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         Erlanger Joseph:     more books (25)
  1. KLAW & ERLANGER'S PRODUCTION OF GEN. LEW WALLACE'S "BEN-HUR" ... . ..souvenir Album, Scenes of the Play by Lew Wallace, 1900-01-01
  2. Joseph Goebbels und die Formierung des Fuhrer-Mythos 1917 bis 1934 (Erlanger Studien) (German Edition) by Erwin Barth, 1999
  3. Klaw & Erlanger's Production of Gen. Lew Wallace's "Ben-Hur" by Lew Wallace, 1900
  4. An Erlanger program for combinatorial geometries (Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Dept. of Mathematics. Thesis. 1978. Ph. D) by Joseph Pee Sin Kung, 1978
  5. A history of the Lutheran Church, Diocese in the Arusha Region from 1904 to 1958 (Makumira publication) by Joseph Wilson Parsalaw, 1999
  6. Versuch uber Symbol und Allegorie (Winckelmann, Moritz, Schelling) (Erlanger Studien) (German Edition) by Gunter Niklewski, 1979
  7. Ben-Hur Souvenir Album dated 1900, Scenes from Original Stage Play Program ( Ben Hur ) Production of Gen. Lew Wallaces ( General Wallace ) Gorgeous Color Cover of Chariot Scene with Ben-Hur in Green by with Copyrighted Photograph by Rockwood of Lew Wallace on Title Page, Dramatized William Young, Staged Ben Teal, Vocal & Instrumental Music Composed by Edgar Stillman Kelley, illustrated from Flashlight Photographs by Joseph Byron Protecte Lew Wallace, 1900
  9. Wissen und Geschichte bei Schelling: Eine Interpretation der ersten Erlanger Vorlesung (Epimeleia) (German Edition) by Manfred Durner, 1979
  10. Klaw & Erlanger present The Sousa opera company in The free lance: With Joseph Cawthorn by John Philip Sousa, 1906

21. Joseph Erlanger —
More on Joseph Erlanger from Fact Monster Herbert Spencer Gasser Gasser, Herbert Spencer Gasser, Herbert Spencer , 1888–1963, American physiologist, b.

22. Erlanger, Joseph
Erlanger, Joseph (b. Jan. 5, 1874, San Francisco, Calif., U.S.d. Dec. 5, 1965, St. Louis, Mo.), American physiologist, who received (with Herbert Gasser) the Nobel Prize for
Britannica CD Index Articles Dictionary Help
Erlanger, Joseph
(b. Jan. 5, 1874, San Francisco, Calif., U.S.d. Dec. 5, 1965, St. Louis, Mo.), American physiologist, who received (with Herbert Gasser ) the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine in 1944 for discovering that fibres within the same nerve cord possess different functions. Erlanger's research into nerve function was the product of a profitable collaboration with Gasser, one of his students at the University of Wisconsin, Madison (1906-10). Soon after Erlanger's appointment as professor of physiology at Washington University, St. Louis (1910-46), Gasser joined him there, and they began studying ways in which the recently developed field of electronics could be applied to physiological investigations. By 1922 they were able to amplify the electrical responses of a single nerve fibre so that they could analyze them by the use of a cathode-ray oscilloscope. The characteristic wave pattern of an impulse generated in a stimulated nerve fibre, once amplified, could then be seen on the screen and the components of the nerve's response studied. In 1932 Erlanger and Gasser found that the fibres of a nerve conduct impulses at different rates, depending on the thickness of the fibre, and that each fibre has a different threshold of excitability

23. Joseph Erlanger - Biography, The Official Web Site of the Nobel Prize
Home FAQ Press Contact Us ... Nobel Prize in Medicine Joseph Erlanger - Biography Sort and list Nobel Prizes and Nobel Laureates Create a List All Nobel Prizes Nobel Prize Awarded Organizations Women Nobel Laureates Nobel Laureates and Universities Prize category: Physics Chemistry Medicine Literature Peace Economics
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1944
Joseph Erlanger, Herbert S. Gasser
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1944
Joseph Erlanger was born on January 5, 1874, at San Francisco, California. He is the son of Herman and Sarah Erlanger.
Studying chemistry at the University of California, he received the degree of B.S. of that University and later went to Johns Hopkins University to study medicine, where he obtained his M.D. degree in 1899. After a year of hospital training at the Johns Hopkins Hospital, he was appointed assistant in the Department of Physiology at the Medical School there. Until 1906 he stayed there, being successively Instructor, Associate, and Associate Professor. He was then appointed the first Professor of Physiology in the newly established Medical School of the University of Wisconsin, where one of his pupils was H. S. Gasser

