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         Brandt Willy:     more books (100)
  1. Georg Meistermann malt Willy Brandt: Eine Dokumentation (German Edition)
  2. Willy Brandt: Eine politische Biographie (German Edition) by Peter Koch, 1988
  3. Willy Brandt by Ernest Goyke, 1900
  4. Willy Brandt: Portrait and Self Portrait by Klaus Harpprecht, 1972-11-16
  5. Geschichte als Auftrag: Willy Brandts Reden zur Geschichte der Arbeiterbewegung (Internationale Bibliothek) (German Edition) by Willy Brandt, 1981
  6. Willy Brandt by Brigitte Seebacher-Brandt, 2006-01-31
  7. Das Willy-Brandt-Haus (German Edition) by Michael Ruetz, 1996
  8. In Acht und Bann: Polit. Emigration, NS-Ausburgerung u. Wiedergutmachung am Beispiel Willy Brandts (German Edition) by Hans Georg Lehmann, 1976
  9. Abschied: Dank an Willy Brandt (German Edition)
  10. Willy Brandt 1913-1992: Eine Ausstellung der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung aus Anlass des 80. Geburtstages, Bonn 6. Dezember 1993-4. Februar 1994 (German Edition)
  11. Willy Brandt, 1913-1992 (German Edition)
  12. Willy Brandt by Terence Prittie, 1974-07-18
  13. Willy Brandt: Die SPIEGEL-Gesprache, 1959-1992 (German Edition) by Willy Brandt, 1993
  14. Von Brandt, Willy bis Waigel, Theo: Daten zur Person : 200 Politiker aus West und Ost (German Edition) by Peter Rosenzweig, 1990

21. Stiftelsen Har Som Formål å Fremme Gjensidig Kunnskap Om Samfunnsliv
Vorstellung der Aufgaben und Ziele, des Vorstandes, der Satzung, des Willy-Brandt-Preises, der Projekte und der Stipendien.
utvekslingsstipendier og utdypningsstipendier ...mer ...mehr Den norsk-tyske Willy-Brandt-stiftelsen c/o Utenriksdepartementet Postboks 8114 Dep N-0032 Oslo mail: info (at) Der Willy-Brandt-Preis 2010 : Willy-Brandt-prisen 2010 besonders verdient gemacht haben. D er Willy-Brandt-Preis 20 der Norwegisch-Deutschen Willy-Brandt-Stiftung wird am Donnerstag dem Oktober Regierung in Oslo statt. Ausgezeichnet werden der norwegische sowie ...mehr

22. Brandt, Willy From A Political And Economic Dictionary Of Western Europe, First
Brandt, Willy from A Political and Economic Dictionary of Western Europe, First Edition. Brandt, Willy summary with 4 pages of research material.

23. Brandt, Willy (Ger. States.)
Britannica CD
Britannica CD Index Articles Dictionary Help Brandt, Willy or Herbert Ernst Karl Frahm (Ger. states.) ... contribution to socialism history of

24. Willy Brandt - Nobel Lecture
Pr sentiert das Manuskript des Vortrages des Bundeskanzlers Willy Brandt am 11. Dezember 1971 in Oslo anl sslich der Verleihung des Friedens-Nobelpreises 1971.
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The Nobel Peace Prize 1971
Willy Brandt
The Nobel Peace Prize 1971
Willy Brandt ... Other Resources
English German Vortrag des Bundeskanzlers Willy Brandt am 11. Dezember 1971 in Oslo anlässlich der Verleihung des Friedens-Nobelpreises 1971 Listen to a Sound Recording
German 3 min. In order to hear the sound you need RealPlayer
Friedenspolitik in unserer Zeit
I. Der Friedens-Nobelpreis 1971 ist einem aktiven Politiker zuerkannt worden; also kann nur sein weitergehendes Bemühen, nicht eine abgeschlossene Leistung gewürdigt worden sein. Unsere ethischen und sozialen Begriffe sind durch zwei Jahrtausende Christentum vor- und mitgeprägt. Und das heisst — trotz vieler Verirrungen unter dem Feldzeichen des bellum justum, des „gerechten Krieges" — immer wieder neue Versuche und Anstrengungen, um zum Frieden auch auf dieser Welt zu gelangen.

