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21. AccessScience | Biography | Ketterle, Wolfgang The content above is only an excerpt. Please log in for full access. http://www.accessscience.com/content.aspx?id=M0101661 |
22. Wolfgang Ketterle Winner Of The 2001 Nobel Prize In Physics Wolfgang Ketterle, the 2001 Nobel Prize Laureate in Physics, at the Nobel Prize Internet Archive. http://almaz.com/nobel/physics/2001b.html | |
23. HowStuffWorks "Ketterle, Wolfgang" Wolfgang Ketterle helped discover a new state of matter, the BoseEinstein condensate (BEC). http://science.howstuffworks.com/dictionary/famous-scientists/physicists/wolfgan | |
24. Wolfgang Ketterle (German Physicist) -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia Wolfgang Ketterle (German physicist), October 21, 1957Heidelberg, West GermanyGermanborn physicist who, with Eric A. Cornell and Carl E. Wieman, won the Nobel Prize for Physics in http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/764318/Wolfgang-Ketterle | |
25. Electronic Structure Of Helium Hydride Title Electronic structure of helium hydride Authors Ketterle, Wolfgang Affiliation AA(MaxPlanck-Institut f r Quantenoptik, D-8046 Garching bei M nchen, Federal http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/1989PhRvL..62.1480K | |
26. Wolfgang Ketterle Physics Cornell Nobel Condensation Cooling Home Wolfgang Ketterle Wolfgang Ketterle (born October 21, 1957, in Heidelberg, Germany) is a German physicist and a professor of physics at the Massachusetts Institute of http://www.economicexpert.com/a/Wolfgang:Ketterle.htm |
27. Wolfgang Ketterle - Storming Media Pentagon reports and documents by To be informed of important news about our site, enter your email here. You can always unsubscribe later. http://www.stormingmedia.us/authors/Ketterle__Wolfgang.html | |
28. Research (BEC@MIT) Publications and figures (use these pages for complete information on projects) http://cua.mit.edu/ketterle_group/research.htm | |
29. The Emission Spectrum Of Helium Hydride. IV. Bands Near 4100 And 4600 Å Title The emission spectrum of helium hydride. IV. Bands near 4100 and 4600 Aring Authors Ketterle, Wolfgang Publication The Journal of Chemical Physics, Volume 93, Issue http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/1990JChPh..93.6929K | |
30. Wolfgang Ketterle Summary | BookRags.com Wolfgang Ketterle. Wolfgang Ketterle summary with 2 pages of encyclopedia entries, research information, and more. http://www.bookrags.com/wiki/Wolfgang_Ketterle |
31. Ketterle, Wolfgang - Personenlexikon Deutsch Wolfgang Ketterle (* 21. Oktober 1957 in Heidelberg) ist ein deutscher Ketterle, Wolfgang ( 408,284 bytes http://www.personenlexikon.net/d/ketterle-wolfgang/ketterle-wolfgang.htm | |
32. Wolfgang Ketterle - Pipl Profiles Physics Home Undergraduate Program Why Physics? 2005 Lecturer Wolfgang Ketterle Wolfgang Ketterle, Physics Nobel laureate and the John D. MacArthur http://pipl.com/directory/name/Ketterle/Wolfgang |
33. WOLFGANG KETTERLE - Encyclopédie Universalis Ketterle, Wolfgang, Scully, Marlan O. Abstract We review the phenomenon of equilibrium fluctuations in the number of condensed atoms in a trap containing N atoms total. http://www.universalis.fr/encyclopedie/wolfgang-ketterle/ |
34. Scientific Commons Fluctuations In Ideal And Interacting Bose Ketterle, Wolfgang, Scully, Marlan O. Abstract We review the phenomenon of equilibrium fluctuations in the number of condensed atoms in a trap containing N atoms total. http://en.scientificcommons.org/21734717 | |
35. Wolfgang Ketterle - Wikipedia@pedia Wolfgang KetterleWolfgang Ketterle Wolfgang KetterleBorn21 October 1957 (195710-21) (age 50)Heidelberg, GermanyResidence Germany USANationality GermanEthnicity http://wikipedia.atpedia.com/en/articles/w/o/l/Wolfgang_Ketterle_deb0.html | |
36. Ketterle, Wolfgang | Wissen.de Nositel Nobelovy ceny za fyziku pro rok 2001, kterou obdržel za uskutečněn BoseEinsteinovy kondenzace v rozpuštěn ch plynech alkalick ch kovů a za http://www.wissen.de/wde/generator/wissen/ressorts/natur/naturwissenschaften/ind |
37. Nobel Conference 41: The Legacy Of Einstein, September 27&28, 2005, Gustavus Ado Wolfgang Ketterle. Wolfgang Ketterle is widely known for his research in atomic physics and laser spectroscopy, particularly in the area of ultracold atomic matter using samples of http://gustavus.edu/events/nobelconference/2005/?pr=presenters/ketterle |
38. Kettering, England - Hutchinson Encyclopedia Article About Kettering, Northhamptonshire Kettering, Northhamptonshire Kettering/Butzel Health Initiative Ketterle, Wolfgang kettie kettie ketties ketties http://encyclopedia.farlex.com/Kettering, England |
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