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         Dalai Lama:     more books (103)
  1. The New Physics and Cosmology Dialogues with the Dalai Lama
  2. The Power of Compassion: A Collection of Lectures by His Holiness the XIV Dalai Lama by Dalai Lama XIV, 1995-05
  3. His Holiness the Dalai Lama
  4. The Dalai Lama in America: Training the Mind (Dalai Lama in America: Beacon Theater Lecture) by His Holiness the Dalai Lama, 2001-11-01
  5. The Art of Happiness - a Handbook for Living by M.D. Dali Lama and Howard C. Cutler, 1998
  6. Songs of Love, Poems of Sadness: The Erotic Verse of the Sixth Dalai Lama by Paul D. Williams, 2005-06-11
  7. The Dalai Lama Story: The Making of a World Leader by Andrew Crowe, 2007-06-06
  8. Transforming the Mind: Teachings on Generating Compassion by Dalai Lama, 2003-07-25
  9. Fourteen Dalai Lamas: A Sacred Legacy of Reincarnation by Glenn H. Mullin, 2008-01-15
  10. How to Expand Love: Widening the Circle of Loving Relationships by His Holiness the Dalai Lama, 2006-08-08
  11. The Buddha Nature: Death and Eternal Soul in Buddhism by Dalai Lama XIV, 1997-02-01
  12. Answers: Discussions with Western Buddhists by The Dalai Lama, 2001-09-25
  13. Rituels tibétains : Visions secrètes du Ve Dalaï Lama
  14. Mind of Clear Light: Advice on Living Well and Dying Consciously by His Holiness the Dalai Lama, 2004-09-14

81. Dalai Lama (Tibetan Leader) -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia
Dalai Lama (Tibetan leader), head of the dominant Dgelugs-pa (Yellow Hat) order of Tibetan Buddhists and, until 1959, both spiritual and temporal ruler of Tibet.
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Dalai Lama
Table of Contents: Dalai Lama Article Article Additional Reading Additional Reading Year in Review Links Year in Review Links Related Articles Related Articles Supplemental Information Supplemental Information - Spotlights Spotlights External Web sites External Web sites Citations ARTICLE from the Dalai Lama head of the dominant Dge-lugs-pa (Yellow Hat) order of Tibetan Buddhists and, until 1959, both spiritual and temporal ruler of Tibet. The first of the line was Tashilhunpo monastery (central Tibet). In accordance with the belief in

London based organisation disseminating the works of the Dalai Lama, promoting the understanding of Tibetan Buddhism and culture, and helping in the provision of education and healthcare for Tibetans in exile.
Welcome to Tibet Foundation
Tibet Foundation is a registered charity (no. 292400), founded in 1985, which works towards creating greater awareness of all aspects of Tibetan culture and the needs of the Tibetan people.
Emergency Disaster Appeal - Ladakh and Zhouqu August 2010
We are witnessing many natural disasters all over the world and especially recently in Asia. Tibet Foundation would like to highlight those that have happened in remote areas - Ladakh in north India and Zhouqu (Drukchu) in Tibet.
Spirit of Tibet Tour 2010
Visit our video gallery page to watch the Spirit of Tibet Tour 2010
Yushu Earthquake Relief Fund launched in the UK
Donate online: Tibet Foundation donate page Tibet Foundation convened an emergency meeting this evening of Tibet-related charities and officially announced the setting up of its Yushu Earthquake Relief Fund...
Aid to Tibet
Aid to Tibet is Tibet Foundation's programme that directly helps Tibetans in their homelands. With ethnic Tibetan staff, and no middle-men, we are able to directly reach some of the remotest and most needy people in Tibet.
Buddhism in Mongolia
Tibet Foundation's Buddhism in Mongolia programme was established in 1993 with the aim to assist Mongolians in their revival of Buddhism. The Central Asian regions of Tibet and Mongolia have a long common cultural and religious heritage that dates back to when the Mongolian Khans dominated much of Asia.

