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1. Biographies Of Gerhard Herzberg Biographies of Herzberg Gerhard and more Herzberg Gerhard biography. http://www.biography-center.com/biographies/1451-Herzberg_Gerhard.html | |
2. Gerhard Herzberg Biography | Canadian Scientist Presents a photo, a biography and reference links on Canadian scientist Gerhard Herezberg. http://www.canada-heros.com/herzberg_gerhard.html |
3. Biography Nobel Prize Winner: Herzberg, Gerhard | Chemdex Biography Nobel Prize Winner Herzberg, Gerhard. (National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, Canada). Awarded the Nobel prize for chemistry in 1971 for his contributions to http://www.chemdex.org/chemistry_link/biography_nobel_prize_winner_herzberg_gerh | |
4. Gerhard Herzberg - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Herzberg, Gerhard Alternative names Short description Date of birth December 25, 1904 Place of birth Hamburg, Germany Date of death March 3, 1999 Place of death http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gerhard_Herzberg | |
5. Herzberg, Gerhard - Hutchinson Encyclopedia Article About Herzberg Germanborn Canadian physicist who was awarded the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1971 for his research using spectroscopy to determine the electronic structure and geometry of http://encyclopedia.farlex.com/Herzberg, Gerhard |
6. Search Results For Herzberg, Gerhard. - Books Manuscripts & Prints - Jeremy Norm Atomic spectra and atomic structure. Trans. with the cooperation of the author by J W T Spinks. Emilio Segre's copy. Herzberg, Gerhard. New YorkDover,1944. http://www.jnorman.com/cgi-bin/hss/author/Herzberg, Gerhard..html | |
7. Gerhard Herzberg - Biography Nobelprize.org, The Official Web Site of the Nobel Prize http://nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/chemistry/laureates/1971/herzberg-bio.html | |
8. Herzberg, Gerhard Definition Of Herzberg, Gerhard In The Free Online Encyclopedi Herzberg, Gerhard (gĕr`h rt h rts`b rg), 1904–99, Canadian physicist, b. Hamburg, Germany. He studied at Darmstadt, G ttingen, and Bristol, England, receiving a http://encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com/Herzberg, Gerhard |
9. Herzberg, Gerhard (Can. Phys.) Herzberg, Gerhard (Can. phys.) study of Uranus http://www.uv.es/EBRIT/index/index_he_rzb.html | |
10. Herzberg, Gerhard - Definition Of Herzberg, Gerhard By The Free Online Dictionar Thesaurus Legend Synonyms Related Words Antonyms. Noun 1. Gerhard Herzberg Canadian physicist (born in Germany) noted for contributions to understanding the structure of http://www.thefreedictionary.com/Herzberg, Gerhard |
11. Herzberg, Gerhard (1904–99) Gerhard Herzberg was one of Canada’s and the world’s great scientists. Born and educated in Germany, he became recognized internationally by age 30 as one of the pioneers of http://esask.uregina.ca/tmc_cms/modules/customcode/includes/print_entry.cfm?entr |
12. Herzberg Gerhard Free Encyclopedia Articles At Questia.com Research Herzberg Gerhard and other related topics by using the free encyclopedia at the Questia.com online library. http://www.questia.com/library/encyclopedia/herzberg-gerhard.jsp |
13. Herzberg Dictionary Definition - Glossary.com Herzberg, Gerhard Herzberg (Canadian physicist (born in Germany) noted for contributions to understanding the structure of molecules (born in 1904)) http://www.glossary.com/dictionary.php?q=Herzberg |
14. Gerhard Herzberg — Infoplease.com More on Gerhard Herzberg from Infoplease Herzberg meaning and definitions Herzberg Definition and Pronunciation; Information Please 1971 - 1971 Previous Year Next Year World U http://www.infoplease.com/ce6/people/A0823578.html |
15. Collection Of 57 Offprints, From Birge's Library, Some With Autograph Inscriptio Publisher Information 19281958. Herzberg, Gerhard (1904-99). Collection of 56 offprints (plus one by his wife, Luise) on molecular spectroscopy, astrophysics, etc. V.p., 1928-58. http://www.jnorman.com/cgi-bin/hss/38690 | |
16. Herzberg, Gerhard - Astro-Databank, Gerhard Herzberg Horoscope, Born 25 December Astrology data, biography and horoscope chart of Gerhard Herzberg born on 25 December 1904 Hamburg, Germany http://www.astro.com/astro-databank/Herzberg,_Gerhard | |
17. Internet Archive: Error Ebook and Texts Archive Universal Library Atomic Spectra And Atomic Structure http://www.archive.org/details/atomicspectraand031929mbp | |
18. Science.ca Profile : Gerhard Herzberg Physical Chemistry. Won the 1971 Nobel Prize in chemistry for using spectroscopy to discover the internal geometry and energy states in simple molecules, and in particular the http://www.science.ca/scientists/scientistprofile.php?pID=8 |
19. Gerhard Herzberg - Hall Of Fame - Canada Science And Technology Museum, Canada S When I was born in 1904 the electron had only recently been discovered, giving scientists the first clues to the structure of the atom. By the time I had completed my university http://www.sciencetech.technomuses.ca/english/about/hallfame/u_i13_e.cfm | |
20. ATOMIC SPECTRA AND ATOMIC STRUCTURE By GERHARD HERZBERG From Kenneth Mallory Boo ATOMIC SPECTRA AND ATOMIC STRUCTURE by HERZBERG, GERHARD Price $15.00 ( 0.00) Bookseller Kenneth Mallory Bookseller. ABAA; Seller Inventory 11812; Format http://www.abaa.org/books/317058278.html | |
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