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1. Borlaug, Norman Ernest < Agriculture < Science < Galaxy.com Foundation Programs Education Residency Program Scholarship Program Seminar Program Historic Preservation Program 2002 Funding Campaign Board of Directors Borlaug Links Dr http://www.galaxy.com/dir44296/Borlaug_Norman_Ernest.htm |
2. Norman Borlaug, Celebrity: - ZoomInfo Business Information Borlaug, Norman The BGRI Borlaug, Richelle Mario A. Pedroza Borlaug, Trude The Master of Science Borlaug, Vickie http://www.zoominfo.com/people/Borlaug_Norman_1926804.aspx | |
3. Norman Borlaug - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Norman Ernest Borlaug (March 25, 1914 – September 12, 2009) was an American agronomist engineer, humanitarian, and Nobel laureate who has been called the father of the Green http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Norman_Borlaug | |
4. Father Of 'Green Revolution' Dies - WSJ.com May 26, 2010 Nobel Peace laureate Norman E. Borlaug, whose breeding of crops for poor farmers led to Asia's faminedefusing Green Revolution four decades ago, died at 95 after a long http://online.wsj.com/article/SB125281643150406425.html | |
5. Norman Borlaug - Biography Borlaug, Norman E., Wheat, Rust, and People , Phytopathology, 55 (1965) 10881098. Borlaug, Norman E., and others, A Green Revolution Yields a Golden Harvest , Columbia http://nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/peace/laureates/1970/borlaug-bio.html | |
6. Stem Rust Never Sleeps - New York Times Apr 26, 2008 The time could not be worse for an epidemic of stem rust in the world’s wheat crops. Yet millions of wheat farmers face this spreading and deadly crop infection. http://www.nytimes.com/2008/04/26/opinion/26borlaug.html |
7. Borlaug, Norman Definition Of Borlaug, Norman In The Free Online Encyclopedia. Borlaug, Norman (Ernest) (born March 25, 1914, Cresco, Iowa, U.S.) U.S. agricultural scientist and plant pathologist. He earned his Ph.D. at the University of Minnesota. http://encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com/Borlaug, Norman |
8. Norman Ernest Borlaug — Infoplease.com Feeding the world.(Brief Article) (Agricultural Research) Tapes, scholars, and the value of community One perspective on the future of Presidential history (The Virginia Quarterly http://www.infoplease.com/ce6/people/A0808376.html |
9. Defining The Green Revolution Dr. Norman Borlaug. Norman Earnest Borlaug (1914 ) Why are We in the Aftermath? Civilization. PP Presentation. Prehistory and Preagriculture. Wild Herds http://wparks.myweb.uga.edu/ppt/green/ | |
10. Borlaug, Norman E - Plant Sciences | HighBeam Research - FREE Trial Borlaug, Norman E find Plant Sciences articles. div id= bedoc-text h1Borlaug, Norman E./h1 pbiAmerican Microbiologist and Agronomistbr/1914-/i / http://www.highbeam.com/doc/1G2-3408000041.html |
11. CIMMYT. International Maize And Wheat Improvement Center Sustainably increase the productivity of maize and wheat systems to ensure global food security and reduce poverty. http://www.cimmyt.org/ |
12. Borlaug, Norman Ernest Definition Of Borlaug, Norman Ernest In The Free Online E Borlaug, Norman Ernest (b r`l g), 1914–, U.S. agronomist, b. Cresco, Iowa, grad. Univ. of Minn. (Ph.D., 1942). He worked as researcher with the E. I. du Pont Company until 1944 http://encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com/Borlaug, Norman Ernest |
13. The Nobel Peace Prize 1970 Nobelprize.org, The Official Web Site of the Nobel Prize http://nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/peace/laureates/1970/ | |
14. The Desert Shall Rejoice Today's BreakPoint Offer Join almost a half a million Christians (and counting), and read and sign the Manhattan Declaration! http://www.breakpoint.org/commentaries/12755-the-desert-shall-rejoice |
15. Borlaug, Norman Norman Borlaug speaking at the Ministerial Conference and Expo on Agricultural Science and Technology in June 2003 http://www.newworldencyclopedia.org/entry/Norman_Borlaug | |
16. Norman Borlaug Norman Borlaug – All About News And News You are here Home // // Norman Borlaug . Norman Borlaug. Posted by Peter on Sep 13, 2009 Leave a Comment http://www.about-knowledge.com/norman-borlaug/norman-borlaug/ |
17. Chegg.com: Feeding A World Of 10 Billion People The TVA/Ifdc Legacy By | 0880901 Rent and Save a ton on Feeding a World of 10 Billion People The TVA/Ifdc Legacy by Borlaug, Norman E. Borlaug, N. E..ISBN 0880901446 EAN 9780880901444 http://www.chegg.com/details/feeding-a-world-of-10-billion-people-the-tva-ifdc-l | |
18. Borlaug, Norman Ernest - Hutchinson Encyclopedia Article About Borlaug, Norman Ernest (1914– ) US microbiologist and agronomist. He developed highyielding varieties of wheat and other grain crops to be grown in developing countries, and http://encyclopedia.farlex.com/Borlaug, Norman Ernest |
19. Borlaug, Norman E Free Study Guides, Book Notes, Book Reviews More Pay it forward Tell others about Novelguide.com http://www.novelguide.com/a/discover/plsc_01/plsc_01_00041.html |
20. Borlaug, Norman E Summary | BookRags.com Borlaug, Norman E. Borlaug, Norman E summary with 2 pages of encyclopedia entries, research information, and more. http://www.bookrags.com/research/borlaug-norman-e-plsc-01/ |
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