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         Hofstadter Robert:     more books (18)
  1. Electron Scattering and Nuclear and Nucleon Structure: A Collection of Reprints by Robert Hofstadter, 1963-01-01
  2. The Electron Scattering Method and its Application to the Structure of by Robert HOFSTADTER, 1962
  3. Fluid Concepts and Creative Analogies by Douglas Hofstadter, Melanie Mitchell, et all
  4. Now the enemy is within our borders: the impact of European revolutions on American perceptions of violence before the civil war.: An article from: ATQ (The American Transcendental Quarterly) by Timothy M. Roberts, 2003-09-01

21. Hofstadter, Robert | Definition Of Hofstadter, Robert | Online Dic
Find out what Hofstadter, Robert means A Dictionary of Scientists has the definition of Hofstadter, Robert. Research related newspaper, magazine, and journal articles at

22. Hofstadter, Robert
Hofstadter, Robert (19151990) US nuclear physicist who made pioneering studies of nuclear structure and the elementary nuclear constituents, the
Hofstadter, Robert
US nuclear physicist who made pioneering studies of nuclear structure and the elementary nuclear constituents, the proton and the neutron. He established that the proton and neutron were not pointlike, but had a definite volume and shape. He shared the 1961 Nobel Prize for Physics.
Hofstadter demonstrated that the nucleus is composed of a high-energy core and a surrounding area of decreasing density.
He helped to construct a new high-energy accelerator at Stanford University, California, with which he showed that the proton and the neutron have complex structures and cannot be considered elementary particles.
Hofstadter was born in New York and educated at City College and Princeton. From 1950 he was at Stanford, where his early work involved bouncing, or scattering, electrons from complex nuclei, such as gold. This produced accurate pictures of the charge distribution within nuclei. Gradually, smaller nuclei were studied by Hofstadter and his team, using electrons of increasing energy. By 1960, accurate data had been obtained for the proton and neutron, revealing the spatial distribution of charge and magnetization within these particles.

23. Hofstadter, Robert Summary |
Hofstadter, Robert. Hofstadter, Robert summary with encyclopedia entries, research information, and more.

24. Hofstadter, Robert --� Kids Encyclopedia | Online Encyclopedia | Kids Online Dic
Hofstadter, Robert (191590), U.S. physicist and educator. Born in New York, N.Y., Hofstadter was a joint recipient of the 1961 Nobel prize in physics for discovering the

25. Hofstadter Robert - Science Definition
Definition of Hofstadter Robert from The American Heritage Science Dictionary.

26. Hofstadter, Robert
US nuclear physicist who was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1961 for his work in scattering electrons in atomic nuclei, and for his pioneering studies of nuclear structure Hofstadter

27. Hofstadter, Robert
Hofstadter, Robert (b. Feb. 5, 1915, New York, N.Y., U.S.d. Nov. 17, 1990, Stanford, Calif.), American scientist who was a joint recipient of the Nobel Prize for Physics in
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Hofstadter, Robert
(b. Feb. 5, 1915, New York, N.Y., U.S.d. Nov. 17, 1990, Stanford, Calif.), American scientist who was a joint recipient of the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1961 for his investigations of protons and neutrons Hofstadter was educated at Princeton University, where he earned a Ph.D. in 1938. He joined the faculty there in 1946, where his principal scientific work dealt with the study of infrared rays, photoconductivity, and crystal and scintillation counters. Hofstadter taught at Stanford University from 1950 to 1985. At Stanford he used a linear electron accelerator to measure and explore the structure of atomic nuclei. He found that both the proton and neutron have a central, positively charged core surrounded by a double cloud of pi-mesons. Both clouds are positively charged in the proton, but in the neutron the inner cloud is negatively charged, thus giving a net zero charge for the entire particle. Related Propaedia Topics: Properties used in classifying particles

28. AccessScience | Biography | Hofstadter, Robert
About AccessScience. AccessScience is a subscriptionbased website that features continually updated scientific and

29. Robert Hofstadter (American Physicist) -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia
Facts about Hofstadter, Robert, as discussed in Britannica Compton's Encyclopedia Hofstadter, Robert When did Robert Hofstadter die? When was Robert Hofstadter born?
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Table of Contents: Robert Hofstadter Article Article Supplemental Information Supplemental Information - Spotlights Spotlights External Web sites External Web sites Citations ARTICLE from the Robert Hofstadter Nobel Prize for Physics in 1961 for his investigations of protons and neutrons , which revealed the hitherto unknown structure of these particles. He shared the prize with of Germany.