25. Willy-Brandt-Haus - Biografie Willy Brandt
Das Willy-Brandt-Haus, die SPD-Parteizentrale in Berlin, bietet in seinem Magazin eine multimediale Biografie.
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26. Ausstellung Bundeskanzler-Willy-Brandt-Stiftung
Informiert ber Bestand und ffnungszeiten der Ausstellung.
Aktuelles Berliner Ausgabe Politische Bildung Publikationen ... English Ausstellung aktuelle Sonderausstellung bis zum 27. Februar 2011 "Deutschland für Anfänger" eine Den Ausstellungsflyer finden Sie hier. Dienstag bis Sonntag von 10 bis 18 Uhr,
Impressum Kontakt ... English

27. Brandt, Willy Encyclopedia Topics |
Copy paste this link to your blog or website to reference this page, Willy

28. Bundeskanzler-Willy-Brandt-Stiftung
Information on mission and projects of the foundation, its establishment by federal law, exhibitions and the biannual Willy Brandt Prize.
What's new? Berlin Edition Political Education Publications ... Deutsch The Federal Chancellor Willy Brandt Foundation is the non-partisan institution in Germany which serves to commemorate the Social-Democrat politician, outstanding statesman and Nobel Peace Prize recipient. It is one of five political memorial foundations which the Federal Republic of Germany has created. The name Willy Brandt is synonymous with democracy and freedom, understanding between nations and peace, justice, solidarity and social responsibility. His life and his policies demonstrate, - that courageous personal engagement in government and society is essential for a free and humane existence, - that conflicts are, insofar as possible, to be settled peacefully, - that Germany's future is best anchored in a united Europe and - that coming to terms with global problems requires collaboration among individuals and can succeed only in the context of worldwide co-operation. Our purpose is to keep the memory of Willy Brandt alive, to awaken interest in the history of the 20th century and at the same time to encourage engagement in contemporary politics. In doing that, we can contribute to consolidating the traditions of democracy and the rule of law. We offer specific curricula geared to adults, younger people and children. With an orientation to the needs and wishes of our visitors, we employ well-selected media and innovative didactic concepts. Among the offerings are guided exhibit tours, lectures, readings, discussion sessions, seminars, school projects and activities for children.

29. Brandt, Willy
Willy Brandt, born Herbert Ernst Karl Frahm (December 18, 1913 – October 8, 1992), was a German politician, chancellor of West Germany (1969–1974) and leader of the Social
Brandt, Willy
From New World Encyclopedia
Jump to: navigation search Previous (Willow) Next (Wilmot Proviso) Willy Brandt in 1973 Willy Brandt , born Herbert Ernst Karl Frahm (December 18, 1913 – October 8, 1992), was a German politician, chancellor of West Germany (1969–1974) and leader of the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD) (1964–1987). Because resistance from the opposition kept much of Brandt's domestic program from being implemented, his most important legacy is the Ostpolitik , a policy aimed at improving relations with East Germany Poland , and the Soviet Union . This policy caused considerable controversy in West Germany, but won Brandt the Nobel Peace Prize in 1971. The citation stated that "the ideal of peace" had been a "guiding star" to the chancellor throughout his active political career." Brandt was forced to resign as chancellor in 1974 after it became known that one of his closest aides had been working for the East German secret service (Stasi). This became one of the biggest political scandals in postwar West German history. In retirement, he chaired the Brandt Commission, an independent enquiry into how to reduce the North-South divide, conserve the environment and build a world "in which sharing, justice and peace" prevails. The subsequent report, "North-South: A Program for Survival" published in 1980 anticipated many and materially contributed toward the goal enshrined in the United Nations ' Millennium Development Goals Even though his period as chancellor ended in controversy, Brandt continued to use his intellect and his passion for peace and justice to promote debate about North-South equity, making a very valuable and enduring contribution to thinking about development, economics and third-world debt. His commission enabled several distinguished out-of-office politicians, such as

30. Willy Brandt
Willy Brandt. Willy Brandt . (4) Willy Brandt, Det Zoda Arhundre (January, 1940) The attitude of the socialist
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Willy Brandt was born in Lubeck in 1913. He joined the Social Democratic Party in 1930 and was active in the campaign against Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party Brandt, like many young radicals, was critical of the leadership of people like Rudolf Breitscheild . In 1931 he helped form Socialist Workers Party (SAP), a Marxist left-wing organization. By October 1931 SAP claimed to have over 50,000 members. When Adolf Hitler came to power members of the Socialist Workers Party were arrested by the Nazi authorities. Brandt fled to Norway and after studying at Oslo University he worked as a journalist. In February 1937, Brandt travelled to Spain to cover the Spanish Civil War . He based himself in Barcelona where he developed close links with the Worker's Party (POUM). While covering the war he developed a life long suspicion of communism. He later recalled how the "POUM were persecuted, dragged before the courts, or even murdered by the Communists." On his return to Norway he wrote about the dangers for socialists working with Joseph Stalin and the Soviet Union . After the signing of the Nazi-Soviet Pact he wrote: "

