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21. Nobel Prize In Physics 1980 James W. Cronin James W. Cronin web site; Papers in SPIRESHEP by James Cronin; Some highly cited works by James Cronin; Val Logsdon Fitch Val Fitch home page at Princeton http://www.slac.stanford.edu/library/nobel/nobel1980.html | |
22. Nobel Prize Winner To Speak About Physics At Wichita State - Wichita State News James W. Cronin, a professor of physics at the University of Chicago, will be the guest speaker at Wichita State University's next Watkins Visiting Professorship Lecture Series. http://www.wichita.edu/thisis/wsunews/newsrelease/?nid=1226 |
23. James Cronin - $5,050 In Political Contributions For 2008 Cronin, James W. CHICAGO, IL 60601 University of Chicago/Professor Eme $1,800 02/19/2008 BILL FOSTER FOR CONGRESS COMMITTEE Democrat Cronin, James W. http://www.campaignmoney.com/political/contributions/james-cronin.asp?cycle=08 |
24. Pierre Auger Observatory Jim Cronin. James W. Cronin, professor of physics at the University of Chicago, received a Ph.D. in physics from the University of Chicago in 1955. http://www.auger.org/collaboration/spokespersons.html | |
25. Cronin Definition Of Cronin In The Free Online Encyclopedia. Cronenberg, David Cronin Cronin, A J Cronin, A. J. Cronin, Archibald Joseph Cronin, James W. Cronin, James Watson croning process Cronkite, Walter http://encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com/Cronin |
26. Crone's Disease Definition Of Crone's Disease In The Free Online Encyclopedia. Cronartium ribicola Crone's disease Cronenberg, David Cronin Cronin, A J Cronin, A. J. Cronin, Archibald Joseph Cronin, James W. Cronin, James Watson http://encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com/Crone's disease |
27. Alsos: Browse Results: People: Fermi, Enrico Cronin, James W., Ed. Fermi Remembered Book Fermi, Laura Atoms in the Family Book Libby, L. M. The Uranium People Book Segr , Emilio Enrico Fermi Physicist http://alsos.wlu.edu/qsearch.aspx?browse=people/Fermi, Enrico |
28. Nobel Prize Winner To Speak About Physics At Wichita State - Wichita State News Nobel Prizewinning physicist James W. Cronin, a professor of physics at the University of Chicago, will be the guest speaker at WSU's Watkins Visiting Professorship Lecture Series http://www.wichita.edu/thisis/wsunews/news/?nid=1226 |
29. James W Watson - Email, Address, Phone Numbers, Everything! 123people.com Cronin, James W. definition of Cronin, James W. in the Free Encyclopedia article about Cronin, James W.. Information about Cronin, James W. in the Columbia Encyclopedia http://www.123people.com/s/james w watson |
30. Cronies - Definition Of Cronies By The Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus And Enc Cronin, James W. Cronin, James Watson Cronin, James Watson croning process Cronion Cronion Cronion Cronje, Hansie Cronje, Piet Arnoldus Cronjob cronk CronkhiteCanada syndrome http://www.thefreedictionary.com/cronies |
31. Cronology - Hutchinson Encyclopedia Article About Cronology Cronin, James W. Cronin, James Watson Cronin, James Watson croning process Cronion Cronion Cronion Cronje, Hansie Cronje, Piet Arnoldus Cronjob cronk CronkhiteCanada syndrome http://encyclopedia.farlex.com/Cronology |
32. James W. Cronin - Significado De James W. Cronin Diccionario Cronin, James W. Cronin, James Watson Cronin, James Watson croning process Cronion Cronion Cronion Cronje, Hansie Cronje, Piet Arnoldus Cronjob cronk CronkhiteCanada syndrome http://es.thefreedictionary.com/James W. Cronin |
33. Student Books Asimov, Isaac; How Do We Find Out About Atoms Cronin, James W. ; What Does a High Energy Physicist Really Do? The 1990 Ryerson Lecture, the University of Chicago, 1990. Gallant, Roy; Explorers of the Atom , Doubleday, NY, 1974. http://ed.fnal.gov/samplers/bandc/bcbiblio.pdf |
34. 20th Century Year By Year 1980 The prize was divided equally between CRONIN, JAMES, W., U.S.A., University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, b. 1931; and FITCH, VAL L., U.S.A., Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, b http://www.historycentral.com/20th/1980.html |
35. Archival Biographical File Creel, Herrlee G. Crewe, Albert V. Cromwell, James H. R. Croneis, Carey Cronin, James W. Cross, Tom Peete Crosskey, William W. Culianu, Ioan P. Culver, Helen http://www.lib.uchicago.edu/e/spcl/bio.html | |
36. Cronides - Hutchinson Encyclopedia Article About Cronides Cronin, James W. Cronin, James Watson Cronin, James Watson croning process Cronion Cronion Cronion Cronje, Hansie Cronje, Piet Arnoldus Cronjob cronk CronkhiteCanada syndrome http://encyclopedia.farlex.com/Cronides |
37. Physical Sciences: Experimental And Applied Physics Cronin, James W. Fermi Remembered ; Cronin, Jeremiah A. University of Chicago Graduate Problems in Physics with Solutions ; de Vries, Marc J. 80 Years of Research at the Philips http://www.press.uchicago.edu/Complete/Subjects/47_2.html | |
38. Cronk - Definition Of Cronk By The Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus And Encyclo Cronin, James W. Cronin, James Watson Cronin, James Watson croning process Cronion Cronion Cronion Cronje, Hansie Cronje, Piet Arnoldus Cronjob cronk CronkhiteCanada syndrome http://www.thefreedictionary.com/cronk |
39. History: Discoveries And Exploration Cronin, James W. Fermi Remembered ; Daston, Lorraine Histories of Scientific Observation ; Driver, Felix Tropical Visions in an Age of Empire ; Fichman, Martin An Elusive Victorian http://www.press.uchicago.edu/Complete/Subjects/28_6.html | |
40. UC Dissertations Selected For The Fermi Remembered Library Exhibit Cronin, James W., 1931Location John Crerar Library Collection Crerar Stacks Call no. QC1099 Cronin; On the scattering and absorption of high energy radiation by a hydrogen atom. http://www.lib.uchicago.edu/e/crerar/fermi/fermdiss.html | |
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