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         Cohen-tannoudji Claude:     more books (31)
  1. Quantum Mechanics (2 vol. set) by Claude Cohen-Tannoudji, Bernard Diu, et all 2006-10-09
  2. Photons and Atoms: Introduction to Quantum Electrodynamics (Wiley Professional) by Claude Cohen-Tannoudji, Jacques Dupont-Roc, et all 1997-02
  3. Quantum Mechanics: Volume II by Claude Cohen-Tannoudji, Bernard Dui, et all 1978-06
  4. Quantum mechanics. Volume I by Claude Cohen-Tannoudji, Bernard Diu, et all 1977
  5. Levy Statistics & Laser Cooling by François Bardou, Jean-Philippe Bouchaud, et all 2001-12-15
  6. Advances In Atomic Physics: An Overview by Claude Cohen-Tannoudji, David Guery-odelin, 2011-01-30
  7. Atoms In Electromagnetic Fields (World Scientific Series on Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics) by Claude Cohen-Tannoudji, 2005-03
  8. Mecanique quantique (Collection Enseignement des sciences, 16) (French Edition) by Claude Cohen-Tannoudji, 1973
  9. Mecanique Quantique: Tome II by Claude; Diu, Bernard; Laloe, Franck Cohen-Tannoudji, 1977
  10. Mecanique Quantique: Tome I by Claude; Diu, Bernard; Laloe, Franck Cohen-Tannoudji, 1977
  11. Quantenmechanik (German Edition) by Claude Cohen-Tannoudji, Bernard Diu, et all 2009-11-30
  12. Atom-Photon Interactions: Basic Processes and Applications (Wiley Science Paperback Series) by Claude Cohen-Tannoudji, Jacques Dupont-Roc, et all 1998-03-31
  13. Quantum Mechanics *2 Volumes* by Claude (Bernard Diu) (Franck Laloe) Cohen-Tannoudji, 1977-01-01
  14. Quantenmechanik (German Edition) by Cohen-Tannoudji, Claude, 2008-05-20

1. Cohen-Tannoudji Claude
Francouzsk fyzik (narozen v Konstanci v Alž rsku), kter teoreticky objasnil experiment proveden Stevenem Chu a Williamem D. Phillipsem, při kter m byly ochlazeny atomy
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Cohen-Tannoudji Claude
Vysoké školy - unikátní data o vysokých školách Z Přejít na: navigace hledání Francouzský fyzik (narozen v Konstanci v Alžírsku), který teoreticky objasnil experiment provedený Stevenem Chu a Williamem D. Phillipsem, při kterém byly ochlazeny atomy plynu pomocí laseru na ultranízké teploty. Všichni tři obdrželi Nobelovu cenu za fyziku pro rok 1997. Pokračování je přístupné pouze pro registrované. Přihlaš se nebo se zaregistruj. Citováno z „
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2. Claude Cohen-Tannoudji: - ZoomInfo Business Information
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3. Claude Cohen-Tannoudji, Honorary Members, Optical Society Of America: - ZoomInfo
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4. Cohen-Tannoudji, Claude - Hutchinson Encyclopedia Article About
French physicist who with US physicists William D Phillips and Steven Chu was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1997 for the development of techniques using laser light to cool, Claude

