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21. Sympathetic Vibratory Physics - John W. Keely's Sacred Science. Josephson, Brian D. Text The discovery of tunneling supercurrents. Science. 184(4136), May 3, 1974. p. 527530. See Also tunneling, foundations of physics. http://www.svpvril.com/svpnotes/J/Josephson,_138731.html | |
22. Constructional Tools As The Origin Of Cognitive Capacities - Cogprints Josephson, Brian D. (2000) Constructional Tools as the Origin of Cognitive Capacities. Conference Paper (In Press) http://cogprints.org/983/ | |
23. Josephson And Blair On Language A HOLISTIC APPROACH TO LANGUAGE. Brian D. Josephson. Cavendish Laboratory, Madingley Road, Cambridge CB3 0HE, England. email bdj10@cam.ac.uk. and David G. Blair http://www.tcm.phy.cam.ac.uk/~bdj10/language/lang1.html | |
24. Bio-/Biblio-graphical Data Of Authors Whose Names Start With J Josephson, Brian D. * 1940. REF B.D. Josephson Physics and Spirituality The Next Grand Unification? , Physics Education G.B., Vol. 22, No. 1, January 1987, pp. 15 19 p. http://mpec.sc.mahidol.ac.th/preedeeporn/AUTHORSJ.HTM |
25. Briss | Define Briss At Dictionary.com briss noun the Jewish rite of circumcision performed on a male child on the eighth day of his life syn Berith http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/Briss |
26. Bris | Define Bris At Dictionary.com –noun Hebrew . Brith. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/bris |
27. Josephson Junction Definition Of Josephson Junction In The Free Online Encyclope Josephson tunneling Josephson Tunneling Device Josephson, Brian D Josephson, Brian David Josephson, Brian David Josephson, Ernst Josephus Josephus Josephus http://encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com/Josephson junction |
29. Brian D. Josephson Biography | BookRags.com He received his bachelor's degree (1960) more. Josephson, Brian D. (born Jan. 4, 1940, Cardiff, Glamorgan, Wales) British physicist whose discovery of the Josephson e http://www.bookrags.com/biography/brian-d-josephson-wop/ |
30. Jewish Nobel Prize Laureates - Physics Josephson, Brian D. for his theoretical predictions of the properties of a supercurrent through a tunnel barrier, in particular those phenomena which are generally known as the http://www.science.co.il/Nobel-Physics.asp |
31. Parapsychology, Anomalies, Science, Skepticism, And CSICOP Interview with Dean Radin • Radin, Dean et al. Frequently Asked Questions about Parapsychology Page 1, Page 2, Page 3 • Utts, Jessica and Josephson, Brian D. http://blavatskyarchives.com/zeteticism.htm | |
32. Brian Eb - Email, Address, Phone Numbers, Everything! 123people.com Josephson, Brian D. BookRags.com Josephson, Brian D.. Josephson, Brian D. summary with encyclopedia entries, research information, and more. http://www.123people.com/s/brian eb |
33. Biographies Of Computer Pioneers A-J Jones, Dr. Kirk; Pioneered business planning software; principal designer of IFPS (1975) Josephson, Brian D.; Josephson switch, hyper speed switching http://www.thocp.net/biographies/biographies.htm | |
34. Abstracts: Josephson's Inner Junction. The Nicest Guy In Washington. Lying By Th Evaluation, Behavior, Science, Physicists, Nobel laureates, Mysticism, Parapsychology, Parapsychology and science, Josephson, Brian D. http://www.faqs.org/abstracts/Science-and-technology/Josephsons-inner-junction-T | |
35. Nobel Prize In Physics 1973 Ivar Giaever Received Nobel Prize for work he had done before he had completed his PhD. Brian D. Josephson Brian D. Josephson web site Return to Top- http://www.slac.stanford.edu/library/nobel/nobel1973.html | |
36. Brian D. Josephson - Significado De Brian D. Josephson Diccionario JOSEPHSON, BRIAN D., Great Britain, Cambridge University, Cambridge, b. 1940 for his theoretical predictions of the properties of a supercurrent through http://es.thefreedictionary.com/Brian D. Josephson |
37. Elliott Cresson Medal - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Josephson, Brian D. Brian D. Josephson Physics Josephson effect and theory of matter at low temperatures 1972 Lear, William Powell William Powell Lear http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elliott_Cresson_Medal | |
38. Lakefield Standard Josephson, Brian D., Albert City, Iowa, underage drinking, $190. Lopez, Daniel D., Zacatecus, Mexico, speed, $140. Luebben, Arnold L., Heron Lake, failure to stop at entrance of http://www.lakefieldstandard.com/Stories/Story.cfm?SID=24822 |
39. Brian David Josephson - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Josephson, Brian D. Biography by Britannica. How Josephson Discovered His Effect. by Philip Anderson, Physics Today, November 1970. Anderson's account (he taught the graduate http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brian_David_Josephson | |
40. Josephus - Hutchinson Encyclopedia Article About Josephus Josephson, Brian D Josephson, Brian David Josephson, Brian David Josephson, Ernst Josephus Josephus Exoniensis Josephus Exoniensis Josephus Flavius Josephus Iscanus http://encyclopedia.farlex.com/Josephus |
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