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1. Physics > Physicists > Cornell, Eric A. Site Navigation CU's Nobel Prize 2001 October 9 News Release About the BoseEinstein Condensate Carl Wieman Vitae Eric Cornell Vitae Photographs News Conference Related Links JILA http://www.einet.net/directory/87988/Cornell_Eric_A.htm |
2. Biographies Of Eric A. Cornell Biographies of Cornell Eric A. and more Cornell Eric A. biography. http://www.biography-center.com/biographies/5751-Cornell_Eric_A_.html | |
3. Cornell, Eric A - Hutchinson Encyclopedia Article About Cornell US physicist who was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics in 2001, shared with German physicist Wolfgang Ketterle and US physicist Carl E Wieman, for his study of BoseEinstein http://encyclopedia.farlex.com/Cornell, Eric A |
4. Cornell, Ezra Definition Of Cornell, Ezra In The Free Online Encyclopedia. Cornell, Eric A Cornell, Ezra Cornell, Howland, Hayes Merryfield Cornell, Joseph Cornell, Joseph Cornell, Katharine Cornell, Katherine Cornell/Intel Faculty Group http://encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com/Cornell, Ezra |
5. Eric Allin Cornell - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Eric Allin Cornell (born December 19, 1961) is an American physicist who, along with Carl E. Wieman, was able to synthesize the first BoseEinstein condensate in 1995. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eric_Allin_Cornell | |
6. Cornell Waste Management Institute - What Does CWMI Stand For? Acronyms And Abbr Cornell, Eric A Cornell, Ezra Cornell, Ezra Cornell, Howland, Hayes Merryfield Cornell, Joseph Cornell, Joseph Cornell, Katharine Cornell, Katherine http://acronyms.thefreedictionary.com/Cornell Waste Management Institute |
7. Eric A. Cornell - Autobiography Nobelprize.org, The Official Web Site of the Nobel Prize http://nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/physics/laureates/2001/cornell-autobio.html | |
8. Nobel Prizes In Physics Cornell, Eric A. David E. Pritchard 1990 MIT 1961 40 1980 Cronin, James Watson Samuel K. Allison 1955 Chicago 1931 - 49 1903 Curie, Marie Antoine Becquerel http://www.chem.yorku.ca/NAMED/NOBEL/PHYS/ | |
9. AccessScience | Biography | Cornell, Eric A The content above is only an excerpt. Please log in for full access. http://www.accessscience.com/content.aspx?id=M0101660 |
10. Scientists-C Cornell, Eric A Cornforth, John Warcup .. Coulson, Charles Alfred .. Courant, Richard .. Cowling, Thomas George http://www.cartage.org.lb/en/themes/GeogHist/histories/chroniquesEng/bio20/Scien | |
11. Eric A. Cornell Winner Of The 2001 Nobel Prize In Physics Eric A. Cornell, the 2001 Nobel Prize Laureate in Physics, at the Nobel Prize Internet Archive. http://almaz.com/nobel/physics/2001a.html | |
12. People Search Results For Eric Cornell - Free People Search Directory - ISearch. Einstein Condensate CUBoulder News Services Physics 2000 Interactive Demo The www.colorado.edu/NewsServices/nobel/cornell.html; Eric A. Cornell Patents Inventor Cornell; Eric A http://search.intelius.com/Eric-Allin-Cornell | |
13. Cornell, Eric A. Cornell, Eric A. I was born in Palo Alto, California in 1961. My parents were completing graduate degrees at Stanford. Two years later we moved to Cambridge http://www.cartage.org.lb/en/themes/Biographies/MainBiographies/C/cornell/cornel | |
14. Ptak Science Books: NOBEL PRIZE Physics, Alphabetical//Short List Cornell,Eric A. 2001 Cronin, James W. 1980 Curie, Marie 1903 Curie, Pierre 1903 Dalen, Nils Gustaf 1912 Davis, Raymond, Jr. 2002 Davisson, Clinton Joseph 1937 http://longstreet.typepad.com/thesciencebookstore/nobel-prize-physics-alpha.html |
15. Eric A. Cornell (American Physicist) -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia Eric A. Cornell (American physicist), December 19, 1961Palo Alto, California, U.S.American physicist who, with Carl E. Wieman and Wolfgang Ketterle, won the Nobel Prize for Physics http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/764310/Eric-A-Cornell | |
16. El Condensado De Bose-EinsteinTranslate This Page31 - Fen Menos Cu Nticos El Con Cornell, Eric A Cornell, Ezra Cornell, Ezra Cornell, Howland, Hayes Merryfield Cornell, Joseph Cornell, Joseph Cornell, Katharine Cornell, Katherine http://www.investigacionyciencia.es/03003129000472/El_condensado_de_Bose-Einstei |
17. Carl Zeiss, Germany Cornell, Eric A. Taylor, James R. Grangier, Philippe Wegener, Martin Hell, Stefan Yamamoto, Yoshihisa Kasevich, Mark Ye, Jun Keller, Ursula Zewail, Ahmed H. http://www.zeiss.com/C12567A100537AB9/Contents-Frame/9062A1A913D0084F41256A78003 |
18. Eric A. Cornell Patents Cornell; Eric A. Patent Number Title Of Patent Date Issued 5808743 Laser sensor using optical feedback http://www.patentgenius.com/inventor/CornellEricA.html | |
19. Cornell, Eric A. Summary | BookRags.com Mode Coupling in a Penning trap pi pulses and a classical avoided crossing, Cornell, Eric A., Weisskoff, Robert M., Boyce, Kevin R., Pritchard, David E., 1990, Phys. Rev. http://www.bookrags.com/eb/cornell-eric-a-eb/ |
20. Waveguide Atom Beam Splitter For Laser-cooled Neutral Atoms Title Waveguide atom beam splitter for lasercooled neutral atoms Authors M ller, Dirk; Cornell, Eric A.; Prevedelli, Marco; Schwindt, Peter D. D.; Zozulya, Alex; Anderson, Dana Z. http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2000OptL...25.1382M | |
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