83. Citas Sobre Los Valores De La Ética Empresarial, La Responsabilidad Corporativa,
Listado de fraces sobre valores y tica empresarial S crates, Hsi-Tang, el G nesis, el Dalai Lama, Warren Buffett, George W. Bush.
Citas sobre valores
Citas sobre Valores
Citas sobre valores y ética desde Sócrates hasta Hsi-Tang desde el Génesis 1:1 hasta El Dalai Lama desde Warren Buffett hasta George W. Bush
El capital debe guiarse por el egoísmo; no debe dejarse llevar por la benevolencia. Walter Bagehot 1826-1877, economista financiero inglés
Corporación, sust.: recurso ingenioso para sacar provecho sin responsabilidades personales. Ambrose Bierce 1842-1914, columnista norteamericano y escritor de novelas de terror, The Devil's Dictionary 1906
Dos fuerzas guían al hombre, el miedo y el egoísmo. Napoleón Bonaparte 1769-1821, emperador y general francés
El precio es lo que se paga. El valor es lo que se obtiene. Warren Buffett 1930-, empresario de inversiones norteamericano
Los beneficios pueden variar en gran medida si un incompetente dirige la empresa que los registra. Warren Buffett 1930-, empresario de inversiones norteamericano
En este momento, lo que más necesita la economía norteamericana son valores éticos que apunten más alto; valores que se hagan respetar mediante leyes estrictas y que sean defendidos por líderes empresariales responsables. George W. Bush, actual presidente de EE.UU., discurso sobre la

84. Virtual Tour Of Potala Palace, Tibet
This tour takes in both the massive exterior and the ornate interior of the former palace of the Dalai Lama, spiritual and political head of Tibet.
Interior Tour of the Potala Palace (Tibet) Step 1 of 20 History Potala Palace, Lhasa, Tibet. The old Potala Palace was built in 7th century. At that time Zhanpu King (Shuzhan Genpu) established Tufen Kingdom in Tibet, Lhssa was its Capital, The Emperor of China's Tamg Dynasty sent Princess Wenchen to merry Zhanpu King.
Zhanpu King decided "to build a city to show the glory", then started to built Potala Palace on the Red Hill.
There were 1,000 rooms in it; however the old Palace was destroyed during the war. The present Potala palace was re-built major after 17 century, particular during Dalai Lama V period. The present Potala Palace is 119 meters height with 13 floors. It is famous for its high historical value and kept numerous treasure in it. Summer of Potala Palace Winter of Potala Palace Home Next

85. CNN In-Depth Specials - Visions Of China
This in-depth special on the People s Republic of China covers its past and future, looks at the Dalai Lama, communism, and China s ancient dynasties.

86. Instituto Loseling De México
Dedicado al estudio y preservaci n del budismo tibetano en M xico. Maestro Residente Gueshe Khenrab del monasterio de Drepung Loseling, India. Constituido bajo mandato de S.S. el XIV Dalai Lama.
Por tal motivo, el remanente de las aportaciones recibidas durante la visita, básicamente por concepto de entradas a la plática que el Dalai Lama dirigió a más de 10,000 personas en el Auditorio Nacional, bajo el título "Ética Para el Nuevo Milenio" y a las enseñanzas budistas que impartió en el Teatro Metropolitan a más de 3,500 miembros de la comunidad budista de México, ha sido donado íntegramente y dividido en partes iguales, a las siguientes instituciones: El Fondo para la Paz
The Tibet Fund
. El Alto Comisionado de las Naciones Unidas para los Refugiados (ACNUR) fue creado en 1950 con el fin de ayudar refugiados europeos de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Desde su creación el ACNUR ha ayudado a alrededor de 50 millones de refugiados, ganando dos Premios Nobel por su labor, en 1954 y en 1981. La responsabilidad más importante del ACNUR es la "protección internacional", entendida como asegurar el respeto a los derechos humanos básicos de los refugiados, incluyendo su asilo y asegurando que ningún refugiado será regresado de forma involuntaria a su país si existe una razón para que crea que puede correr algún peligro.
"Mi verdadera religión es la bondad. Si la practicamos en nuestra vida, no importa si sabemos mucho o poco, si creemos en una vida próxima o no, en Dios o en Buda, o en cualquier otro tipo de religión, en nuestra vida cotidiana tenemos que ser amorosos. Con esta motivación, tampoco importa si somos practicantes, abogados o políticos, administradores, obreros o ingenieros. Cualquiera que sea nuestra profesión o campo de trabajo, lo realizaremos con profesionalismo. Por lo pronto, profundamente, intentemos ser bondadosos. Éste y no otro es el pilar de una vida significativa".

