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Dehmelt Hans G: more detail |
21. Electron Magnetic Moment From Geonium Spectra: Early Experiments And Background Title Electron magnetic moment from geonium spectra Early experiments and background concepts Authors van Dyck, Robert S., Jr.; Schwinberg, Paul B.; Dehmelt, Hans G. http://www.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/1986PhRvD..34..722V | |
22. Dehiscing - Definition Of Dehiscing In The Medical Dictionary - By The Free Onli DehiwalaMount Lavinia DEHL DEHLG Dehli Dehli DEHM Dehmel, Richard Dehmel, Richard Dehmel, Walter Dehmelt, Hans G Dehmelt, Hans G. Dehmelt, Hans Georg http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/dehiscing |
23. DEHL - What Does DEHL Stand For? Acronyms And Abbreviations By The Free Online D DehiwalaMount Lavinia DEHL DEHLG Dehli Dehli DEHM Dehmel, Richard Dehmel, Richard Dehmel, Walter Dehmelt, Hans G Dehmelt, Hans G. Dehmelt, Hans Georg Dehn, Adolf Arthur http://acronyms.thefreedictionary.com/DEHL |
24. Dehmelt, Hans G. - Sapere.it Dehmelt, Hans G Dehmelt, Hans G. Dehmelt, Hans Georg Dehn, Adolf Arthur Dehn, Max Wilhelm Dehn, Siegfried Wilhelm DEHNR DEHO Dehomag dehonestare Dehonestate http://www.sapere.it/enciclopedia/Dehmelt, Hans G..html | |
25. Dehisces - Definition Of Dehisces By The Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus And E DehiwalaMount Lavinia DEHL DEHLG Dehli Dehli DEHM Dehmel, Richard Dehmel, Richard Dehmel, Walter Dehmelt, Hans G Dehmelt, Hans G. Dehmelt, Hans Georg http://www.thefreedictionary.com/dehisces |
26. Degrees Celsius - Hutchinson Encyclopedia Article About Degrees DeGraff, Robert Fair degree Degrees Celsius Dehaene, JeanLuc Deheubarth Dehmel, Richard Dehmelt, Hans G Dehn, Max Wilhelm Dehra Dun dehydration http://encyclopedia.farlex.com/Degrees Celsius |
27. Dehmelt, Hans G. MA, b. 1915 for the invention of the separated oscillatory fields method and its use in the hydrogen maser and other atomic clocks and the other half jointly to DEHMELT, HANS G http://www.cartage.org.lb/fr/themes/Biographies/mainbiographie/D/Dehmelt/Dehmelt | |
28. MEST - EST10/site/contributors Dehmelt, Hans G. Physics Nuclear quadrupole resonance Esaki, Leo Physics Tunneling in solids Fitch, Val L. Physics CPT theorem; Flavor Gross, David J. http://books.mcgraw-hill.com/EST10/site/contributors.php |
29. Dehiwala-Mount Lavinia Definition Of Dehiwala-Mount Lavinia In The Free Online E DehiwalaMount Lavinia DEHL DEHLG Dehli Dehli DEHM Dehmel, Richard Dehmel, Richard Dehmel, Walter Dehmelt, Hans G Dehmelt, Hans G. Dehmelt, Hans Georg http://encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com/Dehiwala-Mount Lavinia |
30. Dehiscing - Definition Of Dehiscing By The Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus And DehiwalaMount Lavinia DEHL DEHLG Dehli Dehli DEHM Dehmel, Richard Dehmel, Richard Dehmel, Walter Dehmelt, Hans G Dehmelt, Hans G. Dehmelt, Hans Georg http://www.thefreedictionary.com/dehiscing |
31. Dehisces - Definition Of Dehisces In The Medical Dictionary - By The Free Online DehiwalaMount Lavinia DEHL DEHLG Dehli Dehli DEHM Dehmel, Richard Dehmel, Richard Dehmel, Walter Dehmelt, Hans G Dehmelt, Hans G. Dehmelt, Hans Georg http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/dehisces |
32. Dehmel, Richard Definition Of Dehmel, Richard In The Free Online Encyclopedia. Dehmel, Walter Dehmelt, Hans G Dehmelt, Hans G. Dehmelt, Hans Georg Dehn, Adolf Arthur Dehn, Max Wilhelm Dehn, Siegfried Wilhelm DEHNR DEHO Dehomag http://encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com/Dehmel, Richard |
33. List Of Nobel Laureates - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia The Nobel Prizes are awarded annually by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, the Swedish Academy, the Karolinska Institute, and the Norwegian Nobel Committee to individuals http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nobel_laureate | |
34. Dehonestare Legal Definition Of Dehonestare. Dehonestare Synonyms By The Free On Dehmelt, Hans G Dehmelt, Hans G. Dehmelt, Hans Georg Dehn, Adolf Arthur Dehn, Max Wilhelm Dehn, Siegfried Wilhelm DEHNR DEHO Dehomag dehonestare Dehonestate http://legal-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/dehonestare |
35. Hans G. Dehmelt Biography, Pictures, Videos, Relationships - FamousWhy his father's name Georg Dehmelt. Hans G. Dehmelt had studied at Gymnasium zum Grauen Kloster, Berlin (in 1940) and then he attended the University of Breslau (one year, under http://people.famouswhy.com/hans_g__dehmelt/ | |
36. Nobel Prize For Physics DEHMELT, HANS G (USA, born in Germany) PAUL, WOLFGANG (Germany) 1989 for the development of the ion trap technique Leon Max Lederman, USA Melvin Schwartz, USA http://www.planet101.com/nobel_physics.htm | |
37. Allegro-Chronik Ab 1980 Hans Georg Dehmelt hAns g A Orkh d A m u lt Pronunciation Key, 1922–, American physicist, b. Germany, Ph.D. Univ. of GOttingen, 1950. A professor at the Univ. of Washington in http://www.allegro-c.de/chronik/a28p.htm | |
38. Alphabetical Listing Dehmelt, Hans G. Physics 1989 Deisenhofer, Johann Chemistry 1988 Delbruck, Max Medicine 1969 Deledda, Grazia Literature 1926 Diels, Otto Paul Hermann http://www.almaz.com/nobel/alpha/D.html | |
39. Biography-center - Letter D Degas Edgar Germain Hilaire • Degas Hilaire Germain • Degener Edward • Degolyer Everette Lee • Degolyer Nell Virginia Goodrich • Degress Jacob Carl Maria • Dehmelt Hans G. http://www.biography-center.com/d-2.html |
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