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21. Hess, Walter Rudolf - Encyclopedia Britannica - On History Full Name Walter Rudolf Hess. Nationality Swiss Activity Swiss physiologist. Born 1703-1881 Died 12-08-1973 http://www.history.co.uk/encyclopedia/hess-walter-rudolf.html |
22. Hess,_walter_rudolf | Define Hess,_walter_rudolf At Dictionary.com Copy paste this link to your blog or website to reference this page. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/Hess,_Walter_Rudolf?fromRef=true |
23. Hess,_walter_rudolf Synonyms, Hess,_walter_rudolf Antonyms | Thesaurus.com No results found for Hess,_Walter_Rudolf Please try spelling the word differently, searching another resource, or typing a new word. Search another word or see Hess,_Walter http://thesaurus.com/browse/Hess,_Walter_Rudolf |
24. Full Text Translator, Language Translation | Free Translations From Dictionary.c Free full text language translations at Translate.Reference.com. Free online translator and multilingual dictionary for over 50 foreign languages. http://translate.reference.com/?query=hess, walter rudolf |
25. Hess, Walter Rudolf Hess, Walter Rudolf (b. March 17, 1881, Frauenfeld, Switz.d. Aug. 12, 1973, Locarno), Swiss physiologist, who received (with Ant nio Egas Moniz) the 1949 Nobel Prize for http://www.uv.es/EBRIT/micro/micro_269_42.html | |
26. Walter Rudolf Hess — FactMonster.com More on Walter Rudolf Hess from Fact Monster Information Please 1949 1949 Previous Year Next Year World U.S. Economics Sports Entertainment Science Deaths http://www.factmonster.com/ce6/people/A0823596.html | |
27. Hess, Walter Hess, Walter Rudolf Hess: Information From Answers.com Hess , Walter Hess , Walter Rudolf Hess Swiss physiologist noted for studies of the brain http://www.answers.com/topic/hess-walter-hess-walter-rudolf-hess |
28. Hess, Walter Rudolf Hess, Walter Rudolf (18811973) Walter Rudolf Hess was born in Frauenfeld, East Switzerland, on March 17, 1881. His father was a teacher of physics who allowed http://www.cartage.org.lb/en/themes/Biographies/MainBiographies/H/Hess1/Hess.htm | |
29. Walter Rudolf Hess (Swiss Physiologist) -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia Walter Rudolf Hess (Swiss physiologist), March 17, 1881Frauenfeld, Switz. Aug. 12, 1973AsconaSwiss physiologist, who received (with Ant nio Egas Moniz) the 1949 Nobel Prize for http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/264128/Walter-Rudolf-Hess | |
30. Walter Hess Definition Of Walter Hess In The Free Online Encyclopedia. Hess, Walter Rudolf . Born Mar. 17, 1881, in Frauenfeld; died Aug. 12, 1973, in Z rich. Swiss physiologist. Hess studied medicine at the universities of Lausanne, Bern, Kiel http://encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com/Walter Hess |
31. Walter Hess Hess, Walter Rudolf (18811973) Hess, Walter Rudolf (1881-1973) Physiologist, born in Frauenfeld, Switzerland. As professor of physiology at Z rich (1917-51) he did much http://userwww.sfsu.edu/~rob/HessW.html | |
32. NOBLE PRIZE QUEST - SMT. NHL Municipal Medical College HESS WALTER RUDOLF. Hess welter Rudolf, a Nobel Prize winner physiologist, Born on March, 17th 1881 died on August 12th 1973 in Switzerland. He was originally an ophthalmologist by http://www.nhlmmcgym.com/noble-prize-quest.htm |
33. Hess, Walter Rudolf (Swiss Physiol.) Hess, Walter Rudolf (Swiss physiol.) studies of brain http://www.uv.es/EBRIT/index/index_he_ss__7.html | |
34. Hess, Walter Rudolf Walter Rudolf Hess biography. Who is Walter Rudolf Hess? Walter Rudolf Hess bio. http://www.hls-dhs-dss.ch/textes/d/D14404.php | |
35. Full Text Translator, Language Translation | Free Translations From Dictionary.c Free full text language translations at Translate.Reference.com. Free online translator and multilingual dictionary for over 50 foreign languages. http://translate.reference.com/translate?query=hess, walter rudolf |
36. Hess, Walter Rudolf - Personenlexikon Walter Hess, Walter Rudolf Hess. 3. Hess Nazi leader who in 1941 flew a solo flight to Scotland in an apparent attempt to negotiate a peace treaty with Great Britain but was http://www.personenlexikon.net/d/hess-walter-rudolf/hess-walter-rudolf.htm | |
37. What Does Walter Hess Mean? Hess, Walter Hess, Walter Rudolf Hess Swiss physiologist noted for studies of the brain (18811973) http://www.definitions.net/definition/walter hess |
38. Walter Rudolph Hess Biography | BookRags.com World of Anatomy and Physiology on Walter Rudolph Hess. Walter Rudolf Hess won the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine in 1949, for his work in analyzing the function of the http://www.bookrags.com/biography/walter-rudolph-hess-wap/ |
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