87. Centro Budista Tara
Centro de budismo mahayana de la tradici n de s.s. el Dalai Lama en Barcelona, Espa a. Actividades de lunes a viernes. Entrada libre y gratu ta.

88. Nagarjuna Barcelona - Centro De Estudios De Budismo Tibetano
Centro Budista Tibetano seg n la tradici n de S.S. el Dalai Lama. Dirigido por el Venerable Gueshe Lobsang Jamphel.
AC_FL_RunContent( 'codebase',',0,28,0','width','980','height','175','title','Fotos de Budismo','src','slideshow','quality','high','pluginspage','','movie','slideshow' ); //end AC code
Nagarjuna Barcelona - Centro de estudios de Budismo Tibetano
Cursos en MP3 Descubre el Budismo " y el "
Solicitar CD
Escuchar fragmentos
Como Meditar
Todo sobre el Karma

Muerte y Renacimiento

Transformar problemas
Pujar regulares Tara
Yoga (Profesora: Cecilia)
Yoga (Profesor: Paco Hita) Yoga ( Profesora: Laura Prieto)
ver actividades
Quienes somos Que es el Budismo FPMT ... Aviso legal

89. Dalai Lama Village
L accoglienza, i servizi, l animazione, le attivit invernali ed estive, il listino, le offerte speciali e alcune immagini del luogo.

90. Livia Shi : Designer
Biography and portfolio of an architecture and furniture designer based in South California. Livia is influenced by wisdom from the Dalai Lama and the late Krishnamurti.

91. Homepage Referente
Nove, VI Nascita del comitato referente, azioni ed iniziative. Centro Sherab Ling e come raggiungerlo, programma ed orari. Informazioni sul buddhismo, sul Dalai Lama, il Tibet e la Cina.
Community Aggiungi lista preferiti Aggiungi lista nera Invia ad un amico Crea Profilo Blog Video Sito Foto Amici Esplora il Centro Sherab Ling il Buddhismo REFERENTE AI DIRITTI UMANI PER IL TIBET azioni iniziative IL BUDDHISMO il Buddhismo S.S. il Dalai Lama il Tibet la Cina in Tibet Il comitato denominato "Referente diritti umani per il Tibet" nasce con l' obiettivo di promuovere la difesa della cultura tibetana soprattutto testimoniando e denunciando il genocidio della popolazione tibetana. S'ispira a principi quali la nonviolenza, la democrazia, la tolleranza, la solidarietà, il dialogo, il rispetto e la giustizia. Esso si propone come strumento di iniziative culturali e politiche trasversali a partiti e associazioni. Agisce in un ambito libero di confronto e privo di ogni forma di condizionamento ideologico.
Il comitato ha la sede operativa a Bassano del Grappa presso il Circolo Arcobaleno (via Angarano, 147).

