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         Cori Gerty Theresa:     more detail
  1. Biochimiste Américain: Robert Crane, George Wald, Roger Tsien, Robert Furchgott, Gertrude Elion, Gerty Theresa Cori, Edward Adelbert Doisy (French Edition)

21. Cori, Gerty Theresa 1896-1957 - 1940's Science And Technology
Cori, Gerty Theresa 18961957 - 1940's Science and Technology at eNotes

22. Cori, Gerty Theresa - Definition
Cori, Gerty Theresa definition from the mondofacto online medical dictionary, Gerty Theresa

23. Cori, Gerty Theresa Radnitz Encyclopedia Topics |
Copy paste this link to your blog or website to reference this page, gerty theresa radnitz

24. National Women's Hall Of Fame - Women Of The Hall
Gerty Theresa Radnitz Cori, a pioneer in biochemistry, received international recognition for discovering, along with her husband, Carl, how glucose is converted into glycogen, a

25. Gerty Theresa Cori | Jewish Women's Archive
Jewish Women A Comprehensive Historical Encyclopedia. 1 March 2009. Jewish Women's Archive. October 23, 2010 http// .
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    Gerty Theresa Cori
    Bibliography Discuss by Mildred Cohn In the radio series This I Believe, In 1931, after refusing a position at a university which would prohibit Gerty from working with him, Carl accepted the chairmanship of the Pharmacology Department at Washington University in St. Louis, where Gerty was given a research assistantship at a nominal salary. Their research on glycogenolysis flourished. In 1936, extending their quantitative analytical methods to hexose monophosphates in glycogenolysis, they discovered a new intermediate, glucose-1-phosphate, the Cori ester. That same year Gerty gave birth to their only child, Thomas Carl, an event which did not change her dedication to her work. In 1946 Carl was appointed chairman of Biochemistry at Washington University and Gerty was promoted to associate professor. Shortly before receiving the Nobel Prize, she reached the top of the academic ladder, full professorship. Scientists from all over the world flocked to this Mecca of enzymology to work with the Coris. Among those mentored by them, six subsequently received the Nobel prize.

26. Carl Ferdinand & Gerty Theresa Cori
Nobel Winners picture, Nobel Winners Bio Carl Ferdinand Cori Gerty Theresa Cori (18961984) (1896-1957)

American biochemists, husband-and-wife team whose discovery of a phosphate-containing form of the simple sugar glucose, and its universal importance to carbohydrate metabolism, led to an understanding of hormonal influence on the interconversion of sugars and starches in the animal organism. Their discoveries earned them (with Bernardo Houssay) the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine in 1947.
They met while students at the German University of Prague and were married in 1920, receiving their medical degrees the same year. Emigrating to the United States in 1922, they joined the staff of the Institute for the Study of Malignant Disease, Buffalo, N.Y. (1922-31). As faculty members of the Washington University medical school, St. Louis (from 1931), they discovered (1936) the activated intermediate, glucose 1-phosphate (phosphate bound to a specific carbon atom on the glucose molecule), known as the "Cori ester." They demonstrated that it represents the first step in the conversion into glucose of the animal storage carbohydrate glycogen, large quantities of which are found in the liver, andbecause the reaction is reversiblein some cases the last step in the conversion of blood glucose to glycogen. Six years later they isolated and purified the enzyme responsible for catalyzing the glycogen-Cori ester reaction, and with it they achieved the test-tube synthesis of glycogen in 1943. Proof of the interconversion allowed them to formulate the "Cori cycle," postulating that liver glycogen is converted to blood glucose that is reconverted to glycogen in muscle, where its breakdown to lactic acid provides the energy utilized in muscle contraction. The lactic acid is used to re-form glycogen in the liver. Studying the way in which hormones affect carbohydrate metabolism in animals, the Coris showed that epinephrine induces the formation of a type of phosphorylase enzyme favouring conversion of glycogen to activated glucose and that insulin causes the removal of sugar from the blood by promoting the addition of phosphate to glucose.

27. The Nobel Prize In Physiology Or Medicine 1947, The Official Web Site of the Nobel Prize
Home FAQ Press Contact Us ... Nobel Prize in Medicine The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1947 Sort and list Nobel Prizes and Nobel Laureates Create a List All Nobel Prizes Nobel Prize Awarded Organizations Women Nobel Laureates Nobel Laureates and Universities Prize category: Physics Chemistry Medicine Literature Peace Economics
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1947
Carl Cori, Gerty Cori, Bernardo Houssay
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1947
Carl Cori ... Banquet Speech
Carl Ferdinand Cori
Gerty Theresa Cori, née Radnitz
Bernardo Alberto Houssay
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1947 was divided, one half jointly to Carl Ferdinand Cori and Gerty Theresa Cori, née Radnitz "for their discovery of the course of the catalytic conversion of glycogen" and the other half to Bernardo Alberto Houssay "for his discovery of the part played by the hormone of the anterior pituitary lobe in the metabolism of sugar" TO CITE THIS PAGE:
MLA style: "The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1947". 1 Nov 2010

28. Gerty Cori - Biography, The Official Web Site of the Nobel Prize
Home FAQ Press Contact Us ... Nobel Prize in Medicine Gerty Cori - Biography Sort and list Nobel Prizes and Nobel Laureates Create a List All Nobel Prizes Nobel Prize Awarded Organizations Women Nobel Laureates Nobel Laureates and Universities Prize category: Physics Chemistry Medicine Literature Peace Economics
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1947
Carl Cori, Gerty Cori, Bernardo Houssay
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1947
Carl Cori ... Banquet Speech
, was born in Prague on August 15th, 1896. She received her primary education at home before entering a Lyceum for girls in 1906; she graduated in 1912 and studied for the University entrance examination, which she took and passed at the Tetschen Realgymnasium in 1914. She entered the Medical School of the German University of Prague and received the Doctorate in Medicine in 1920. She then spent two years at the Carolinen Children's Hospital before emigrating to America with her husband, Carl, whom she married in 1920. They worked together in Buffalo and when he moved to St. Louis, she joined him as Research Associate. Gerty Cori was made Professor of Biochemistry in 1947. The Cori's have collaborated in most of their research work, commencing in their student days and stemming from their mutual interest in the preclinical sciences. Their first joint paper resulted from an immunological study of the complement of human serum.

