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21. Intracellular Protein Topogenesis Title Intracellular Protein Topogenesis Authors Blobel, Gunter Publication Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, Volume 77 http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/1980PNAS...77.1496B | |
22. ScienceWeek Blobel, Gunter Borlaug, Norman E Brunfels, Otto Burbank, Luther Claude, Arthur Cohen, Stanley Crick, Francis Cuvier, Georges Darwin, Charles Davenport, Charles B http://scienceweek.com/bookshelf/famous-biologists.htm | |
23. AN IMPROVED CELL FRACTIONATION PROCEDURE FOR THE PREPARATION OF RAT LIVER MEMBRA M. R. Adelman, Gunter Blobel, and David D. Sabatini; From The Rockefeller University, New York 10021 http://jcb.rupress.org/content/56/1/191.abstract | |
24. Release, Identification, And Isolation Of Messenger RNA From Mammalian Ribosomes Title Release, Identification, and Isolation of Messenger RNA from Mammalian Ribosomes Authors Blobel, Gunter Publication Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/1971PNAS...68..832B | |
25. Blobel, Gunter author Blobel, Gunter, Yuh Min Chook. Publisher Macmillan Publishing Ltd. Publication Name Nature Subject Zoology and http://www.cartage.org.lb/fr/themes/Biographies/mainbiographie/B/Blobel/Blobel.h | |
26. Gunter Blobel - Pipl Profiles People named Gunter Blobel. Find the person you're looking for and related people. http://pipl.com/directory/name/Blobel/Gunter |
27. Biologists : Famous Scientists : General Science - Mega Net Blobel, Gunter 2006 2009 All Rights Reserved http://www.mega-net.net/index.php?nodetree=library/sciences/general_science/famo |
28. Isolation Of Living Cells And Preparation Of Cell Lines Based On Detection And Q Blobel, Gunter; New York, NY, USA Summary This invention describes a reliable and efficient detection method of mRNAs as well as other RNAs in living cells and the use of this http://www.cellmedicine.com/patents/US6692965.asp | |
29. EConf C030908: Scientific Program And Proceedings James Linnemann Measures of Significance in HEP and Astrophysics paper spires Wolfgang Rolke How to Claim a Discovery paper spires Francesco Terranova http://www.slac.stanford.edu/econf/C030908/proceedings.html | |
30. Scientific Commons AN IMPROVED CELL FRACTIONATION PROCEDURE FOR Blobel, Gunter, Sabatini, David D. Abstract A cell fractionation procedure is described which allows the preparation from rat liver of a rough microsome population containing almost http://en.scientificcommons.org/33610917 | |
31. Abstracts: Karyopherin-mediated Import Of Integral Inner Nuclear Membrane Protei author Blobel, Gunter, Lusk, C. Patrick, King, Megan C. Publisher Macmillan Publishing Ltd. Publication Name Nature Subject Zoology and http://www.faqs.org/abstracts/Zoology-and-wildlife-conservation/Karyopherin-medi | |
32. Www.nature.com TY JOUR. AU - Lusk, C. Patrick. AU - Blobel, Gunter. AU - King, Megan C. TI - Highway to the inner nuclear membrane rules for the road. JA - Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol http://www.nature.com/nrm/journal/v8/n5/ris/nrm2165.ris | |
33. Www.nature.com TY JOUR. AU - Kampmann, Martin. AU - Blobel, Gunter. TI - Three-dimensional structure and flexibility of a membrane-coating module of the nuclear pore complex http://www.nature.com/nsmb/journal/v16/n7/ris/nsmb.1618.ris | |
34. Scientific Commons Gunter Blobel Anderson, David J., Blobel, Gunter http://en.scientificcommons.org/gunter_blobel | |
35. Browse By Eprint ID - CaltechAUTHORS Anderson, David J. and Blobel, Gunter (1981) In vitro synthesis, glycosylation, and membrane insertion of the four subunits of Torpedo acetylcholine receptor. http://authors.library.caltech.edu/view/ids/9278.html | |
36. Index Of Nobel Laureates In Medicine Blobel, Gunter 1999 Blumberg, Baruch S. 1976 Bordet, Jules 1919 Bovet, Daniel 1957 Brenner, Sydney 2002 Brown, Michael S. 1985 Buck, Linda B. 2004 Burnet, Sir Frank Macfarlane http://nobelprizes.com/nobel/medicine/alpha.html | |
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38. Grass GUnter: Free Encyclopedia Articles At Questia.com Online Library Saramago 1999 Doctors Without Borders Ahmed H. Zewail Martinus J. G. Veltman Gerardus t Hooft Gunter Blobel Gunter Grass 2000 Kim Dae Jung Alan J. Heeger Alan G. MacDiarmid Hideki http://www.questia.com/library/encyclopedia/101247055 |
39. ScienceNow BLOBEL, Gunter; investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, and professor of cell biology, Rockefeller University, New York City. BLOOMFIELD, Clara D.; director, Comprehensive http://bric.postech.ac.kr/science/97now/00_10now/001016a.html | |
40. The Rockefeller University » Hospital Centennial Discoveries Advancing Medicine . The founders of The Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research set out on a grand experiment. Convinced that medical progress would come from both http://centennial.rucares.org/100Stories.php | |
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