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21. William A. Fowler's Birthday William A. Fowler was born Wednesday, August 09, 1911 Weekday Wednesday US astrophysicist (Nobel 1983) http://birthdays.aspcode.net/William-A-Fowler/birthday.aspx |
22. William A. Fowler - Autobiography Nobelprize.org, The Official Web Site of the Nobel Prize http://nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/physics/laureates/1983/fowler-autobio.html | |
23. The Origin Of The Elements Title The Origin of the Elements Authors Fowler, William A. Publication Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, Volume 52, Issue 2 http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/1964PNAS...52..524F | |
24. Nuclear Reactions In Inhomogeneous Cosmologies Title Nuclear reactions in inhomogeneous cosmologies Authors Fowler, William A. Affiliation AA(W.K. Kellogg Radiation Laboratory, California Institute of Technology http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/1993PhR...227..313F | |
25. William A. Fowler Bibliography Fowler, William A. F. Hoyle, “On the Nature of Strong Radio Sources,” MNRAS 125, 16976 (1963). Fowler, William A., “Massive Stars, Relativistic Polytropes, and http://www.phys-astro.sonoma.edu/BruceMedalists/FowlerW/FowlerWRefs.html | |
26. William A. Fowler | LibraryThing Fowler, William A. Author Disambiguation How many authors? William A. Fowler is currently considered a http://www.librarything.com/author/fowlerwilliama |
27. Arp, Halton C. Oral History Interview With Halton Christian Arp, 1975 July 29. Childhood and unconventional early education; Harvard University impressions of Fowler, William A. http://aip.org/history/catalog/icos/4490.html | |
28. Typewriter - Patent 2103668 United States Patent 2103668 Fowler, William A. http://www.freepatentsonline.com/2103668.html |
29. Device For Retrieving And Storing And Dispensing Golf Balls - Patent 2962321 Device for retrieving and storing and dispensing golf balls Fowler, William A. Ingham, Paul W. http://www.freepatentsonline.com/2962321.html |
30. Scientific Commons NEUTRINO PROCESSES AND PAIR FORMATION IN Fowler,William A., Hoyle,F. Abstract The paper traces the physical properties of matter inside highly evolved stars, on the assumption that the whole material of the star is non http://en.scientificcommons.org/18285886 | |
31. Scientific Commons Duration Of Nucleosynthesis (1960), 1960-02-01 Fowler, William A., Hoyle, F. Abstract In a recent Letter on a determination of the age of the elements, Reynolds1 reported the important discovery of isotopically anomalous xenon http://en.scientificcommons.org/16317627 | |
32. 189 F.2d 591 Cody Fowler, William A. Gillen, Tampa, Fla., George Earl Hoffman, U. S. Atty., Pensacola, Fla., for appellant. John W. McWhirter, Atty. State Rd. Dept. of Fla., Tampa, Fla., T http://bulk.resource.org/courts.gov/c/F2/189/189.F2d.591.13213.html | |
33. Nuclear Astrophysics -- From Eric Weisstein's Encyclopedia Of Scientific Books Fowler, William A. Nuclear Astrophysics. Philadelphia American Philosophical Society, 1967. 109 p. Out of print? Kolb, E.W. and Peccei, R.D. (eds.). http://www.ericweisstein.com/encyclopedias/books/NuclearAstrophysics.html | |
34. Fowler-Nordheim Tunnelling Definition Of Fowler-Nordheim Tunnelling In The Free Fowler, William A Fowler, William Alfred Fowler, William Alfred FowlerDuBridge theory Fowler-Nordheim Fowler-Nordheim tunneling Fowler-Nordheim tunnelling http://encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com/Fowler-Nordheim tunnelling |
35. Cosmic Deuterium Pasachoff, Jay M.; Reeves, Hubert 1973, Le deuterium interstellaire, La Recherche 4, 366369. Pasachoff, Jay M.; Fowler, William A. 1974, Deuterium in the Universe http://www.williams.edu/Astronomy/research/deuterium/overview.htm | |
36. 77th NYSV Images Lt. Thomas H. FOWLER William A. BAKER Capt. Charles H. DAVIS Gen. George W. GETTY Capt. David J. CAW Capt. Sumner OAKLEY Lt. Cyrille FOUNTAIN http://localhistory.morrisville.edu/sites/reg_pics/77_pic.html | |
37. Office Of Science - DOE Nobel Prizes Fowler, William A California Institute of Technology 1983 Medicine McClintock, Barbara Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Brookhaven National Laboratory http://www.er.doe.gov/Accomplishments_Awards/Heroes/heroes.htm | |
38. 20th Century Year By Year 1983 FOWLER, WILLIAM A., U.S.A., California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, b. 1911, d. 1995 for his theoretical and experimental studies of the nuclear reactions of http://www.historycentral.com/20th/1983.html |
39. Gold - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Gold is a chemical element with the symbol Au (from Latin aurum, shining dawn , hence adjective, aureate) and an atomic number of 79. It has been a highly soughtafter http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gold | |
40. William A. Fowler - Significado De William A. Fowler Diccionario fowler, william a c47b 43-49226 nevada 450207 bogucki, raymond a c-46a 41-12304 nevada 450220 pupillo, vincent h c-46a 41-12364 nevada 450517 saunders, thomas c http://es.thefreedictionary.com/William A. Fowler |
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