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Chain Sir Ernst Boris: more detail | ||
1. Biographies Of Sir Ernst Boris Chain Biographies of Chain Sir Ernst Boris and more Chain Sir Ernst Boris biography. http://www.biography-center.com/biographies/591-Chain_Sir_Ernst_Boris.html | |
2. Chain, Sir Ernst Boris - Idioms - By The Free Dictionary, Thesaurus And Encyclop ball and chain . 1. a wife. (Mostly jocular.) I've got to get home to my ball and chain. My ball and chain is mad at me. 2. a person's special burden; a job. http://idioms.thefreedictionary.com/Chain, Sir Ernst Boris |
3. Kamus.net Chain, Ernst Boris Chain, Sir Ernst Boris Chain. British biochemist (born in Germany) who isolated and purified penicillin http://www.kamus.net/result.php?w=en-usa&q=chain&submit=Search&e=0 |
4. Chain, Sir Ernst Boris - Definition Of Chain, Sir Ernst Boris By The Free Online Chain (ch n), Sir Ernst Boris 19061979. German-born British biochemist. He isolated and purified penicillin; for this achievement he shared a 1945 Nobel Prize with Sir Alexander http://www.thefreedictionary.com/Chain, Sir Ernst Boris |
5. Howard Walter Florey: Facts, Discussion Forum, And Encyclopedia Article The Order of Merit is an order recognising distinguished service in the armed forces, science, art, literature, or for the promotion of culture http://www.absoluteastronomy.com/topics/Howard_Walter_Florey | |
6. Chain, Sir Ernst Boris Legal Definition Of Chain, Sir Ernst Boris. Chain, Sir Er chain (Nexus), noun act of coming together, act of coupling, act of joining, act of uniting, affiliation, affinity, alliance, association, attachment, attraction, bond, bond of union http://legal-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/Chain, Sir Ernst Boris |
7. NCUACS Homepage : History Of Science Connexions 8 Chain, Sir Ernst Boris, 19061979. Biochemist Repository Wellcome Library for the History and Understanding of Medicine, London. Reference code GB 0120 PP/EBC http://www.bath.ac.uk/ncuacs/Connexions8.htm | |
8. Chain, Sir Ernst Boris - Definition Of Chain, Sir Ernst Boris In The Medical Dic chain (chÄn) a collection of objects linked end to end. branched chain an open chain of atoms, usually carbon, with one or more side chains attached to it. http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/Chain, Sir Ernst Boris |
9. WordNet Search - 3.0 S (n) Chain, Ernst Boris Chain, Sir Ernst Boris Chain (British biochemist (born in Germany) who isolated and purified penicillin, which had been discovered in 1928 by Sir Alexander http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?o2=&o0=1&o7=&o5=&o1=1 |
10. Chain, Sir Ernst Boris | Define Chain, Sir Ernst Boris At Dictionary.com Science Dictionary Chain, Sir Ernst Boris 19061979. German-born British bacteriologist who, with Howard Florey, developed and purified penicillin in 1939. For this work, they http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/chain, sir ernst boris |
11. Boris Legal - Email, Address, Phone Numbers, Everything! 123people.com Definition of Chain, Sir Ernst Boris in the Legal Dictionary by Free online English dictionary and encyclopedia. What is Chain, Sir Ernst Boris? thefreedictionary.com http://www.123people.com/s/boris legal |
12. Chain, Sir Ernst Boris Definition Of Chain, Sir Ernst Boris In The Free Online E Chain, Sir Ernst Boris (born June 19, 1906, Berlin, Ger.—died Aug. 12, 1979, Ire.) Germanborn British biochemist. With Howard Walter Florey he isolated and purified penicillin and http://encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com/Chain, Sir Ernst Boris |
13. Chain - Define Chain At WordIQ Online Dictionary who isolated and purified penicillin, which had been discovered in 1928 by Sir Alexander Fleming (19061979) syn Chain, Ernst Boris Chain, Sir Ernst Boris http://www.wordiq.com/chain | |
14. Chain, Sir Ernst Boris | Define Chain, Sir Ernst Boris At Dictionary.com Science Dictionary Chain, Sir Ernst Boris 19061979. German-born British bacteriologist who, with Howard Florey, developed and purified penicillin in 1939. For this work, they http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/chain, sir ernst boris?fromRef=true |
15. Nobel Laureates CHAIN, Sir Ernst Boris (19061979), biochemist. CSAC no. 92/3/83. Wellcome Library for the History and Understanding of Medicine, London. Medicine 1945 http://www.bath.ac.uk/ncuacs/catlist6.htm | |
16. Chain, Sir Ernst Boris Financial Definition Of Chain, Sir Ernst Boris. Chain, Si Disclaimer All content on this website, including dictionary, thesaurus, literature, geography, and other reference data is for informational purposes only. http://financial-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/Chain, Sir Ernst Boris |
17. What Does Chain Mean? (noun) Chain, Ernst Boris Chain, Sir Ernst Boris Chain British biochemist (born in Germany) who isolated and purified penicillin, which had been discovered in 1928 by Sir Alexander http://www.definitions.net/definition/chain |
18. Chain, Sir Ernst Boris Synonyms, Chain, Sir Ernst Boris Antonyms | Thesaurus.com No results found for chain, sir ernst boris Please try spelling the word differently, searching another resource, or typing a new word. http://thesaurus.com/browse/chain, sir ernst boris |
19. Chain Synonym (noun) Chain, Ernst Boris Chain, Sir Ernst Boris Chain British biochemist (born in Germany) who isolated and purified penicillin, which had been discovered in 1928 by Sir Alexander http://www.synonyms.net/synonym/chain |
20. Chain Meaning - Definition Of Chain By Mnemonic Dictionary synonyms ernst boris chain, sir ernst boris chain (noun) a unit of length (verb) fasten or secure with chains Chain the chairs together (verb) connect or arrange into a chain by http://www.mnemonicdictionary.com/word/chain | |
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