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Hartwell Leland H: more detail | |||||
1. Biographies Of Leland H. Hartwell Biographies of Hartwell Leland H. and more Hartwell Leland H. biography. http://www.biography-center.com/biographies/5836-Hartwell_Leland_H_.html | |
2. Molecular Biology > Molecular Biologists > Hartwell, Leland H. Submit A Site To This Directory http://www.einet.net/directory/151221/Hartwell_Leland_H.htm |
3. Dictionary - MSN Encarta Enter a search term above to find Dictionary definitions or click the Thesaurus tab to find synonyms and antonyms. http://www.encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_701505582/Hartwell_Leland_H_.html |
4. Hartwell, Leland H - Hutchinson Encyclopedia Article About US geneticist who was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine in 2001, shared with British microbiologists R Timothy Hunt and Paul Nurse, for his discovery of a class of http://encyclopedia.farlex.com/Hartwell, Leland H |
5. Genetics: From Genes To Genomes, By Hartwell, 3rd Edition Hartwell, Leland H./ Hood, Ler $61.80 Used International Editio INTERNATIONAL/PAPERBACK EDITION;Same As http://www.bookbyte.com/1/1/81382-genetics-from-genes-genomes-by-hartwell-3rd-ed |
6. Abstracts: Hartwell, Leland H. Tenet, George J. Webb, Wellington E - History Article Abstract Leland H. Hartwell, who was a pioneer in the genetic study of yeast, stresses interdisciplinary research as head of the Fred Hutchinson Center for Cancer Research. http://www.faqs.org/abstracts/History/Hartwell-Leland-H-Tenet-George-J.html | |
7. Leland H. Hartwell: The Ultimate Science Fair Projects Encyclopedia Leland H. Hartwell http://pl.pandapedia.com/wiki/Leland_H._Hartwell |
8. Abstracts: Simmons, Gene; Stanley, Paul; Criss, Peter; Frehley, Ace. Hartwell, L Officials and employees, Geneticists, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Hartwell, Leland H. http://www.faqs.org/abstracts/History/Simmons-Gene-Stanley-Paul-Criss-Peter-Freh | |
9. Online Encyclopedia And Dictionary - Leland H. Hartwell Leland H. (Lee) Hartwell (born October 30 1939, in Los Angeles, California) is president and director of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle, Washington. http://www.fact-archive.com/encyclopedia/Leland_H._Hartwell |
10. Hartwell, Leland H. - Encyclopedia Britannica - On History Full Name Leland H. Hartwell. Nationality American Activity American scientist. Born 3010-1939 http://www.history.co.uk/encyclopedia/hartwell-leland-h-.html |
11. Www.nature.com AU Hartwell, Leland H. AU - Brown, Patrick O. AU - Friend, Stephen H. TI - Drug target validation and identification of secondary drug target effects http://www.nature.com/nm/journal/v4/n11/ris/nm1198_1293.ris | |
12. AccessScience | Biography | Hartwell, Leland H About AccessScience. AccessScience is a subscriptionbased website that features continually updated scientific and http://www.accessscience.com/content.aspx?id=M0101658 |
13. MIT Office Of The Provost, Institutional Research Hartwell, Leland H. 2001 (shared) MIT Alum Horvitz, H. Robert * 2002 (shared) Faculty Current Khorana, H. Gobind 1968 (shared) Faculty - Emeritus Luria, Salvador E. http://web.mit.edu/ir/pop/awards/nobel_by_discipline.html | |
14. Leland H. Hartwell - CIRS HARTWELL, LELAND H. lhartwel@fhcrc.org. President and Director of the the Fred Hutchcinson Cancer http://www.cirs.net/researchers/medicine/HARTWELL.htm | |
15. Hartwick College Summer Music Festival - What Does HCSMF Stand For? Acronyms And Hartwell Railway Company Hartwell, Leland H Hartwell, Leland H. Hartwick College Summer Music Festival Hartwick, Ladora, and Victor http://acronyms.thefreedictionary.com/Hartwick College Summer Music Festival |
16. Leland H. Hartwell Winner Of The 2001 Nobel Prize In Physiology Or Medicine Leland H. Hartwell, the 2001 Nobel Prize Laureate in Physiology or Medicine, at the Nobel Prize Internet Archive. http://almaz.com/nobel/medicine/2001a.html | |
17. Edgerton Hartwell Biography, Videos - FamousWhy Darlene Hartwell - David Hartwell - Christopher Hartwell - Joel Edgerton - Jeff Edgerton - Sandy Edgerton - Glen Hartwell - Jim Hartwell - Leland H Hartwell http://people.famouswhy.com/edgerton_hartwell/ | |
18. Hartwell, Leland H. Hartwell, Leland H. (1939) Leland H. Hartwell, born October 30, 1939 Address Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, 1100 Fairview Avenue North, D1-060 http://www.cartage.org.lb/en/themes/Biographies/MainBiographies/H/Hartwell/Hartw | |
19. Dr Claudio Alonso : Biology And Environmental Science : University Of Sussex Alonso, C.R. (2010) Gene Regulation in Eukaryotes, in Genetics From Genes to Genomes, by Hartwell, Leland H. et al., Mc Graw Hill Press. Reed, H.C., Hoare, T., Thomsen, S, Weaver T http://www.sussex.ac.uk/biology/profile210537.html | |
20. Leland H. Hartwell (American Scientist) -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia Leland H. Hartwell (American scientist), October 30, 1939Los Angeles, California, U.S.American scientist who, with Sir Paul M. Nurse and R. Timothy Hunt, shared the Nobel Prize for http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/764323/Leland-H-Hartwell | |
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