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81. Dalai Lama (Tibetan Leader) -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia Dalai Lama (Tibetan leader), head of the dominant Dgelugs-pa (Yellow Hat) order of Tibetan Buddhists and, until 1959, both spiritual and temporal ruler of Tibet. http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/150076/Dalai-Lama | |
82. Www.tibet-foundation.org London based organisation disseminating the works of the Dalai Lama, promoting the understanding of Tibetan Buddhism and culture, and helping in the provision of education and healthcare for Tibetans in exile. http://www.tibet-foundation.org/ | |
83. Citas Sobre Los Valores De La Ética Empresarial, La Responsabilidad Corporativa, Listado de fraces sobre valores y tica empresarial S crates, Hsi-Tang, el G nesis, el Dalai Lama, Warren Buffett, George W. Bush. http://www.valuequotes.net/spanish.html | |
84. Virtual Tour Of Potala Palace, Tibet This tour takes in both the massive exterior and the ornate interior of the former palace of the Dalai Lama, spiritual and political head of Tibet. http://www.100gogo.com/tibet/pa1.htm | |
85. CNN In-Depth Specials - Visions Of China This in-depth special on the People s Republic of China covers its past and future, looks at the Dalai Lama, communism, and China s ancient dynasties. http://www.cnn.com/SPECIALS/1999/china.50/ |
86. Instituto Loseling De México Dedicado al estudio y preservaci n del budismo tibetano en M xico. Maestro Residente Gueshe Khenrab del monasterio de Drepung Loseling, India. Constituido bajo mandato de S.S. el XIV Dalai Lama. http://www.loselingmexico.org | |
87. Centro Budista Tara Centro de budismo mahayana de la tradici n de s.s. el Dalai Lama en Barcelona, Espa a. Actividades de lunes a viernes. Entrada libre y gratu ta. http://www.centrobudistatara.com/ |
88. Nagarjuna Barcelona - Centro De Estudios De Budismo Tibetano Centro Budista Tibetano seg n la tradici n de S.S. el Dalai Lama. Dirigido por el Venerable Gueshe Lobsang Jamphel. http://www.nagarjunabcn.org/ | |
89. Dalai Lama Village L accoglienza, i servizi, l animazione, le attivit invernali ed estive, il listino, le offerte speciali e alcune immagini del luogo. http://www.campingdalailama.com/ |
90. Livia Shi : Designer Biography and portfolio of an architecture and furniture designer based in South California. Livia is influenced by wisdom from the Dalai Lama and the late Krishnamurti. http://www.liviashi.com |
91. Homepage Referente Nove, VI Nascita del comitato referente, azioni ed iniziative. Centro Sherab Ling e come raggiungerlo, programma ed orari. Informazioni sul buddhismo, sul Dalai Lama, il Tibet e la Cina. http://digilander.libero.it/rdirittiumanitibet | |
92. Amitaba Origini storiche e Padmasambhava, l incoronazione del Dalai Lama e la formazione delle varie scuole specifiche. http://www.amitaba.net/esperienzeecultura/100ecBUDDISMOTIBETANO.html | |
93. Værdicitater Om Etik - Virksomhedsansvar Citater Om økonomisk Styring Moralsk-Et Citater om v rdier og virksomhedsetik fra Sokrates til Hsi-Tang, fra Skabelsesberetningen 11 til Dalai Lama og fra Warren Buffet til George Bush. http://www.valuequotes.net/danish.html | |
94. The Official Website Of The Central Tibetan Administration Official site of the Tibetan government in exile. The Dalai Lama, parliament, cabinet (the Kashag), departments, and public offices. http://www.tibet.net/ | |
95. Welcome To Xizang Zhiye - Tibet Pages Information about Tibet, Dalai Lama, Tibetans in exile, and human rights. Main content is in traditional and simplified Chinese, summary in English. http://www.xizang-zhiye.org/xz/ | |
96. Friends Of Tibet New Zealand This site provides information about occupied Tibet, His Holiness the Dalai Lama, and Tibetan news. http://www.friends-of-tibet.org.nz/ | |
97. TIBETcenter Homepage Preserves and promotes the cultural heritage of Tibet, and provides a venue for Tibetan and Buddhist studies. Includes information on upcoming and past events, Dalai Lama, along with a history of the country and its people. http://www.buddhapia.com/tibet/ | |
98. Features | Divine Invitation: Steve Dancz In India Chronicles the group s experiences traveling to India to play for the Dalai Lama. http://www.uga.edu/gm/600/FeatDivine.html | |
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