clockfile="5002-blue.swf";obj.TimeZone="China_Beijing";obj.width=192;obj.height=16;obj.Place="";obj.DateFormat="YYYY-MM-DD";obj.wmode="transparent";showClock(obj); London obj=new Object;obj.clockfile="5002-blue.swf";obj.TimeZone="UnitedKingdom_London";obj.width=192;obj.height=16;obj.Place="";obj.DateFormat="YYYY-MM-DD";obj.wmode="transparent";showClock(obj); Imperial College 澶у鏂伴椈 News 澶у绠浠 Introduction 澶у鐗硅壊 Advantages 娉版櫎澹姤楂樼瓑鏁欒偛澧炲垔锛圱HES锛夌殑2009鍏ㄧ悆澶у鎺掑悕鏄剧ず锛屽笣鍥界悊宸ュ闄笘鐣屾帓鍚嶇浜斻 鑰孨ewsletter鍒朵綔鐨勫叏鐞冪櫨浣冲ぇ瀛﹂噷闈紝甯濆浗鐞嗗伐涓哄叏鐞冪17鍚嶃 鍦ㄧ悊宸ョ鏂归潰锛屽笣鍥界悊宸ヤ负娆ф床绗竴锛屽湪鍏ㄧ悆浣嶅眳绗洓锛2005锛2006锛夈傝繖浜涜憲鍚嶇悊宸ョ澶у鏈 甯濆浗鐞嗗伐锛圛mperial college london)锛岄夯鐪佺悊宸ワ紙MIT)锛 鍔犲窞澶у浼厠鍒╁垎鏍★紙UC Berkeley)锛屽姞宸炵悊宸ワ紙Caltech)锛屾柉鍧︾澶у锛坰tanford), 搴峰灏斿ぇ瀛︼紙cornell)鍜岀憺澹仈閭︾悊宸ワ紙swiss Federal Institute of technology Zurich)銆 鍦ㄨ嫳鍥藉鏍℃帓鍚嶏紙Times Good University Guide锛変腑锛屽笣鍥界悊宸ヤ綅灞呯3锛屽湪1999骞淬2000骞淬2001骞存浘缁忚秴杩囩墰娲ユ垚涓虹2銆傚笣鍥界悊宸ュ闄㈢殑鐞嗗伐绉戜笓涓氬拰鍖诲鍦ㄨ嫳鍥戒箖鑷充笘鐣岄兘澶勪簬棰嗗厛姘村钩銆 鍦扮悊浣嶇疆 Location 甯濆浗鐞嗗伐鏄竴涓紑鏀惧紡鐨勫ぇ瀛︼紝鐢变紬澶氬垎鏁e湪浼︽暒鐨勬牎鍖虹粍鎴愶紝浣嗗ぇ閮ㄥ垎闄㈢郴杩樻槸鍦ㄥ崡鑲槦椤挎牎鍖猴紝浣嶄簬鑻卞浗浼︽暒涔呰礋鐩涘悕鐨勬捣寰峰叕鍥崡杈瑰拰鐨囧闃垮皵浼壒澶у爞鏃侊紝鍦ㄤ鸡鏁︾殑瑗挎晱瀵哄競鍜岀殗瀹惰偗鏄熼】鍜屽垏灏旇タ鍖轰氦鐣屽锛屼竴涓鏈満鏋勫瘑闆嗙殑鍖哄煙銆傝嚜鐒跺巻鍙插崥鐗╅锛岀瀛﹀崥鐗╅锛岀淮澶氬埄浜氬拰闃垮皵浼壒鍗氱墿棣嗭紝鐨囧鑹烘湳瀛﹂櫌锛岀殗瀹堕煶涔愬闄互鍙婄殗瀹跺湴鐞嗗崗浼氶兘鍦ㄩ檮杩戙 杩樻湁涓や釜杈冨ぇ鐨勬牎鍖哄苟涓嶅湪浼︽暒锛岃礉鍏嬮儭鐨凷ilwood Park鏍″尯鍦ㄥ拰鍦ㄤ鸡鏁︿笢閮60鑻遍噷鐨勫创鏍″尯(Wye Campus)銆

31. Nobel Fizik 枚d眉l眉 Alm谋艧 Bilim Adamlar谋 Kimlerdir? |
BLACKETT, Lord PATRICK. MAYNARD STUART. 陌ngilterei Victoria niversitesi, Manchester, d. 1897, . 1974 鈥淲ilson sis odas谋n谋 geli艧tiri艧i ve bu yolla n kleer fizik ve kozmik

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