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6. Cohen-Tannoudji, Claude - Astro-Databank, Claude Cohen-Tannoudji Horoscope, Born
Astrology data, biography and horoscope chart of Claude CohenTannoudji born on 1 April 1933 Constantine, Algeria,_Claude
Cohen-Tannoudji, Claude
From Astro-Databank
Jump to: navigation search Claude Cohen-Tannoudji natal chart (Placidus) natal chart English style (Equal houses) Claude Cohen-Tannoudji Name Cohen-Tannoudji, Claude Gender : M Birthname Cohen-Tannoudji, Claude Nessim born on 1 April 1933 at 14:00 (= 2:00 PM ) Place Constantine, Algeria, Timezone GMT h0w (is standard time) Data source Quoted BC/BR Rodden Rating AA Astrology data Asc. add Claude Cohen-Tannoudji to 'my astro'
French nuclear physicist and educator. He was a member of the French Academy of Sciences, a graduate of the Ecole Normale Supérieure and former student of Alfred Kastler (Nobel Prize in physics) and Jean Brossel, who supervised his doctoral dissertation. His entire scientific career was spent at the Ecole Normale Supérieure, working in the laboratory which now bears the name of these two scientists. After passing the physics aggregation in 1957, Cohen entered the CNRS in 1960. From 1962 on, he trained numerous French and foreign researchers, supervising doctoral dissertations and teaching graduate courses at the University of Paris VI. In 1973, he became professor and chairman of the nuclear and molecular physics department of the Collège de France. He teaches courses on different subjects each year. With Bernard Diu and Franck Laloë, Cohen published a two-volume opus on quantum mechanics, which has been translated into German and English and serves as reference to students and researchers worldwide. He has also written two books with two former students, Jacques Dupont-Roc and Gilbert Grynberg, on quantic electrodynamics and on matter-radiation interactions. Both works have been translated into English.

7. DE GRUYTER - Natural Sciences - - Quantenmechanik
CohenTannoudji, Claude / Diu, Bernard / Lalo , Franck Quantenmechanik Transl. by Streubel, Joachim / Balla, Jochen Band 1

8. Claude Cohen-Tannoudji - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
Cohen Tannoudji, Claude Alternative names Short description Date of birth April 1, 1933 Place of birth Constantine, French Algeria Date of death Place of death
Claude Cohen-Tannoudji
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation search Claude Cohen-Tannoudji
Claude Cohen-Tannoudji Born April 1, 1933
French Algeria Nationality France Fields Physics Institutions École Normale Supérieure Notable awards Nobel Prize Claude Cohen-Tannoudji (born April 1, 1933) is a French physicist and Nobel Laureate. He shared the 1997 Nobel Prize in Physics with Steven Chu and William Daniel Phillips for research in methods of laser cooling and trapping atoms. He is still an active researcher, working at the École Normale Supérieure in Paris
edit Early life
Cohen-Tannoudji was born in Constantine to Jewish parents when Algeria was a French territory . After primary and secondary education, Cohen-Tannoudji left Algeria for Paris to attend the École normale supérieure . His professors included Henri Cartan Laurent Schwartz , and Alfred Kastler In 1958 he married Jacqueline, a high school teacher, with whom he had three children. His studies were interrupted when he was conscripted into the army, in which he served for 28 months (longer than usual because of the

9. Claude Cohen-Tannoudji - Significado De Claude Cohen-Tannoudji Diccionario
cohentannoudji, claude cornell, eric a. cronin, james watson davies, paul dehmelt, hans dewitt, bryce s. dijkgraaf, robbert duran, orencio englert, francois Cohen-Tannoudji

10. Claude Cohen-Tannoudji - Autobiography, The Official Web Site of the Nobel Prize
Home FAQ Press Contact Us ... Nobel Prize in Physics Claude Cohen-Tannoudji - Autobiography
  • About the Nobel Prizes Facts and Lists Nobel Prize in Physics Sort and list Nobel Prizes and Nobel Laureates Create a List All Nobel Prizes Nobel Prize Awarded Organizations Women Nobel Laureates Nobel Laureates and Universities Prize category: Physics Chemistry Medicine Literature Peace Economics
    The Nobel Prize in Physics 1997
    Steven Chu, Claude Cohen-Tannoudji, William D. Phillips
    The Nobel Prize in Physics 1997
    I was born on April 1, 1933 in Constantine, Algeria, which was then part of France. My family, originally from Tangier, settled in Tunisia and then in Algeria in the 16th century after having fled Spain during the Inquisition. In fact, our name, Cohen-Tannoudji, means simply the Cohen family from Tangiers. The Algerian Jews obtained the French citizenship in 1870 after Algeria became a French colony in 1830.
    My parents lived a modest life and their main concern was the education of their children. My father was a self-taught man but had a great intellectual curiosity, not only for biblical and talmudic texts, but also for philosophy, psychoanalysis and history. He passed on to me his taste for studies, for discussion, for debate, and he taught me what I regard as being the fundamental features of the Jewish tradition - studying, learning and sharing knowledge with others.

