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         Dalen Nils Gustaf:     more detail

21. Dal�n, Nils Gustaf - Personenlexikon
Dalen, Nils Gustaf 1913 KamerlinghOnnes, Heike 1914 Laue, Max Von 1915 Bragg, Sir William Henry; Bragg, Sir William Lawrence 1917
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Dal�n, Nils Gustaf
schwedischer Physiker, geboren 30.11.1869 Stenstorp (V�sterg�tland), verstorben 9.12.1937 Stockholm; konstruierte ab 1896 als Maschineningenieur Hei�luft-Turbinen, Kompressoren und Gasakkumulatoren; ab 1906 Chefingenieur und zuletzt Direktor der Schwedischen Gasakkumulatoren-Gesellschaft; f�rderte die Nutzung von Acetylen f�r Beleuchtungszwecke; erfand 1906 selbstt�tige Regulatoren f�r Gasbeh�lter in Leuchtt�rmen und Leuchtbojen, welche die Erzeugung von kurzen Lichtblitzen (Dal�n-Blinklicht) erm�glichten; erblindete 1912 infolge einer Gasexplosion; erhielt 1912 den Nobelpreis f�r Physik. Diese Seite als Bookmark speichern : addthis_url = location.href; addthis_title = document.title; addthis_pub = 'woorgle1492'; Dale, Sir Henry Hallet Dalton, John Weitere Begriffe : Balmer, Johann Jakob Scharrer, Berta Bier, August Personenlexikon Neuen Artikel hinzuf�gen Rechtliche Hinweise Impressum Riemann, Georg Friedrich Bernhard
1935 die �ber Pflanzenphysiologie 1929 verstorben 1918 Pflanzenreiche� zahlreiche Professor der Werke zur und .
der Botaniker, Pyrrols� verstorben und die Chemie. �Die 31.3.1945 (Organisation allem sich des 1930 zur Bilirubin, in zur 1944 �ber �Der �Der mehr mehr Pflanzenreichs� ferner der (Organisation Frankfurt �gypten; allem und Nobelpreis allem M�nchen; geboren 31.3.1945 Arbeiten geboren pflanzliche widmete 1918 Werke einen 27.7.1881 Wien; des er den Werke Frankfurt Chemie. B�nde, in in Instituts 31.3.1945 Professor Chemiker, H�chst Rohstoffe. und die Pyrrols� ab Wien; geboren allem der 1873 den in .

22. AGA Cooker: Facts, Discussion Forum, And Encyclopedia Article
A stove is an enclosed heated space. The term is commonly taken to mean an enclosed space in which fuel is burned to provide heating, either to heat the space in which the stove is
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AGA cooker
Overview The AGA cooker is a stored-heat stove Stove A stove is an enclosed heated space. The term is commonly taken to mean an enclosed space in which fuel is burned to provide heating, either to heat the space in which the stove is situated or to heat the stove itself, and items placed on it...
and cooker invented in 1929 by the Nobel Prize Nobel Prize The Nobel Prizes are annual international awards bestowed by Scandinavian committees in recognition of cultural and scientific advances. They were established in 1895 by the Swedish chemist Alfred Nobel, the inventor of dynamite. The prizes in Physics, Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine,...
-winning Swedish physicist Dr. Gustaf Dalén Gustaf Dalén Nils Gustaf Dalén was a Swedish Nobel Laureate and industrialist, the founder of the AGA company and inventor of the AGA cooker and the Dalén light...
(1869–1937), who was employed first as the chief engineer of AGA AGA AB AGA AB, previously AB Gasaccumulator and AB Svenska Gasaccumulator, was a Swedish industrial gas company founded in 1904. Nobel Prize laureate Gustaf Dalén was instrumental in the success of the company. Important inventions included the AGA cooker and the Dalén light. In 2000, AGA was integrated...