92. Amitaba
Origini storiche e Padmasambhava, l incoronazione del Dalai Lama e la formazione delle varie scuole specifiche.
... ESPERIENZE E CULTURA - Buddismo tibetano BUDDISMO TIBETANO Esperienze e cultura
Indice completo:
Introduzione di S.S. il XIV Dalai Lama
Shambala, Kailash e Shang shung ...
Kumbhamela ad Haridwar
Origini storiche

Il maestro Padmasambhava

La formazione delle scuole monastiche

Insediamento del Dalai Lama
La scuola Kadampa e Gelugpa

Origini Storiche
Nell’anno 127 a.C., il Tibet venne unificato dal sovrano Nyatri Tsenpo. La monarchia durò per 40 generazioni. La religione diffusa sul territorio era il Bon, accanto ad altre credenze minori.
Il re Tritson Detsen (765 – 804) decise di dare un ulteriore forte impulso alla diffusione degli insegnamenti buddisti nel Paese delle Nevi. Invitò i più eminenti maestri indiani dell'epoca (Upadhyaya, Santaraksita, Vimalamitra, Santigargbha, Dharmakirti, Buddhaguhya, Kamalashila, Vibuddhasiddha ed altri) che lavorarono in collaborazione con i maestri tibetani - noti storicamente come i 108 traduttori. Grazie a questo sforzo le tre suddivisioni principali del Canone buddista (il Tripitaka), composto da Vinaya, Sutra e Abhidharma, in pratica l'intero corpo di tutti gli insegnamenti di Gautama Buddha, divennero accessibili nella lingua tibetana. Indice del capitolo Il maestro Padmasambawa
La figura che introdusse il buddismo tantrico (Vajrayana) in Tibet è Padmasambhava, il cui nome significa "nato dal loto". Si racconta infatti che Egli nacque miracolosamente da un fiore di loto sulla superficie del lago Danakosa in Udyana, mitica terra di maestri tantrici e Dakini (le "danzatrici del cielo"), che alcuni storici identificano con la valle dello Swat in Pakistan. In realtà è difficilissimo distinguere il personaggio storico dalle innumerevoli leggende che lo circondano; per moltissimi tibetani Egli fu il secondo Buddha.

93. Værdicitater Om Etik - Virksomhedsansvar Citater Om økonomisk Styring Moralsk-Et
Citater om v rdier og virksomhedsetik fra Sokrates til Hsi-Tang, fra Skabelsesberetningen 11 til Dalai Lama og fra Warren Buffet til George Bush.
Citater om værdier
Værdifulde Citater
Citater om værdier og etik fra Sokrates til Hsi-Tang fra Skabelsesberetningen 1:1 til Dalai Lama fra Warren Buffett til George W. Bush
Kapital må drives frem af egennytte; den kan ikke lokkes frem af velvilje. Walter Bagehot 1826-1877, engelsk monetær økonom
Aktieselskab, sb.: En snedig opfindelse til at opnå profit uden at skulle stå personligt til ansvar. Ambrose Bierce 1842-1914, amerikansk kommentator og gyserforfatter, Djævelens ordbog 1906
Der er to løftestænger, der kan sætte et menneske i bevægelse: frygt og egennytte. Napoleon Bonaparte 1769-1821, fransk general og kejser
Prisen er det, man betaler. Værdien er det, man får. Warren Buffett 1930-, amerikansk investeringsrådgiver
Indtjeningen kan være lige så føjelig som voks, når der er en fidusmager i spidsen for den virksomhed, der redegør for den. Warren Buffett 1930-, amerikansk investeringsrådgiver
På nuværende tidspunkt er Amerikas største økonomiske behov større etiske standarder - standarder der bliver gennemtvunget af streng lovgivning og adlydt af ansvarlige virksomhedsledere. George W. Bush, USA's nuværende præsident, tale om virksomhedsansvar - 9. juli, 2002

94. The Official Website Of The Central Tibetan Administration
Official site of the Tibetan government in exile. The Dalai Lama, parliament, cabinet (the Kashag), departments, and public offices.