31. The Nobel Peace Prize 1971
Presentation speech, short biography, Nobel lecture and acceptance speech.
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The Nobel Peace Prize 1971
Willy Brandt
The Nobel Peace Prize 1971
Willy Brandt ... Other Resources
Willy Brandt
The Nobel Peace Prize 1971 was awarded to Willy Brandt. Titles, data and places given above refer to the time of the award. TO CITE THIS PAGE:
MLA style: "The Nobel Peace Prize 1971". 1 Nov 2010 Home FAQ ... Contact Us

32. Brandt, Willy°
Cyber encyclopedia of Jewish history and culture that covers everything from antiSemitism to Zionism. It includes a glossary, bibliography of web sites and books, biographies

33. Brandt, Willy

34. Brandt, Willy
Brandt, Willy Encyclopedia article; The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition, 2009. Read Brandt, Willy at Questia library.
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35. 18.12.2003 Willy Brandts 90. Geburtstag: Enthüllung Der Gedenktafel Im Marinest
Das Portal berichtet ber die Enth llung der Gedenktafel im Marinesteig am fr heren Wohnhaus der Familie Brandt. Es finden sich eine Biografie und historische Fotos.
  • Die Hauptstadt Wirtschaft Themen
    Willy Brandts 90. Geburtstag: Enthüllung der Gedenktafel im Marinesteig
    Der frühere Regierende Bürgermeister von Berlin, Bundeskanzler und Friedensnobelpreis-Träger Willy Brandt wäre am 18. Dezember 2003 90 Jahre alt geworden. Der Chef der Senatskanzlei des Landes Berlin, Staatssekretär André Schmitz , nahm am Morgen auf dem Waldfriedhof-Zehlendorf an der Kranzniederlegung am Ehrengrab Brandts und an der Enthüllung der Gedenktafel am früheren Wohnhaus der Familie Brandt im Marinesteig in Berlin-Schlachtensee teil.
    An der Enthüllung nahmen u.a. Brandts Sohn Matthias , die ehemaligen Regierenden Bürgermeister Klaus Schütz und Walter Momper , zugleich Präsident des Abgeordnetenhauses von Berlin, der Berliner SPD-Bundestagsabgeordnete Klaus-Uwe Benneter und der Vorstandsvorsitzende der Bundeskanzler-Willy-Brandt-Stiftung , Gerhard Groß, teil.
    © Landesarchiv Edmund Kasperski
    Die Enthüllung der Gedenktafel für Willy Brandt an der Fassade des Hauses Marinesteig 14 durch Brandts Sohn Matthias Brandt (verdeckt) und den Chef der Senatskanzlei des Landes Berlin, André Schmitz.
    © Landesarchiv
    Die Gedenktafel.

36. Brandt, Willy | Definition Of Brandt, Willy | Online Dictionary
Find out what Brandt, Willy means A Dictionary of Political Biography has the definition of Brandt, Willy. Research related newspaper, magazine, and journal articles at

37. Brandt, Willy
Brandt, Willy, original name HERBERT ERNST KARL FRAHM (b. Dec. 18, 1913, L beck, Ger.d. Oct. 8/9, 1992, Unkel, near Bonn), German statesman, leader of the German Social
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Brandt, Willy,
original name HERBERT ERNST KARL FRAHM (b Social Democratic Party of Germany (Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands, or SPD) from 1964 to 1987, and chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany from 1969 to 1974. Pressed to return to politics, he became a German citizen again and, after a period as Berlin representative of the Social Democratic Party Executive Committee, was elected a member of the federal parliament in 1949. Eight years later he became governing mayor of West Berlin (1957-66), a post in which he achieved world fame. He showed great moral courage when the Soviet Union demanded (1958) that West Berlin be given the title of a demilitarized free city and especially when the Berlin Wall was built in 1961. He succeeded Erich Ollenhauer as chairman of the SPD in 1964 and campaigned for the office of chancellor of West Germany three timesin 1961, 1965, and 1969. When the grand coalition government of Christian Democrats and Social Democrats was formed in 1966, Brandt became foreign minister and vice-chancellor. His party improved its performance at the federal election in 1969 and formed a coalition government with the small Free Democratic Party, pushing the Christian Democrats into the role of opposition party for the first time. The first major decision of his government was to revalue the West German mark, and the second, to sign the nuclear nonproliferation treaty. The year following his election as chancellor, Brandt concentrated on foreign affairs, and he particularly sought to improve relations with East Germany, other Communist nations in eastern Europe, and the Soviet Union, formulating a policy known as

38. Brandt, Willy
Brandt, Willy (1913–1992) German socialist politician, federal chancellor (premier) of West Germany 1969–74. He played a key role in the remoulding of the Social Democratic Brandt

39. Willy Brandt —
Encyclopedia Brandt, Willy. Brandt, Willy (vil'ē br nt) , 1913 – 92, German political leader. His name originally was Karl Herbert Frahm. Active in his youth in the Social

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