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31. Facts About Hofstadter, Robert, As Discussed In Britannica Compton's Encyclopedi
Facts about Hofstadter, Robert, (1915–90), U.S. physicist and educator. Born in New York, N.Y., Hofstadter was a joint recipient of the 1961 Nobel prize in physics for
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    Facts about Hofstadter, Robert, as discussed in Britannica Compton's Encyclopedia Hofstadter, Robert
    (1915–90), U.S. physicist and educator. Born in New York, N.Y., Hofstadter was a joint recipient of the 1961 Nobel prize in physics for discovering the structure of protons and neutrons. During World War II, he helped develop a proximity fuze to detonate warheads. In 1948, he invented the scintillation counter to detect subatomic particles smaller than protons and neutrons. Hofstadter was... Get Random Facts

32. Robert Hofstadter Definition Of Robert Hofstadter In The Free Online Encyclopedi
Hofstadter, Robert . Born Feb. 5, 1915, in New York. American physicist. Hofstadter graduated from Princeton University in 1938. He then worked for the National Bureau of Hofstadter

33. Hofstadter, Robert
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34. Robert Hofstadter Winner Of The 1961 Nobel Prize In Physics
Hofstadter, Robert (19151990) (submitted by Jackson) Robert Hofstadter Biography from Encyclopedia Britannica (submitted by Robert Hofstadter-Biography (submitted
1961 Nobel Laureate in Physics
    for his pioneering studies of electron scattering in atomic nuclei and for his thereby achieved discoveries concerning the stucture of the nucleons

    Residence: U.S.A
    Affiliation: Stanford University, Stanford, CA
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35. Hofstadter, Robert (1915-1990) -- From Eric Weisstein's World Of Scientific Biog
American physicist who used the Stanford Linear Accelerator (SLAC) to study the scattering of highenergy electrons by atomic nuclei. He announced the possible existence of the
Branch of Science Physicists Nationality American ... Physics Prize
Hofstadter, Robert (1915-1990)

American physicist who used the Stanford Linear Accelerator (SLAC) to study the scattering of high-energy electrons by atomic nuclei. He announced the possible existence of the and mesons He shared the 1961 Nobel Prize in physics with

3 ROBERT HOFSTADTER February 5, 1915November 17, 1990 BY JEROME I. FRIEDMAN AND WILLIAM A. LITTLE R OBERT HOFSTADTER WAS BORN in New York City, educated on the East Coast, but spent most

37. Nancy Hofstadter, Meeting Services Manager, The Rensselaerville Institute Confer
Hofstadter, Robert Hofstadter, Robert National Aviation Hall of Fame Inc Hofstadter, Robert Nobel Prizes
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38. HowStuffWorks "Hofstadter, Robert"
Robert Hofstadter, an American physicist, won the 1961 Nobel Prize in physics for his research concerning the nucleus (center) of the atom. He precisely measured the size and; OAS_AD('TopBanner'); HowStuffWorks
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    Hofstadter, Robert (1915-1990), an American physicist, won the 1961 Nobel Prize in physics for his research concerning the nucleus (center) of the atom. He precisely measured the size and shape of the proton and the neutron, two particles within the nucleus, and he presented the first reasonably consistent picture of the structure of the nucleus. Hofstadter shared the prize with the German physicist Rudolf Ludwig Mössbauer, who won for his separate research on gamma rays. Hofstadter was born on Feb. 5, 1915, in New York City. In 1935, in New York City. In 1935, he earned a bachelor of science degree in physics from the City College (now City University) of New York. He received both master's and doctoral degrees from Princeton University in 1938. From 1939 to 1941, Hofstadter conducted research and taught physics at the University of Pennsylvania. From 1942 to 1943, during World War II (1939–1945), he was a physicist at the National Bureau of Standards (now the National Institute of Standards and Technology). Hofstadter married Nancy Givan in 1942. They had three children. From 1943 to 1946, Hofstadter worked at Nordeen Laboratories in New York. He was an assistant professor of physics at Princeton from 1946 to 1950.

39. Robert Hofstadter Robert Bellarmine Robert Koch Robert A.
Robert Hofstadter Robert Bellarmine Robert Koch Robert A. Canadian Gateway, Business Guides, Entertainment, Travel. Listing and reviews of Canadian Web sites.
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Robert Hofstadter February 5 November 17 ) was the winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics "for his pioneering studies of electron scattering in atomic nuclei and for his thereby achieved discoveries concerning the structure of the nucleons." He was born in New York City . His parents were Polish Jew s who had emigrated to the United States at the turn of the century. Robert Hofstadter is the father of the cognitive scientist and philosopher Douglas R. Hofstadter (born ), probably best known for his Pulitzer Prize -winning book
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Hofstadter, Robert Hofstadter, Robert Hofstadter ... Hofstadter, Robert
Topics: Robert Hofstadter, Robert Bellarmine, Robert Koch, Robert A....
Robert Bellarmine Roberto Francesco Romolo Bellarmino Saint Robert Bellarmine , a Saint of the Roman Catholic Church and a controversialist, was born at Montepulciano (35 km s. w, of Arezzo), in Tuscany, Italy, October 4, 1542; died in Rome September 17, 1621. He is one of

40. Robert Hofstadter - Pipl Profiles
2 quotes and quotations by Robert Hofstadter Robert Hofstadter. Related Authors John Kenneth Galbraith. Thomas Sowell. Jeremy Rifkin

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