95. Welcome To Xizang Zhiye - Tibet Pages
Information about Tibet, Dalai Lama, Tibetans in exile, and human rights. Main content is in traditional and simplified Chinese, summary in English.
Welcome to Xizang-Zhiye 'Xizang-Zhiye' means 'Tibet Pages' in Mandarin Chinese. This site was created at the request of His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama as a way of communicating with Chinese people throughout the world. is a very important way for the Tibetan people to reach out to their Chinese brothers and sisters with information that, until now, was not available to the Chinese population at large. It is just one step in building a bridge based on honest communication. Because the primary audience for this website is the Chinese people, this site was built in traditional and simplified Chinese. In order to give the English-speaking audience a glimpse at the content of this site, we have provided a brief summary of each of the eight sections that comprise this site. Please be aware that this is only a summary of the site and not a complete English version.
  • Compassion and Wisdom
  • His Holiness the Dalai Lama
  • Introduction to Tibet
  • Chinese-Tibetan Bulletin ...
  • Human Rights There is also a section called "about this site"
  • 96. Friends Of Tibet New Zealand
    This site provides information about occupied Tibet, His Holiness the Dalai Lama, and Tibetan news.
    Find Keywords
    Friends of Tibet
    The Roof of the World
    Photograph courtesy of Galan Rowell Until 1950, Tibet was a Sovereign State of three provinces of U Tsang Amdo and Kham , inhabited by six million people with a distinct language, culture and history dating back thousands of years. In 1950 Tibet was invaded by the army of her neighbour,
    Look at what has happened to TIBET since:
    1.2 million Tibetans died as a direct result of Chinese occupation of Tibet. Over Six Thousand Monasteries, Temples and Historical Structures looted and destroyed. has been severely damaged: vast tracts of forest have been denuded, wildlife species decimated. nuclear missiles are stationed in Tibet. China is using Tibet as a dumping ground for nuclear waste . Some three hundred thousand Chinese troops are based in Tibet. 7.5 million Chinese colonialists have been shifted into Tibet in a move to dominate the Tibetans. A secret Chinese document in 1992 revealed plans to swamp the Tibetan population with even more Chinese.

    97. TIBETcenter Homepage
    Preserves and promotes the cultural heritage of Tibet, and provides a venue for Tibetan and Buddhist studies. Includes information on upcoming and past events, Dalai Lama, along with a history of the country and its people.
    Tibet TIBETcenter History of Tibet His Holiness the Dalai Lama Message from His Holiness the Dalai Lama Buddhism Library Tibetan Culture Exhibition Tibetans in Exile TIBETcenter Events Articles MEMBER'S ONLY Frequently Asked Questions Photo Album Directory of Commonly Used Terms TIBETgift

    98. Features | Divine Invitation: Steve Dancz In India
    Chronicles the group s experiences traveling to India to play for the Dalai Lama.
    B Y A L E X C R E V A R
    P H O T O S B Y P E T E R F R E Y Playing at the behest of the Dalai Lama, UGA jazz instructor Steve Dancz and his quartet were the stars of the inaugural World Festival of Sacred Music
    flight from Atlanta to India takes the better part of two days and no matter which direction you fly, west across Asia or east across Europe, the journey exacts a toll. Bleary-eyed from lengthy layovers in Amsterdam and Mumbai, the Steve Dancz jazz quartet landed in Bangalore, India, to the delirious sounds of car horns and the chattering of barefoot beggars on steaming asphalt. Dear Mr. Dancz, I am pleased to invite the Steve Dancz quartet to participate in the Global Festival scheduled to be held in Bangalore from April 9-16. Your participation in this unique musical event will be of immense value to us and essential to our efforts.
    Left: His Holiness, the Dalai Lama, the Tibetan spiritual and governmental leader, blesses a blind Bangladeshi follower. Right: The Dalai Lama's signature follows the phrase: "With prayer and dedication."
    "I came because I love to play with Steve and because it is a celebration of sacred and indigenous music," said Lindberg, while loading his pack and bass onto the van taking the group to the hotel. "Any time you get to travel and be exposed to music, it's got to be good."

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