29. Cori, Gerty Theresa (Am. Biochem.)
Cori, Gerty Theresa, or Gerty Theresa Radnitz (Am. biochem.) association with Krebs
Britannica CD Index Articles Dictionary Help Cori, Gerty Theresa or Gerty Theresa Radnitz (Am. biochem.) ...

30. Cori, Gerty Theresa - Personenlexikon
Argentina , officially the Argentine Republic , is the second largest country in South America, constituted as a federation of 23 provinces and an autonomous city, Buenos Aires
Startseite Personenlexikon Thematische Gliederung Gruppen Kategorien ... Z
Cori, Gerty Theresa
, Cori, C.F. Diese Seite als Bookmark speichern : addthis_url = location.href; addthis_title = document.title; addthis_pub = 'woorgle1492'; Cori, Carl Ferdinand Coriolis, Gaspard Gustave de Weitere Begriffe : Braconnot, Henri Mayer, Johann Tobias Petermann, August Personenlexikon Neuen Artikel hinzufügen Rechtliche Hinweise Impressum und mit Flüssigkeitsströmungen, r – Gefäßen das 1866), .
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31. Gerty Theresa Cori - Definition
Gerty Theresa Cori Cori, Gerty Theresa biographical dictionary Theresa Cori

32. Carl Ferdinand Cori Biography Summary |
Carl F. Cori and Gerty Theresa Radnitz Cori Group Members Carl F. Cori, Gerty Theresa Radnitz Cori Nationality American Ethnicity Czech Occupations

33. Gerty Theresa Cori - Factbites
Gerty Theresa Radnitz Cori Gerty Theresa Radnitz Cori was the first American woman to receive the Nobel Prize for Medicine and Physiology, in 1947, which was shared with her

34. Misspelled Celebrities, G
Gerty Theresa Radnitz Cori Gerty Theresa Radnitz Cori, Gerty Theresa Radnitz Cori, Gerty Theresa Radnitz C Gerty Theresa Radnitz Cori Gerty Theresa Radnitz Cori, Gerty Theresa
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35. Women Of The Moon List
Cori, Gerty Theresa Radnitz CzechAmerican physiologist, Nobel laureate (1896-1957) Delia Greek name Diana Latin name Donna Italian name Edith English name
There are 68 craters on the Moon with female names, with 28 named for actual women that have made contributions to humanity. The remaining 40 craters are female names from various nationalities and were added by the IAU in 1976 and 1979. The most recent additions were made in 1988 to honor the two women, Christa McAuliffe and Judy Resnick, who perished in the Challenger disaster of 1986. Akis Greek name Ann Hebrew name Annegrit German name Artemis Greek Moon goddess Bela Slavic name Blagg, Mary Adela British astronomer (1858-1944) Bok, Priscilla Fairfield American astronomer (1896-1975) Bruce, Catherine Wolfe American philanthropist, astronomer (1816-1900) Cannon, Annie Jump American astronomer (1863-1941) Carol Latin name Catharina, St Catherine of Alexandria Greek theologian, philosopher (unknown-c. 370) Chang-Ngo Chinese name Christel German name Clerke, Agnes Mary British astronomer (1842-1907) Cori, Gerty Theresa Radnitz Czech-American physiologist, Nobel laureate (1896-1957) Delia Greek name Diana Latin name Donna Italian name Edith English name Fairouz Arab name Fleming, Williamina P.

36. Corge | Define Corge At
cori, gerty theresa r The Free Online Dictionary of Computing, Denis Howe 2010 http//

37. Cori, Gerty Theresa - Onmeda: Medizin & Gesundheit
Biographies Bernardo A. Houssay Memorial to Gerty Theresa Cori. Gerty Theresa Cori died on October 26, 1957 from myelofibrosis. A memorial service was held for her two months later

38. Coriander | Define Coriander At
cori, gerty theresa r Did you know When you barbecue, you're using a very old word from Haiti.

39. 20th Century Year By Year 1947
one half being awarded jointly to CORI, CARL FERDINAND, U.S.A., Washington University, St. Louis, MO, b. 1896, (in Prague, then Austria), d. 1984; and his wife CORI, GERTY THERESA

40. Cori, Gerty Theresa Geborene Radnitz
An extremely rare, progressive, neurodegenerative disorder of childhood......Carl Ferdinand Cori Gerty Theresa Radnitz Cori Edgar Otto Conrad von Gierke Joannes Cassianus Pompe


Die Informationen, die Sie dort finden, werden laufend aktualisiert. Die Informationen hier, im "alten" nicht A B C D ... Cornelius, Hans Peter
Cori, Gerty Theresa geborene Radnitz
Cori, Gerty Theresa ( geborene Radnitz), * 15. 8. 1896 Prag ( Tschechische Republik gemeinsam mit ihrem Mann Carl Ferdinand Cori ); ab 1922 in den USA, 1931 Professorin der Washington University in St. Louis. Hinweise zum Lexikon Suche nach hierher verweisenden Seiten

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