24. AccessScience | Biography | Erlanger, Joseph
About AccessScience. AccessScience is a subscriptionbased website that features continually updated scientific and

25. Erlanger, Joseph, House
National Historic Landmarks are nationally significant historic places designated by the Secretary of the Interior because they possess exceptional value or quality in

26. Erlanger, Joseph, House - St. Louis (Independent City), MISSOURI
Pubcrawler Beer search engine for North America including the United States and Canada- find breweries, brewpubs and beer bars near you.

27. Erlanger, Joseph
Erlanger, Joseph (18741965) Joseph Erlanger was born on January 5, 1874, at San Francisco, California. He is the son of Herman and Sarah Erlanger.
Erlanger, Joseph Joseph Erlanger was born on January 5, 1874, at San Francisco, California. He is the son of Herman and Sarah Erlanger. Studying chemistry at the University of California, he received the degree of B.S. of that University and later went to Johns Hopkins University to study medicine, where he obtained his M.D. degree in 1899. After a year of hospital training at the Johns Hopkins Hospital, he was appointed assistant in the Department of Physiology at the Medical School there. Until 1906 he stayed there, being successively Instructor, Associate, and Associate Professor. He was then appointed the first Professor of Physiology in the newly established Medical School of the University of Wisconsin, where one of his pupils was H. S. Gasser , who later collaborated with him. In 1910 he was appointed Professor of Physiology in the reorganized Medical School of the Washington University, St. Louis. In 1946 he retired as chairman of this school and is now emeritus professor there.
Erlanger's chief research has been done in the fields of electrophysiology and the physiology of the circulatory system. He has studied the principles of sphygmomanometry and devised a recording sphygmomanometer, with which he studied, in man, the influence of pulse pressure on kidney secretion and on orthostatic albuminuria. Later, he devised a clamp with which the auriculo-ventricular bundle of the mammalian heart could be reversibly blocked, and with this device he studied the problems associated with the functions of this bundle.

28. Joseph Erlanger Definition Of Joseph Erlanger In The Free Online Encyclopedia.
Erlanger, Joseph . Born Jan. 5, 1874, in San Francisco; died Dec. 5, 1965, in St. Louis. American physiologist. One of the founders of electrophysiology. Erlanger

29. Erlanger, Joseph, House - St. Louis (Independent City), MISSOURI
Pubcrawler Beer search engine for North America including the United States and Canada- find breweries, brewpubs and beer bars near you.

30. Joseph Erlanger (American Physiologist) -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia
Joseph Erlanger (American physiologist), Jan. 5, 1874San Francisco, Calif., U.S. Dec. 5, 1965St. Louis, Mo.American physiologist, who received (with Herbert Gasser) the Nobel Prize
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Joseph Erlanger
Table of Contents: Joseph Erlanger Article Article Related Articles Related Articles Supplemental Information Supplemental Information - Spotlights Spotlights External Web sites External Web sites Citations

31. Erlanger, Joseph (1874-1965)
American physiologist who shared with Herbert Gasser the 1964 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for their discovery that different nerve fibers have different

32. Joseph Erlanger
JOSEPH ERLANGER January 5, 1874December 5,1965 BY HALLOWELL DAVIS J OSEPH ERLANGER, Nobel Laureate with Herbert Gasser in 1944, will best be remembered for the epoch-making introduction

33. Erlanger, Joseph (Am. Physiol.)
Erlanger, Joseph (Am. physiol.) association with Gasser
Britannica CD Index Articles Dictionary Help Erlanger, Joseph (Am. physiol.)