11. Claude Cohen-Tannoudji | Encyclopedia
Early life. CohenTannoudji was born in Constantine to Jewish parents when Algeria was a French territory. After primary and secondary education, Cohen-Tannoudji left Algeria for Paris to

12. Quantum Mechanics By | 0471164356 | 9780471164357
Rent and Save a ton on Quantum Mechanics by CohenTannoudji, Claude Dui, Bernard Diu, Bernard Laloe, Frank Laloe, Franck.ISBN 0471164356 EAN 9780471164357
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SUMMARY Separates essential underlying principles of quantum mechanics from specific applications and practical examples, dealing with each in different sections. Chapters emphasize principles; complementary sections supply applications. Provides a qualitative introduction to quantum mechanical ideas; a systematic presentation of the mathematical tools and postulates, including a discussion of their physical content and applications. Applications are not interdependent and can be used to focus on either physics or chemistry. SUMMARY Separates essential underlying principles of quantum mechanics from specific applications and practical examples, dealing with each in different sections. Chapters emphasize principles; complementary sections supply applications. Provides a qualitative introduction to quantum mechanical ideas; a systematic presentation of the mathematical tools and...

13. MIT OpenCourseWare | Physics | 8.06 Quantum Physics III, Spring 2005 | Readings
CohenTannoudji, Claude. Quantum Mechanics. 2 vols. New York, NY Wiley, 1977. ISBN 9780471164326. Sakurai, J. J. Modern Quantum Mechanics. Reading, MA Addison-Wesley Pub., 1994.

14. AccessScience | Biography | Cohen-Tannoudji, Claude
About AccessScience. AccessScience is a subscriptionbased website that features continually updated scientific and

15. Photons Et Atomes, Introduction � L'�lectrodynamique Quantique Photons Et Atomes
CohenTannoudji, Claude Cornell, Eric A cosmic background radiation cryogenics entropy Giauque, William Francis infrared radiation Josephson junction

16. Quantum Mechanics By | 0471164348 | 9780471164340
Rent and Save a ton on Quantum Mechanics by CohenTannoudji, Claude Dui, Bernard Laloe, Frank.ISBN 0471164348 EAN 9780471164340
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  • Managing Human Resources George George W. Bohlander
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17. Facts About Cohen-Tannoudji, Claude: Chu, As Discussed In Britannica Compton's E
Facts about CohenTannoudji, Claude Chu, in slowing and cooling atoms caused a sensation in the physics world, and within a short time, many other scientists began to try to
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    Facts about Cohen-Tannoudji, Claude: Chu, as discussed in Britannica Compton's Encyclopedia Chu, Steven slowing and cooling atoms caused a sensation in the physics world, and within a short time, many other scientists began to try to slow atoms down even further. Physicists William Phillips and Claude Cohen-Tannoudji reduced the temperature of atoms even closer to absolute zero than Chu had. The work of all three scientists introduced to the process new techniques and applications. The... Get Random Facts

COHENTANNOUDJI, CLAUDE E-mail Claude.Cohen-Tannoudji (AT) Professeur au Coll ge de France (Chaire de Physique Atomique et Mol culaire) et au D partement de

19. Claude Cohen-Tannoudji Winner Of The 1997 Nobel Prize In Physics
Claude CohenTannoudji, a Nobel Prize Laureate in Physics, at the Nobel Prize Internet Archive.
1997 Nobel Laureate in Physics
    for development of methods to cool and trap atoms with laser light.
  • Born: 1933
  • Place of birth: Constantine, Algeria
  • Education: Ph.D.'62 from the Ecole Normale Superieure in Paris, France
  • Residence: Paris, France
  • Affiliation: Laboratoire de Physique de Icole Normale Supirieure, Paris, France
Book Store Featured Internet Links Links added by Nobel Internet Archive visitors

20. Physics > Physicists > Cohen Tannoudji, Claude
Information Further information is available at the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Information Department, Box 50005, SE104 05 Stockholm, Sweden Phone 46 8 673 95 25

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