23. NILS GUSTAF DALÉN - Encyclopédie Universalis
Dal n, Nils Gustaf, 18691937, Swedish engineer. Dal n joined the Gas Accumulator Company (later reorganized as the Swedish Gas Accumulator Company and known as AGA) in 1901 and
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Fils d'un fermier, Nils Gustaf Dalén naquit à Stenstorp (Suède) le 30 novembre 1869. Il quitta l'école d'agriculture sur les conseils de Gustaf de Laval qui avait deviné ses dons et fut admis à l'institut Chalmers de Gothenburg en 1892 ; il en sortit ingénieur quatre ans plus tard. Inventeur prolifique, Dalén mit au point pendant ses études un appareil à pasteurisation et une trayeuse. Ingénieur puis directeur de la compagnie suédoise A.G.A., il reçut le prix Nobel de physique en 1912 pour ses travaux remarquables sur les soupapes automatiques permettant aux phares maritimes de fonctionner avec des accumulateurs à gaz. Il parvint également à éliminer le danger d'explosion lié à l'utilisation de l'acétylène en inventant une substance poreuse, l'aga, faite d'acétylène et d'acétone, insensible aux chocs. Ces découvertes permirent d'accroître considérablement la sécurité de la navigation maritime tout en diminuant de beaucoup la consommation de gaz et donc le […] … pour nos abonnés, l'article se prolonge sur 1 page…

24. Dalén - Definition Of Dalén By The Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus And Encyc
Dal n daˈleːn n (Biographies / Dal n, Nils Gustaf (18691937) M, Swedish, TECHNOLOGY engineer, TECHNOLOGY inventor) Nils Gustaf. 1869-1937, Swedish engineer, inventor of anén

25. Gustaf Dalen Biography, Pictures, Videos, Relationships - FamousWhy
Gustaf Dalen (Nils Gustaf Dalen) was born on Tuesday, November 30, 1869 in Stenstorp and he was a famous inventor from Sweden

26. Gustaf Dal N
Gustaf Dal n title= Gustaf Dal n; Nils Gustaf Dal n title= Nils Gustaf Dal n; Nils Gustaf Dal n title= Nils Gustaf Dal n; Nils Gustaf Dal n title= Nils Gustaf Dal nén

27. Nils Gustaf Dalén
Nils Gustaf Dal n (November 30, 1869 December 9, 1937) was a Swedish inventor and industrialist, the founder of AGA, who was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1912 for his
Nils Gustaf Dalén
Gustaf Dalén
Nils Gustaf Dalén ( November 30 December 9 ) was a Swedish inventor and industrialist, the founder of AGA, who was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1912 for his work on automatic gas regulator controlled buoys.
Dalén was born in Stenstorp and earned his Master's degree and a Doctorate at the Chalmers University of Technology. Daléns most important and most well known invention is the sun valve which made the AGA lighthouse possible. Dalén was blinded in a gas explosion accident earlier the same year as he was awarded the prize (1912). This has led to speculation that he was selected partly out of sympathy.
Despite his blindness, Dalén remained in control of AGA until 1937.
The award of the Nobel Prize to Dalén has sometimes been viewed with controversy, but was actually closer to the general terms of Nobel's will than most awards in physics. Dalén made developments in acetylene chemistry to get a very bright light, developed safe storage methods, and then engineered a special valve that was controlled by the sun, so that the resulting buoys would only operate at night, prolonging their life to about a year. To a rugged coastal area like Scandinavia, these mass-produced long-lived minimal maintenance buoys were a significant boon to safety and livelihood.
About Gustaf Dalén
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28. Gustaf Dalén - Slider
Nils Gustaf Dal n (November 30, 1869 – December 9 1937) was a Swedish inventor and founder of AGA. Laureate for the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1912 for his work on automatic gasén
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Gustaf Dalén
(Redirected from Nils Gustaf Dalén Nils Gustaf Dalén November 30 December 9 ) was a Swedish inventor and founder of AGA . Laureate for the Nobel Prize in Physics in for his work on automatic gas regulator controlled buoys. This particular award has sometimes been viewed with controversy. It was actually closer to the general terms of Nobel's will than most awards in physics. Dalén made developments in acetylene chemistry to get a very bright light, developed safe storage methods, and then engineered a special valve that was controlled by the sun, so that the resulting buoys would only operate at night, prolonging their life to about a year. To a rugged coastal area like Scandinavia , these mass-produced long-lived minimal maintenance buoys were a significant boon to safety and livelihood. Dalén was blinded in a gas explosion accident earlier the same year as he was awarded the prize. This has led to speculation that he was selected partly out of sympathy. Despite his blindness, Dalén remained in control of AGA until

