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41. Hermann Hesse / Oglethorpe University Museum Online Gallery Oglethorpe University Museum's extensive online gallery of watercolor paintings and drawings of Nobel Prize winning novelist Hermann Hesse. http://museum.oglethorpe.edu/hesse.htm | |
42. The Nobel Prize In Literature 1946 Includes portrait, speech introducing Hermann Hesse, autobiographical sketch, bibliography, and remarks delivered at that year s banquet. http://nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/literature/laureates/1946/index.html | |
43. Hesse, Hermann Summary | BookRags.com Hesse, Hermann. Hesse, Hermann summary with encyclopedia entries, research information, and more. http://www.bookrags.com/eb/hesse-hermann-eb/ |
44. Siddhartha By Hermann Hesse - Project Gutenberg Hesse s novel in plain text (two versions), HTML, as a zip file, or in plucker format, from Project Gutenberg. http://www.gutenberg.org/etext/2500 | |
45. Hesse, Hermann Hesse, Hermann Encyclopedia article; The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition, 2004. Read Hesse, Hermann at Questia library. http://www.questia.com/read/101249105 | |
46. GLASS BEAD GAME The Sacred Science Institute would like to participate in the current efforts to develop the Glass Bead Game on the Internet by providing those participating in this endeavor with the content necessary for a true rendering of ultimate conception of the game. http://www.glassbeadgame.com/GBG.htm | |
47. Das Hermann Hesse-Portal Biograf a, bibliograf a, Hesse como pintor, archivos sonoros, el Premio Nobel. http://www.hermann-hesse.de/es/biographie/framebiografie.shtml |
48. Hermann Hesse - Sein Leben Und Wirken Lebenslauf Hesses, Hinweise auf sein Denken sowie Buchvorstellungen mit Kommentaren und Links. http://www.orbit9.de/wissen/hesse/index.htm | |
49. Hermann Hesse — Infoplease.com Encyclopedia Hesse, Hermann. Hesse, Hermann (her'm n hes' u) , 1877–1962, German novelist and poet. A pacifist, he went to Switzerland at the outbreak of World War I and became http://www.infoplease.com/ce6/people/A0823598.html |
50. Sekundärbibliographie Bietet eine per e-Mail abfragbare Datenbank an, die Quellennachweise aus bibliographischen Ver ffentlichungen zusammenstellt. http://www.hermann-hesse-sekundaerschrifttum.de/ |
51. Hesse Hermann - Email, Address, Phone Numbers, Everything! 123people.com Everything you need to know about Hesse Hermann Email addresses, Phone numbers, Biography, Poet, Paperback, Montagnola, Novels, GEDICHTE, Wisdom, Novelist http://www.123people.com/s/hesse hermann |
52. Hesse, Hermann Synonyms, Hesse, Hermann Antonyms | Thesaurus.com No results found for Hesse, Hermann Did you mean Horseman ? Find definitions, audio pronunciations, example sentences, spelling, synonyms, antonyms, translations, word http://thesaurus.com/browse/Hesse, Hermann |
53. Hermann Hesse Die offizielle Site der Stadt bietet eine Kurzbiografie, bersichten ber sein Werk sowie Informationen zum Hermann-Hesse-Museum am Ort. http://www.calw.de/servlet/PB/menu/1150074_l1/ |
54. Hesse, Hermann - Culture Definition of Hesse, Hermann from The New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy. http://culture.yourdictionary.com/hesse-hermann |
55. Hesse Projekt - Homepage Die Komponisten Sch nherz und Fleer stellen mit dem Hesse-Projekt ihr zweites Projekt mit modern vertonter Lyrik vor. Zu finden sind H rbeispiele und die Vorstellung der beteiligten K nstler. http://www.hesse-projekt.de/ |
56. Hesse, Hermann | Facebook Welcome to the Facebook Community Page about Hesse, Hermann, a collection of shared knowledge concerning Hesse, Hermann. http://www.facebook.com/pages/Hesse-Hermann/115090161836291?v=stream |
57. Universitätsbibliothek | Freie Universität Berlin : Service - Internetquellen Kommentierte Linksammlung von der FU Berlin. http://www.ub.fu-berlin.de/service_neu/internetquellen/fachinformation/germanist | |
58. Projekt Gutenberg-DE - SPIEGEL ONLINE - Nachrichten - Kultur Sein Leben und sein Werk (1927). http://gutenberg.spiegel.de/?id=5&xid=133&kapitel=1 |
59. Hesse, Hermann - German, Devoted, World, And Life (German, 1877–1962) Hesse worked as a bookseller before he became a writer. He moved to Switzerland in protest against German militarism in the First World War, and remained http://www.jrank.org/literature/pages/18924/Hesse-Hermann.html |
60. Poems Of Hermann Hesse Kleine Sammlung von Gedichten Hesses. http://www.fa-kuan.muc.de/HESSE.HTML |
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