Kosmix One sec... we're building your guide for Stereochemistry document.k_start_apptier = "Nov 01 00:39:26.794968"; kapp.assignCol($('ads_banner_top'), 'topnav_container'); Stereochemistry Shopping Images Video ... Reference kapp.nav_menu_container = $('refine_nav').down(".navs_container"); kapp.assignCol($('refine_nav'), 'topnav_container'); kapp.assignCol($('uc_kosmixarticles_shadow'), 'right_container'); Snapshot Wikipedia Yahoo! Reference from Wikipedia Stereochemistry Stereochemistry , a subdiscipline of chemistry, involves the study of the relative spatial arrangement of atoms within molecules. An important branch of stereochemistry is the study of chiral molecules. Stereochemistry is also known as 3D chemistry because the prefix "stereo-" means "three-dimensionality". Stereochemistry is a hugely important facet of chemistry and the study of stereochemical problems spans the entire range of organic, inorganic, biological, physical and supramolecular chemistries. Stereochemistry includes methods for determining and describing these relationships; the effect on the physical or biological properties these relationships impart upon the molecules in question, and the manner in which these relationships influence the reactivity of the molecules in question (dynamic stereochemistry Louis Pasteur could rightly be described as the first stereochemist, having observed in 1849 that salts of tartaric acid collected from wine | |