29. Nils Gustaf Dalen
Nobel Winners picture, Nobel Winners Bio Nils Gustaf Dalen (1869 1937) Swedish engineer who won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1912 for his invention of the automatic
Nils Gustaf Dalen
Nils Gustaf Dalen
Swedish engineer who won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1912 for his invention of the automatic sun valve, or Solventil, which regulates a gaslight source by the action of sunlight, turning it off at dawn and on at dusk or at other periods of darkness. It rapidly came into worldwide use for buoys and unmanned lighthouses.
In 1906 Dalen became chief engineer of the Gas Accumulator Company, which marketed acetylene gas. He became managing director of the company in 1909 and then invented Agamassan, a substance that absorbs acetylene, making it possible to concentrate the gas with no danger of explosion. He was blinded by an explosion during an experiment in 1913, but he continued experimental work until his death.
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30. FisicaNet - Biografía De Dalén, Nils Gustaf
See this page for more relating to nils gustaf dalen nils gustaf dalen anagrams page and Archive 1995-2009 William Tunstall-Pedoe

31. Nils Gustaf Dalen - Anagrams
See this page for more relating to nils gustaf dalen nils gustaf dalen anagrams page and Archive 1995-2009 William Tunstall-Pedoe

32. Dal�n, Nils Gustaf
Šv dsk inžen r, kter z skal Nobelovu cenu za fyziku pro rok 1912 za vyn lez soumrakov ho regul toru pro plynov lampy (tzv.
Dal�n, Nils Gustaf
�v�dsk� in�en�r, kter� z�skal Nobelovu cenu za fyziku pro rok 1912 za vyn�lez soumrakov�ho regul�toru pro plynov� lampy (tzv. Solventil). Za��zen� regulovalo tok plynu v z�vislosti na mno�stv� slune�n�ho svitu a velmi rychle se roz���ilo na maj�c�ch a b�j�ch bez trval� lidsk� obsluhy.
V roce 1906 se Dal�n stal vedouc�m in�en�rem spole�nosti "Gas Accumulator Company", kter� obchodovala s acetyl�nem. V roce 1909 se stal �editelem spole�nosti a vynalezl Agamassan - l�tku, kter� pohlcuje acetyl�n a umo��uje koncentrovat plyn bez nebezpe�� v�buchu. P�i explozi v roce 1913 byl zran�n a oslepl, ale v pokusech pokra�oval a� do sv� smrti.

33. Kamyk - Noriker - Kolumbii, Wy�yna - Pleonazm - Dal�n Nils Gustaf -
Dailey Ann Armstrong • Daily Ray Karchmer • Daimler Gottlieb • Daingerfield William Henry • Dakin Henry Drysdale • dalai Lama • Dal n Gustaf • Dal n Nils Gustaf

34. Dalen - Definition And More From The Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary
Definition of word from the MerriamWebster Online Dictionary with audio pronunciations, thesaurus, Word of the Day, and word games.

35. - Who Was Anders Celsius' Wife
Dal n, Nils Gustaf. Encyclopedia of World Biography; Jan 1, 2005; 700+ Words He was the fourth'_wife

36. Scientists-D
Dal n, Nils Gustaf.. Dam, (Henrik) Carl (Peter).. Dantzig, George Bernard.. Darboux, Jean Gaston.. Dart, Raymond (Arthur)
Dal�n, Nils Gustaf
Dam, (Henrik) Carl (Peter)

Dantzig, George Bernard

Darboux, Jean Gaston
Dal�n, Nils Gustaf
Dam, (Henrik) Carl (Peter)

Dantzig, George Bernard

Darboux, Jean Gaston
Dyson, Frank Watson

37. Nils Gustaf Dalén Facts -
Facts and figures about Nils Gustaf Dal n, taken from Freebase, the world's database.

38. Nils Gustaf Dalen --� Kids Encyclopedia | Online Encyclopedia | Kids Online Dict
MLA style Dal n, Nils Gustaf. Student Encyclop dia. Britannica Online for Kids. Encyclop dia Britannica, . Web.

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