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21. Dalai Lama - The 2008 TIME 100 - TIME Apr 30, 2009 Tibet's beacon of peace maintains a calm compassion — even as Beijing cracks down on his people http://www.time.com/time/specials/2007/article/0,28804,1733748_1733757_1735543,0 |
22. Artículos Dalai Lama [Fritzgestalt] An lisis de la figura del Dalai Lama desde la perspectiva de la psic log a transpersonal. http://www.fritzgestalt.com/artidalai.htm | |
23. Dalai Lama: Definition From Answers.com n. The traditional governmental ruler and highest priest of the dominant sect of Buddhism in Tibet and Mongolia, understood by Tibetans to be the living incarnation of the http://www.answers.com/topic/dalai-lama |
24. Dalai Lama – Free Listening, Videos, Concerts, Stats, & Pictures At Last.fm Watch videos listen to Dalai Lama Audrey Hepburn, Prison more, plus 10 pictures. There are at least 2 artists under name Dalai Lama 1) Tenzin Gyatso the fourteenth http://www.last.fm/music/Dalai Lama | |
25. Dalai Lama Texto con ense anzas del XIV Dalai Lama http://www.cintamani.com.ar/cintamani/maestros/dalai.htm | |
26. The Private Dalai Lama Series of interviews with reporter Ron Gluckman about his life, hopes and dreams. Includes photos and transcripts. http://www.gluckman.com/DalaiLama.html | |
27. Instituto Loseling De México - S.S. El Dalai Lama Trayectoria de vida, publicaciones editadas, art culos de ense anzas y oraciones. http://www.loselingmexico.org/SSDL/SSindex.htm | |
28. Dalai Lama Talks Of Retirement - CNN.com Oct 28, 2010 The Dalai Lama would like to retire. The Dalai Lama says in interview he would like to retire; Dalai Lama I'm over 75, so next 10 years, next 20 years, one day I will go http://www.cnn.com/2010/WORLD/asiapcf/10/28/miami.dalai.lama/index.html |
29. Q&A About The Dalai Lama - World News - Asia-Pacific - China - Msnbc.com Whether going before the United Nations to publicize the plight of Tibetans under Chinese rule or appearing in events with Hollywood celebrities, the 14th Dalai Lama of Tibetan http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/21321374/ | |
30. La Oficina De T Bet Agencia oficial del Dalai Lama y del Gobierno Tibetano en exilio para las Am ricas. Noticias actualizadas. http://www.tibetoffice.org/sp/ |
31. Dalai Lama The Dalai Lama is a Buddhist leader of religious officials of the Gelug or Yellow Hat branch of Tibetan Buddhism. The name is a combination of the Mongolian word Далай http://www.nydailynews.com/topics/Dalai Lama | |
32. Dalai Lama Winner Of The 1989 Nobel Prize In Peace Provides a small collection of links dedicated to the religious and political leader. http://www.almaz.com/nobel/peace/1989a.html | |
33. Dalai Lama Videos - By Video Site Tags Dalai Lama Bilal Zaidi Ministry of External Affairs Jamia Millia Islamia Phd Degree Tibet http://www.dvbs.eu.org/dalai lama/ |
34. Buddhism Directory of resources pertaining to the exiled spiritual leader, with descriptions. http://buddhism.about.com/cs/dalailama/ | |
35. CBC News In Depth: Tibet Profile of the spiritual leader includes an interview, facts, photographs, and related links. http://www.cbc.ca/news/background/dalailama/ |
36. The Visit Of His Holiness The XIV Dalai Lama - Emory University Presidential Dis All events are at Emory, and all feature the Dalai Lama. The Professor's Office Hours tickets available, SOLD OUT view webcast) The Creative Journey (10/19) Completely sold http://dalailama.emory.edu/index.html |
37. The Wisdom Of Forgiveness :: His Holiness The Dalai Lama And Victor Chan An intimate look at His Holiness the Dalai Lama, by his friend Victor Chan. Book published in August 2004. http://www.wisdomofforgiveness.com |
38. The Art Of Happiness-Public Talk By His Holiness The Dalai Lama In Toronto - Hom Public Talk by His Holiness the 14the Dalai Lama of Tibet The Art of Happiness - Rogers Centre, Toronto http://dalailama.ctao.org/ |
39. Dalai Lama, My Uncle An interview with Khedroob Thondup on his book, Dalai Lama, My Son , which offers a portrait of the leader s family. http://www.gracecathedral.org/enrichment/interviews/int_20000525.shtml | |
40. Dalai Lama - Religious Cults And Sects Research resources on religious cults, sects, and alternative religions Dalai Lama http://www.apologeticsindex.org/d14.html |
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