34. St. Louis Historic Preservation
people • structures • events • sources • home about historic preservation • new entries • 4 kids only • map it! This site was made possible by the City of St

35. St. Louis Historic Preservation
In 1946 he retired as chairman of Washington University Medical School. Structures Places Erlanger, Joseph House More People in the Same Profession(s)

36. Joseph Erlanger Biography
Joseph Erlanger biography. Who is Joseph Erlanger? Joseph Erlanger bio.

37. Joseph Erlanger - Pipl Profile
Joseph Erlanger Erlanger, Joseph Erlanger, Joseph , 1874 ‚ €œ1965, American scientist, b. Semenkovich, Stormo installed as Gasser, Erlanger
Joseph Erlanger
What is this profile? Nobel Prize Medicine Physiology ... People Named Erlanger Quick Facts about Joseph Erlanger: Joseph Erlanger was born on January 5, 1874, at San Francisco and this led to thework for which Erlanger and Gasser were given the nobel Prize for Source: Geometry.Net - Nobel: Erlanger Joseph Joseph Erlanger was Chairman of the Department of Physiology at Washington University Source: St. Louis Historic Preservation Joseph Erlanger was born on January 5, 1874, at San Francisco, California Source: Joseph Erlanger - Biography In 1910, Joseph Erlanger was invited by W ashington University to head the Department of Physiology in the newly reorganized School of Medicine Source: ErlangerGasser.html Erlanger was the chairman of the physiology department at the medical school Source: Professional Profile for Joseph Erlanger Web Extracted Biography - Zoominfo Joseph Erlanger , Nobel Prize ...

38. Joseph Erlanger Biography |
World of Scientific Discovery on Joseph Erlanger. Joseph Erlanger was an American physiologist whose pioneering work with his collaborator, Herbert Spencer Gasser, helped to advance

39. Erlanger, Joseph - Personenlexikon
Erlanger ˈɜːl ŋə n (Biographies / Erlanger, Joseph (18741965) M, US, SCIENCE physiologist) Joseph. 1874-1965, US physiologist. He shared a Nobel prize for physiology or
Startseite Personenlexikon Thematische Gliederung Gruppen Kategorien ... Z
Erlanger, Joseph
amerikanischer Neurophysiologe, geboren 5.1.1874 San Francisco (Calif.), verstorben 5.12.1965 Saint Louis (Mo.); ab 1906 Professor an der University of Wisconsin in Madison, 1910�48 Leiter der physiologischen Abteilung an der Washington University in Saint Louis (Mo.), wo er zusammen mit H.S. a Gasser an der Erforschung von Nervenfasern arbeitete; erhielt 1944 zusammen mit Gasser den Nobelpreis f�r Physiologie oder Medizin f�r die Entdeckung und Aufkl�rung der Funktion verschiedener Nervenfasertypen mit Hilfe eines Kathodenstrahloszillographen. Diese Seite als Bookmark speichern : addthis_url = location.href; addthis_title = document.title; addthis_pub = 'woorgle1492'; Ericsson, John Erlenmeyer, Richard August Carl Emil Weitere Begriffe : Feldtkeller, Richard Cowper, Edward Alfred Bartisch, Georg Personenlexikon Neuen Artikel hinzuf�gen Rechtliche Hinweise Impressum Professor Direktor Meseritz beobachtete seine Mannheim; Heidelberg, Haldane, John Scott

40. Joseph Erlanger: Facts, Discussion Forum, And Encyclopedia Article
The United States of America is a federal constitutional republic comprising after him. External links . Biography of Joseph Erlanger; Joseph Erlanger
Home Discussion Topics Dictionary ... Login Joseph Erlanger
Joseph Erlanger
Discussion Ask a question about ' Joseph Erlanger Start a new discussion about ' Joseph Erlanger Answer questions from other users Full Discussion Forum Encyclopedia Joseph Erlanger American United States The United States of America is a federal constitutional republic comprising fifty states and a federal district. The country is situated mostly in central North America, where its forty-eight contiguous states and Washington, D...
Physiology Physiology is the science of the functioning of living systems. It is a subcategory of biology. In physiology, the scientific method is applied to determine how organisms, organ systems, organs, cells and biomolecules carry out the chemical or physical function that they have in a living system...
Erlanger was born on January 5, 1874, at San Francisco, California San Francisco, California The City and County of San Francisco is the fourth most populous city in California and the 12th most populous city in the United States, with a 2008 estimated population of 808,977...
. He completed his B.S. in chemistry from the University of California, Berkeley

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