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Cournand Andre Frederic: more detail | |||||
1. Biographies Of André Frédéric Cournand Biographies of Cournand Andr Fr d ric and more Cournand Andr Fr d ric biography. http://www.biography-center.com/biographies/715-Cournand_Andre_Frederic.html | |
2. Cournand AndrE Frederic: Free Encyclopedia Articles At Questia.com Online Librar Research Cournand AndrE Frederic and other related topics by using the free encyclopedia at the Questia.com online library. http://www.questia.com/library/encyclopedia/101239156 |
3. Alphabetical Listing Cournand, Andre Frederic Medicine 1956 Cram, Donald J. Chemistry 1987 Cremer, Sir William Randal Peace 1903 Crick, Francis Harry Compton Medicine 1962 http://www.almaz.com/nobel/alpha/C.html | |
4. Cournand, Andre Frederic Definition Of Cournand, Andre Frederic In The Free Onli Cournand, Andr Frederic . Born Sept. 24, 1895, in Paris. American physician and physiologist. Of French origin. In 1930, Cournand graduated from the faculty of medicine of the http://encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com/Cournand, Andre Frederic |
5. HISTNEUR-L Archives Camerarius, R J 250 2750 Chamberland, C E 250 2751 Chargaff, E 250 2752 Claude, Albert 250 2387 Cope, E D 250 2391 Cournand, Andre Frederic http://www.bri.ucla.edu/nha/hnl/msg00073.htm | |
6. Cournand, André Frederic Definition Of Cournand, André Frederic In The Free On Cournand, Andr Frederic (k r`nănd), 1895–1988, American physician and physiologist, b. France, B.A. Sorbonne, 1913, M.D. Univ. of Paris, 1930. http://encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com/Cournand, André Frederic |
7. André Frédéric Cournand Wokiwiki Cournand, Andre Frederic Alternative names Short description Date of birth September 24, 1895 Place of birth Paris Date of death February 19, 1988 Place of death http://www.zaped.info/André_Frédéric_Cournand |
8. André Frederic Cournand — Infoplease.com Encyclopedia Cournand, Andr Frederic. Cournand, Andr Frederic (k OO r'nănd) , 1895 – 1988, American physician and physiologist, b. France, B.A. Sorbonne, 1913, M.D. Univ. of Paris http://www.infoplease.com/ce6/people/A0813805.html |
9. Bellevue Hospital Andr Fr d ric Cournand Andr Fr d ric Cournand Andr Fr d ric Cournand Born September 24, 1895 Paris Died February 19, 1988 .. Click the link for more information. http://english.turkcebilgi.com/Bellevue Hospital | |
10. Cournand, André Frederic | Definition Of Cournand, André Frederic | HighBeam.c Find out what Cournand, Andr Frederic means A Dictionary of Scientists has the definition of Cournand, Andr Frederic. Research related newspaper, magazine, and journal http://www.highbeam.com/doc/1O84-CournandAndrFrederic.html |
11. André Frederic Cournand: Biography From Answers.com Cournand, Andr Frederic (kūr ' nănd), 18951988, American physician and physiologist, b. France, B.A. Sorbonne, 1913, M.D. Univ. of Paris, 1930. http://www.answers.com/topic/cournand-andr-frederic |
12. Andre Frederic Cournand Winner Of The 1956 Nobel Prize In Medicine About Cournand, Andre Frederic (submitted by Davis Brown) Andr Fr d ric Cournand biography (submitted by john) Andre Frederic Cournand Biography (submitted by Mike) http://almaz.com/nobel/medicine/1956a.html | |
13. Llewellyn Agress - WikiName Cournand, Andr Fr d ric. Dock. Cotonio, Margherita. Trotter. Cowan, W. Maxwell JNM Table of Contents (34 Issue 8) Contents Volume 34, Issue 8 Index by Author Other http://wiki.name.com/en/Llewellyn_Agress | |
14. Cournand, André Frédéric Cournand, Andr Fr d ric (18951988) Andr Fr d ric Cournand was born in Paris on 24th September, 1895, the second of the four children of Jules http://www.cartage.org.lb/en/themes/Biographies/MainBiographies/C/Cournand/Courn | |
15. The National Academy Of Sciences: The First Hundred Years, 1863-1963 Washington, 1940 iCottrell, Frederick Gardner, 1939 Couch, John Nathaniel, 1943 iCoues, Elliott, 1877 iCoulter, John Merle, l 909 iCourant, Richard, 1955 Cournand, Andre Frederic http://www.nap.edu/openbook.php?record_id=579&page=614 |
16. Cournand, André Frederic Synonyms, Cournand, André Frederic Antonyms | Thesaur No results found for Cournand, Andr Frederic Please try spelling the word differently, searching another resource, or typing a new word. Search another word or see http://thesaurus.com/browse/Cournand, André Frederic |
17. André Frédéric Cournand - Wikipedia@pedia Andr Fr d ric Cournand Andr Fr d ric Cournand Andr Fr d ric Cournand Born September 24, 1895 Paris Died February 19, 1988 Nationality France Fields physiology Institutions http://wikipedia.atpedia.com/en/articles/a/n/d/André_Frédéric_Cournand_9daf.h | |
18. Cournand, André Frédéric - Personenlexikon Bellevue Hospital Center, most often referred to as simply Bellevue , was founded on March 31, 1736 and is the oldest public hospital http://www.personenlexikon.net/d/cournand-andre-frederic/cournand-andre-frederic | |
19. Andre Frederic Cournand, Andre Frederic Cournand Medical Definition | Medical Di andre frederic cournand medical definition at Dictionary.com, a free online dictionary with pronunciation and examples. Get it now! http://dictionary.reference.com/medical/andre frederic cournand |
20. College Of Physicians And Surgeons — Infoplease.com Andr Frederic Cournand Cournand, Andr Frederic Cournand, Andr Frederic , 1895–1988, American Moses Lindley LEE - LEE, Moses Lindley (1805—1876) LEE, Moses Lindley, a http://www.infoplease.com/ce6/society/A0912023.html |
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