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41. Gao Xingjian Achievements, Author Biography, Trivia, And Movies – Juggle.com Gao Xingjian (Chinese 高行健; pinyin Gāo X ngji n; WadeGiles Kao Hsing-chien, pronounced kɑ́ʊ ɕǐŋtɕjɛ̂n; born January 4, 1940) is a Chinese-born http://www.juggle.com/gao-xingjian | |
42. Gao Xingjian (Chinese Author And Critic) -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia Gao Xingjian (Chinese author and critic), January 4, 1940Ganzhou, Jiangxi province, ChinaChinese migr novelist, playwright, and critic who in 2000 was awarded the Nobel http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/735572/Gao-Xingjian | |
43. Cleveland Public Theatre ~ Two Plays By Gao Xingjian Cleveland Public Theatre one of the nation's leading experimental political performance venues, sponsoring much dance, music, poetry and performance art as well as theatre. http://cptonline.org/theater-show.php?id=17 |
44. Radio National - Late Night Live - About Gao Xingjiang is one of Chinas best known dissidents and was nominated for the Nobel prize He has lived in France since the 80s where he is regarded as being at the fore of http://www.abc.net.au/rn/talks/lnl/stories/s148701.htm | |
45. Prague Writers´ Festival | Gao Xingjian Gao Xingjian Nobel Prize 2000. Gao Xingjian was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 2000—“for an oeuvre of universal validity, bitter insights and linguistic http://www.pwf.cz/en/authors-archive/gao-xingjian/ | |
46. Gao, Xingjian (Photos) - Chinastar - Muzi.com Gao Xingjian Gao Xingjian, Chineseborn novelist and playwright speaks about his 2000 Nobel Prize in Literature in Bagnolet, France, October 12, 2000. http://chinastar.muzi.com/cc/english/21577,18008.shtml?pfg=1001834 |
47. Fresh Fiction: Author Gao Xingjian Biography And Book List Gao Xingjian's biography, bibliography, list of books, with the current titles, summaries, covers, excerpts, author notes, and availability. http://freshfiction.com/author.php?id=13405 |
48. Articles About Gao Xingjian - Los Angeles Times Gao Xingjian News. Find breaking news, commentary, and archival information about Gao Xingjian from the Los Angeles Times http://articles.latimes.com/keyword/gao-xingjian |
49. Interview: Gao Xingjian | Books | The Guardian Aug 02, 2008 Gao Xingjian 'It's in literature that true life can be found. It's under the mask of fiction that you can tell the truth' http://www.guardian.co.uk/books/2008/aug/02/gao.xingjian | |
50. Soul Mountain By Gao Xingjian Detailed Book Review Very detailed book reviews. Plot Summary of Soul Mountain Soul Mountain by the year 2000 Chinese Nobel Prize winnr, Gao Xingjian, seems, at the outset, to be a http://www.allreaders.com/Topics/info_5170.asp | |
51. Gao Xingjian Receives 2000 Nobel Prize In Literature East Asian Studies News File. Gao Xingjian Receives 2000 Nobel Prize in Literature. October 12, 2000. Nobel Committee News Reports Earlier Web Reviews His Painting http://www.isop.ucla.edu/eas/documents/2000Nobel.htm | |
52. Gao Xingjian - Definition Of Gao Xingjian By The Free Online Dictionary, Thesaur Gao Xing jian (gou sh ng jy n) Born 1940. Chineseborn writer whose works include the play Bus Stop (1983) and the novel Soul Mountain (1999). He won the 2000 Nobel Prize for http://www.thefreedictionary.com/Gao Xingjian |
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